Henin battles knee injury in hunt for more grand slam ti - 網球

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By Jake
at 2008-02-27T10:17

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Henin battles knee injury in hunt for more grand slam titles

Richard Jago in Dubai
Tuesday February 26, 2008
The Guardian

Justine Henin said yesterday that it was "a big mistake" to have competed in
the Australian Open last month with a knee injury, raising another question
about the world No1's future.

Henin, returning to defend her two-year unbeaten record in the Dubai Open,
has long been mindful of an old virus which may have remained in her system.
Now she revealed that she went to Melbourne with discomfort in her right knee
and returned after losing in a quarter-final feeling so much worse that she
endured three weeks of inactivity and cortisone injections.

Many people regard cortisone as a career-shortening risk but then risk-taking
has been an important part of Henin's coping strategy for some time, not least
in developing an increasingly adventurous style of play.

"I shouldn't have played in Australia but I did a big mistake because it takes
a few weeks to recover," she said. "I could not play for three weeks and had
to have cortisone injections, and to play with pain is not that easy mentally
either. I was feeling already a bit injured when I left for Australia but you
always think it's going to get better."

Henin was concerned not to suggest that this was why she lost to Maria
Sharapova, saying that the Russian was the best player there. Her concerns
were with the future and not the past. "It's a chronic problem with the knee
and it may come back. I have to pay attention. The schedule is difficult and,
if I want to stay on a few more years, I have to be more careful."

Henin is 26 this year. She won her first title at 17 and 10 years is said to
be the likely span of a top-line player these days. She is well aware of it.
"If I want to be able to play a few more years it's going to be [by] moving
forward and going to the net. I'm not that tall and I'm not that strong, so
I need to be physically at my best level all the time," she said. "I have to
play my game all the time and my game is attacking the ball and taking some
risks. I always move forward in my life - this is the same."

It applies to life off court, too, where rapprochement with her family after
the end of her marriage may remove another emotionally exhausting ingredient
in her life. The week before last in Antwerp her father watched her play for
the first time in more than seven years. "It's another step," she said. "Now
we can live together. What happened in these seven years happened - and we
have to respect that. We all grow up a lot in that experience."

For Henin tennis has often been an escape and she will be glad to get going
again tomorrow after a first-round bye - even though it may be against Nadia
Petrova, a former world No3 from Russia.


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All Comments

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-02-28T17:07
聽來真是嚇死人= ="
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-03-01T18:24
感覺職業選手都會有不少傷耶 HENIN好好加油吧
我還想看你打好多好多年耶 加油嚕
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2008-03-03T13:06
我還想看你打好多好多年耶 加油嚕


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2008-02-27T09:46
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2008 CENTRE COURT start 2:00pm L Safarova (CZE) vs [2] S Kuznetsova (RUS) [WC] S Mirza (IND) vs [4] J Jankovic (SRB) Not Before 7 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2008-02-24T08:11
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: zerkchu () 看板: Tennis 標題: 杜拜女網賽籤表 時間: Sun Feb 24 02:13:36 2008 1-HENIN, Justine BEL BYE PETROVA, Nadia RUS vs. Q BAMMER, Sybille ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2008-02-20T00:51
頒獎時刻 www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO05K39l0co 男嘉賓是不是演過DH里的一個角色? 采訪 www.youtube.com/watch?v=le1DTTUqoX0 還有 www.sporza.be/cm/sporza.be/ander%2Bnieuws/1.25409 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2008-02-19T16:06
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Justine Henin: Laureus Sportswoman of the Year

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By Zora
at 2008-02-19T13:14
http://www.sonyericssonwtatour.com/1/newsroom/stories/?ContentID=2057 Justine Henin: Laureus Sportswoman of the Year 2008/02/18 ST. PETERSBURG, Russia - ...