Henin考慮進行手肘手術 - 網球

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2011-02-15T09:38

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Henin ponders surgery on elbow that ended her career


Feb 14 (Reuters) - Former world number one Justine Henin will decide in the
coming months whether she needs surgery on an elbow injury that ended her
tennis career last month.


Speaking to reporters for the first time since announcing she was retiring
from the sport for the second time, Henin said her elbow problem was
complicated and may need surgery even if she did not return to the game.


"I hope I will be able to live normally, without surgery. In a few months I
will have to make a decision on that," she told a news conference in a
Brussels restaurant on Monday.


Henin, 28, announced her retirement on Jan. 26, shortly after losing to
Svetlana Kuznetsova in the third round of the Australian Open.

Henin, who first retired in 2008 only to return to the game in 2010, said she
felt her elbow was improving slowly at the end of last year but that stepping
up her game for the Australian Open had made matters worse.


"When I came back from Australia things were much worse than after the fall
in Wimbledon in July," she said, referring to the tumble in the fourth-round
defeat by compatriot Kim Clijsters at Wimbledon, the only grand slam title to
have eluded her.


"I injured the tendon, the ligament and the nerve. It's quite a complicated


The seven-times grand slam champion said she was looking forward to her life
after the sport and would focus on her tennis academy and charity work.

Ju打算未來重心放在網球學校與慈善事業上。(間接否認要賣Justine N1的消息)

Henin, who began her career in 1999 and won 43 titles, said the highlight had
been winning gold at the 2004 Olympic Games.

When she retired for the first time in May 2008 after becoming disillusioned
with the game she become the first woman to quit the sport while ranked
number one.

Her 2010 comeback was short-lived as after hurting her elbow at Wimbledon she
missed the rest of the season and though she returned this year she could not
practise without pain and was a shadow of her former self during the
Australian Open.

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All Comments

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2011-02-17T07:13
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2011-02-19T04:48
不管要不要進行手術 希望Henin都能有個健康的人生

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By Irma
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