Henin變美了.. - 網球

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2007-07-21T21:37

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from ju官網英文站長翻譯原新聞的~真酷 他終於也踏上時尚圈啦 哈哈


Her rivals hardly laugh at Justine, but the number 1 has a weak point...
Armani! She melts for the Italian guru, thus is Juju was particulary
delighted when the desiginer himself proposed for the photoshoot, "She felt
like a child in front of a shop window".

Nine months of negotiations between Justine's tennis management, Armani
company and Le Soir magazine - and the photo exclusive came to light. "It was
lenghty work", sighed the Le Soir editor Michel Marteau. But the result can
be seen. It was especially a question of the right schedules between all
parties, and everyone involved were enthusiastic to take part in the shoot.

Last Wednesday everything fell into place. For the shoot a complete
operation, nothing was left to chance, everything needed to be complete - a
hotel in Brussels was rented. "A spectacle," testify Marteau, whom attended
the shoot. The Italians prepared everything. "The professionalism dripped
even from the walls (laughs). They had their own make up artist, stylist,
image consultant, hairdresser, coordinators".

For eight hours Henin, who's usually in tuned on the tennis court appeared
also to be queen and master on the set. "Everyone's heads were in the clouds
with Justine. I know about her, but I've never seen her like this", said

The shoot took eight hours, and Justine enjoyed it the most. Photo sessions
such are time consuming. For each new photograph Henin was taken and styled
by the Armani people. She had hair extensions for a number of photograph also
implantated, but you want to accentuate, not exaggerate

Giorgio Armani had made a complete assortment to clothes available for
Justine, but she picked her own favorites.

"I define my clothes style as rather casual. Jeans, sports clothes, t-
shirts, nothing too decorative - simple. I like to emphasize me. Not be seen
as someone that happens to be wearing an outfit", Justine said of her style.

Justine talked about a bit more and where's her state of mind is."The
separation with Pierre-Yves has worked out well. At this moment my tennis
career is my primary interest.Everything revolves around it. Children? now
that's something I'm always interested in, and there will come a day that I
will have time for my own children."

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2007-07-23T16:21

海寧因傷缺席阿庫拉精英賽 有望在羅傑斯杯重新復出

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2007-07-20T11:29
海寧因傷缺席阿庫拉精英賽 有望在羅傑斯杯重新復出 http://sports.sina.com.cn 2007年07月19日15:06 新浪體育    新浪體育訊 自從溫網輸給了巴托麗之後,海寧就一直處於假期中,當地時間7月18日, 這位比利時皇后宣佈,下個禮拜開始,她將在摩納哥開始恢復性訓練。   ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2007-07-18T23:09
從官網討論區看到的 Henin上and#34;Le Soirand#34;雜誌 封面還真美...其他張頭髮有點點假就是.... -- The cover is fantastic! http://www.lesoir.be/services/pubs/henin/imports/cover.jpg htt ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2007-07-16T11:08
首先感謝各位給我許多意見 由於消化這些意見也需要一些時間 才拖了這一段日子…… 原本的第一次草圖我也有留著 可以讓大家比較之後,再決定要什麼樣式 那我以下就一些各位給我的意見 與我自己的想法做一些敘述 首先我想要講的是 Henin他給我的感覺一向就是 簡單、俐落、不囉唆的極簡風 (光看他的衣服就知道了, ...

Re: 版服草圖

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2007-07-11T14:49
※ 引述《mosquito305 (每一個我都是獨一無二)》之銘言: : http://www.wretch.cc/album/forhenin (前文恕刪) 看到大家討論板服討論的很開心, m大的圖真的設計的很可愛andgt;/////andlt; 以下是比較現實面的觀點以及個人經驗提供參考, 如有 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2007-07-10T21:47
嗯嗯 過了這麼久, 不知道大家心情恢復了嗎? 還沒的話, 這裡有個冷笑話, 大家隨便看囉 :P =====================以下是可能不大好笑的冷笑話分隔線======================= 今天, 我和朋友聊天, 聊到了一些關於juju的事.... ...