Henin 'is best of her generation' - 網球

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2008-05-15T10:47

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Billie-Jean King 還有大小威 伊萬 最後是Roger

(是因為她之前會放音樂給juju聽的關係嗎? 哈哈)

Henin won 41 singles titles, including seven Grand Slams, before calling time
on her glittering career at the age of just 25 on Wednesday.

"Pound-for-pound, Justine was the best player of her generation," said King.

Serena Williams, one of Henin's main rivals, added: "She was a great champion
and gave me so much trouble."

Serena's sister Venus praised Henin's character and refusal to accept defeat.

"She was a great opponent and a real fighter," she said.

"She always challenged herself to play her best tennis, no matter what the

"I don't know what the details are but if she made that decision it's
probably the best decision for her. My prayers are with her and I hope that
she continues to lead the life that's best for her."

Henin's coach Carlos Rodriguez said tennis fans would remember the diminutive
Belgian for the way she conducted herself as much as for her triumphs on

"Technically and tactically she has it all. But I think she will be
remembered for the way in which she won and lost and the way she never gave
up no matter what was going on in her life," said Rodriguez.

"She never craved fame and money. All she wanted to do was play and win."

King agreed with Rodriguez's assessment of Henin's contribution as an
ambassador for the sport.

"I trust she has not come to this decision quickly or easily and I wish her
the very best," added King.

"Justine is an extraordinary player, a special person and a true champion in
both tennis and in life."

World number three Ana Ivanovic, who lost to Henin in the final of last
year's French Open, said the diminutive star brought a style of her own to
the sport.

"Tennis loses another champion, she was a great player and she achieved so
much," said Ivanovic.

"She brought a lot to the women's game.

"Justine had a completely different game to any other girl on the tour
probably. She worked really hard and last year she had some amazing results.
I'm sorry to hear this."

Henin is the first woman to walk away from the sport while top of the
rankings, while her remarkable 10 titles from 2007 are still fresh in the

But one title which did elude Henin was Wimbledon and the announcement of her
retirement came just two weeks before she was due to defend her French Open
crown in Paris.

And the men's world number one Roger Federer admitted he was surprised at the
timing of the announcement.

"It's obviously a shock for the tennis world," said Federer.

"It's a particular surprise before Roland Garros and Wimbledon, which she's
never won.

"It's quite surprising and unfortunate that she's out of the game but she
will have her reasons.

"She is a special player because she can play on any surface and it's
remarkable that she's won so many tournaments because she is small and the
tall players coming in now have an advantage.

"I couldn't imagine deciding out of the blue to retire, especially if I was
number one.

"I would prefer to take a year off if it was all getting too much for me,
rather than saying straight out that I'm not going to go on."

Tags: 網球

All Comments


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-05-15T10:05
LPGA前球后索倫斯坦也在昨日宣布退休了 相對於Henin突如其來的震撼彈 索倫斯坦則是在突破去年零冠窘境之下 帶著滿滿笑容宣佈年底退役,明年初結婚 今年真的是很流行退休....... 我覺得Henin的退出真是太令人震驚了 連讓人去目睹他最後風采的幾次機會都不給 看著她用球拍向觀眾拍手的機會都沒有 詠 ...

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2008-05-15T10:03
還記得2001年溫網 第一次跟著父親在床上看衛視體育台轉播 那時是我父親要看我才跟著看 剛好看到Henin成名作跟卡普亞蒂的四強戰 除了驚訝她的瘦小身軀外 那神奇的單手反拍更是了不起 也是經過那時候開始了我一直追尋Henin的比賽 其實我一直覺得以Henin的身材在競爭激烈的女網中 非常不具有優勢 尤其是所 ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2008-05-15T10:01
看到大家的心得,我想,我了解卻沒哭,因為實在已經不知從何反應。 Ju是我心中第一個超級偶像,也是我第一個如此熱中的人,對她,我覺得既陌生又熟悉, 這樣一個讓我常常晚上睡不著(球賽太緊張)的人,忽然要把她從我生活抽離,實在很難 去接受。 我從國中就是她的支持者,但是要到高三(Orz)才完全變成死忠fan ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-05-15T09:08
起先看到這個版 怎麼變的有點怪怪的 少了點什麼 多了點什麼(約一點半左右) 爬了一下才知道 原來Justine Henin選擇引退了 之前有最壞的打算 就是看他打到27歲 沒想到....... 連27天都不到 我從今年澳網才跟Ju結緣 還不到半年欸 我哭了..... 曾經跟大家半夜一 ...

Henin 加油~

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-05-15T08:42
真的很震驚Henin要退休了 網球史上第一位 位居第一 然後 急流勇退 說真的有點捨不得 還想看Henin瘦小的身體在球場奔馳 雖然 我之前並不太支持他 但Henin總有辦法說服我贏球 出色的上網截擊和令人驚艷的單手反拍 真的 每場勝利都很艱辛 頂尖球員想必承受過人的壓力 在球場上才能成就完美的演 ...