Henry 要回來了!!!!! - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

By Charlie
at 2011-01-10T19:24
at 2011-01-10T19:24
Table of Contents
回來練球。( ̄ー ̄;)
Henry makes sensational Arsenal comeback
By John Cross
Thierry Henry has made a sensational return to Arsenal.
Thierry Henry 已回到 Arsenal。
Gunners legend Henry, 33, the club’s record goal scorer, will train with
Arsenal for the next fortnight before returning to the US.
現年33歲的槍手傳奇人物 Henry,同時也是球會的進球紀錄保持人,會在 Arsenal 待個
Henry took part in his first training session yesterday and has agreed a
regular programme of sessions until January 19 to help him stay in shape for
the New York Red Bulls.
Henry 已經參與昨天的第一次訓練,接受常規訓練課程直到一月19日,來保持自己最佳狀
態以回到 紐約紅牛隊 。
France World Cup star Henry had offers from Premier League clubs who wanted
to sign him on loan for the next few weeks before the start of the MLS season.
曾拿下法國世界杯冠軍的球星 Henry 收到來自許多英超球會的租借合同,希望他能踢個
幾週再回去踢 MLS(美國職業足球大聯盟)。
But Henry just wanted to train with a club and Arsene Wenger granted his
dream wish to go back to his beloved Arsenal.
但 Henry 只是想和球會一起訓練,而 教授 同意他的請求並讓他回到鍾情的 Arsenal。
Henry is also planning to offer some help and advice to Arsenal’s strikers
in the next couple of weeks.
Henry 也將在這兩週內,提供幫助和建議給 Arsenal 的射手們。
Several of Arsenal’s strikers still hold Henry in the highest regard and
Theo Walcott has particular admiration for the ex-Gunners captain and has
spoken many times of the advice and help he has received in the past.
許多 Arsenal 射手非常敬佩 Henry,尤其是 Theo Walcott 特別讚賞這位前槍手隊長,
Wenger allowed Beckham to train with Arsenal in the past and clearly believes
older players can offer experience to his young stars.
教授 也曾讓 Beckham 在 Arsenal 訓練,並相信年長的球能給年輕球員不少經驗。
Henry, who left for Barcelona in 2007, is still passionate about Arsenal and
is a regular at the Emirates whenever he has time off from the MLS and is
back in England.
Henry,2007 年離開槍手到 Barcelona,依然熱愛著 Arsenal,且只要 MLS 在休賽期間並
回到英格蘭時,會經常來 Emirates 球場看球。
But there was never any possibility of Henry going back to Arsenal in a
playing capacity but he will be delighted to be training with his old club.
但目前未有跡象顯示 Henry 會有回 Arsenal 的可能,但他會很樂意與老東家一起訓練。
是在上個賽季主場 vs Blackburn 6:2 的勝利。
鏡頭經常三不五時帶到 Henry,以及他的小女兒。
是在 去年11/20 對熱刺以 2-3 被逆轉的慘敗。
(法布!你幹麻在禁區向他揮手 ( ̄ー ̄;))
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
Henry makes sensational Arsenal comeback
By John Cross
Thierry Henry has made a sensational return to Arsenal.
Thierry Henry 已回到 Arsenal。
Gunners legend Henry, 33, the club’s record goal scorer, will train with
Arsenal for the next fortnight before returning to the US.
現年33歲的槍手傳奇人物 Henry,同時也是球會的進球紀錄保持人,會在 Arsenal 待個
Henry took part in his first training session yesterday and has agreed a
regular programme of sessions until January 19 to help him stay in shape for
the New York Red Bulls.
Henry 已經參與昨天的第一次訓練,接受常規訓練課程直到一月19日,來保持自己最佳狀
態以回到 紐約紅牛隊 。
France World Cup star Henry had offers from Premier League clubs who wanted
to sign him on loan for the next few weeks before the start of the MLS season.
曾拿下法國世界杯冠軍的球星 Henry 收到來自許多英超球會的租借合同,希望他能踢個
幾週再回去踢 MLS(美國職業足球大聯盟)。
But Henry just wanted to train with a club and Arsene Wenger granted his
dream wish to go back to his beloved Arsenal.
但 Henry 只是想和球會一起訓練,而 教授 同意他的請求並讓他回到鍾情的 Arsenal。
Henry is also planning to offer some help and advice to Arsenal’s strikers
in the next couple of weeks.
Henry 也將在這兩週內,提供幫助和建議給 Arsenal 的射手們。
Several of Arsenal’s strikers still hold Henry in the highest regard and
Theo Walcott has particular admiration for the ex-Gunners captain and has
spoken many times of the advice and help he has received in the past.
許多 Arsenal 射手非常敬佩 Henry,尤其是 Theo Walcott 特別讚賞這位前槍手隊長,
Wenger allowed Beckham to train with Arsenal in the past and clearly believes
older players can offer experience to his young stars.
教授 也曾讓 Beckham 在 Arsenal 訓練,並相信年長的球能給年輕球員不少經驗。
Henry, who left for Barcelona in 2007, is still passionate about Arsenal and
is a regular at the Emirates whenever he has time off from the MLS and is
back in England.
Henry,2007 年離開槍手到 Barcelona,依然熱愛著 Arsenal,且只要 MLS 在休賽期間並
回到英格蘭時,會經常來 Emirates 球場看球。
But there was never any possibility of Henry going back to Arsenal in a
playing capacity but he will be delighted to be training with his old club.
但目前未有跡象顯示 Henry 會有回 Arsenal 的可能,但他會很樂意與老東家一起訓練。
是在上個賽季主場 vs Blackburn 6:2 的勝利。
鏡頭經常三不五時帶到 Henry,以及他的小女兒。
是在 去年11/20 對熱刺以 2-3 被逆轉的慘敗。
(法布!你幹麻在禁區向他揮手 ( ̄ー ̄;))
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
All Comments

By Hardy
at 2011-01-11T23:11
at 2011-01-11T23:11

By Faithe
at 2011-01-13T02:58
at 2011-01-13T02:58

By Mary
at 2011-01-14T06:45
at 2011-01-14T06:45

By Elvira
at 2011-01-15T10:33
at 2011-01-15T10:33

By Daniel
at 2011-01-16T14:20
at 2011-01-16T14:20

By Liam
at 2011-01-17T18:07
at 2011-01-17T18:07

By Cara
at 2011-01-18T21:54
at 2011-01-18T21:54

By Victoria
at 2011-01-20T01:41
at 2011-01-20T01:41

By Kyle
at 2011-01-21T05:29
at 2011-01-21T05:29

By Regina
at 2011-01-22T09:16
at 2011-01-22T09:16

By Odelette
at 2011-01-23T13:03
at 2011-01-23T13:03

By Heather
at 2011-01-24T16:50
at 2011-01-24T16:50

By Dorothy
at 2011-01-25T20:38
at 2011-01-25T20:38

By Kumar
at 2011-01-27T00:25
at 2011-01-27T00:25

By Elizabeth
at 2011-01-28T04:12
at 2011-01-28T04:12

By Emma
at 2011-01-29T07:59
at 2011-01-29T07:59

By Ida
at 2011-01-30T11:47
at 2011-01-30T11:47

By Queena
at 2011-01-31T15:34
at 2011-01-31T15:34

By Todd Johnson
at 2011-02-01T19:21
at 2011-02-01T19:21

By Edward Lewis
at 2011-02-02T23:08
at 2011-02-02T23:08
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