Henin a Gem中英對照 - 網球

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2007-09-14T23:32

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This is Diana Nyad for KCRW, and this is The Score.

Justine Henin is not only the best woman tennis player in the world at the
moment. She may play one of the most well-rounded games of any champion in
the sport's history. Before we go any further,
however, I can't help but say that it makes me beyond crazy that none of the
myriad of tennis announcers can pronounce her name correctly. They go to
great lengths to get the Serbian names right--and they're not easy. Djokovic.
Ivanovic. I was going to say that they do well with the Russian names as
well, but the truth is they've got many of those wrong, too. They say
KuznetSOVA, instead of the proper KuNETSova. They've got it SharaPOVA,
instead of the correct SaRAPova. But we Americans are big on the OVA sound
for Russians and even the Russians have given in to our malaprops when it
comes to their names. But the butchering of Henin's name grates like
fingernails down a blackboard to my ears. If you knew you were going to say
the Number One player in the world's name for two weeks at a time at the US
Open, and you were spending dozens of hours on all kinds of research to be on
top of every reportorial detail, wouldn't you consult a French native to get
this simple name Henin right?

Justine Henin 不僅是目前世界第一的網球選手,也是網壇史上打法最全面的一位冠軍,
但在我們開始談她之前,我忍不住要抱怨,太多運動新聞主播都把她的名字唸錯了! 大家

But no, they ALL say it wrong. They put the emphasis on the first syllable
and then just trail off into a vague, indistinguishable vowel. "Hene. Hene
hasn't lost a set the entire tournament. Hene hits a sublime one-handed
backhand." Listen up, you tennis experts. It's Henin. Emphasis on the second
syllable. And the "nin" is pronounced as in cousin, voisin, tartartin. It's
Henin, for God's sake.

停! 你們這些網球專家們,是安娜 (Henin),重音在後面那個娜上, 然後那個“nin”
的i發音就如同cousin, viosin, tartartin一樣,是“安娜”!

But I do digress. Back to the tennis this 25 year-old Belgian is playing.
Billie Jean King said during Saturday night's final at the US Open that Henin
may be the greatest woman athlete she's ever seen. The cold, shy, dry,
self-congratulatory, un-engaging personality Henin has displayed while
winning seven major titles has kept fans from rising from their seats to
cheer her on. Point blank, we haven't been drawn to her much and that lack of
popularity has detracted from us noticing just how very impressive she is
with a racquet. It's the Ivan Lendl story 30 years later. I admit it's taken
me a few years, but this US Open pushed me to a state of heartfelt Justine
Henin appreciation.

后Billie Jean King說Henin是她生平所僅見,最棒的女子球員了。生性冷淡又害羞,不
采的球技,就像是30年前的Ivan Lendl一樣,像我自己,也是花了好幾年的時間才注意到

Height and power are de rigeur at the upper echelons of today's game. The
5'6" Martina Hingis has been applauded for her comeback, after three years in
retirement, but the analysts agree that Hingis is simply too small to handle
the big bruising serves of the Williams sisters. 5'10" is no longer
considered tall on tour. 5'6" is a serious disability. And truth be told,
Henin doesn't quite measure 5'6". She's technically 5' 5-3/4". But she has
classic, powerful ground strokes, a serve that doesn't match pace with the
big boomers but is effective, and foot speed that makes hitting a winner
against her a rare occasion. Henin is even starting to smile occasionally and
a big posse of us are at last warming up to the diminutive Belgian.

在目前網壇中,身材和力量絕對是第一優勢,退休後又復出的Martina Hingis 5呎6吋已

We have been soaking up the genius of World Number One Roger Federer every
step of the way toward his twelve Grand Slam titles. Federer once again
elegantly took the US Open and I now retract my assertion that we can't
totally embrace a champion unless he has a worthy rival to push the limits of
his performance. Except for the few occasions on clay against Rafael Nadal,
Federer's position is analogous to Tiger's on the golf tour. If you're a
golfer in this era, you walk in Tiger's shadow. If you're a top tennis
player, you are experiencing the misfortune of peaking simultaneously with
the finest player who has ever stepped up to the base line. But for us fans,
the players' misfortune is our privilege.

我們長期以來看著網壇天才Roger Federer一路嬴了12座大滿貫,這一次,他又以優雅的
在法網Rafael Nadal能抗衡之外,一直看他嬴很難覺得有什麼感動,他的地位已經像
Tiger Woods在高爾夫球界的地位了,同時也讓同期世界頂尖的球員難以超越,算是他們

his is Diana Nyad for KCRW, and that's The Score.

Tags: 網球

All Comments

David avatar
By David
at 2007-09-19T13:36
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2007-09-23T18:56
才要感謝你 你花的時間才多...Henin翻譯達人 好讚喔!
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2007-09-26T02:53
兩位都感謝 哈哈XD 這篇好棒
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2007-09-26T14:37
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2007-09-27T14:04
你嘛幫幫忙,拜託喔… 好台的翻法 haha
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2007-09-28T07:09
中文音譯比較像"安能"; 安娜(Anna),最後非弱母音 @@a괠
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2007-10-01T04:43
謝謝翻譯,推一個 ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2007-10-03T02:53
我都是靠Henin的消息讓我英文不會退化太快 呵呵...
但C大的翻譯有一種親切熟悉感 很喜歡 真希望國內也能
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2007-10-06T01:31
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2007-10-08T02:19
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2007-10-10T17:00
許主播多年前是唸對了 現在唸錯
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2007-10-11T22:00
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2007-10-14T20:35
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2007-10-19T09:35
許主播就很有趣 有時那樣唸 過一會又這樣唸 超好玩的
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2007-10-21T19:07
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2007-10-23T09:54
推推 話說回來 Justine . Maria 跟 Svetlana 我的念
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2007-10-26T22:56
法竟然都是對的耶 超開心(轉圈圈+灑花瓣)
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2007-10-31T10:25
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-11-01T04:26
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2007-11-05T09:14
H在法文中不發音 in發成鼻音 所以比較像[A那]

嘿嘿嘿 我在軍中還是有關心HENIN

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2007-09-13T18:10
一樣 都是要犧牲我的睡眠時間 跑去看比賽 還好空軍管的沒有很嚴 打大威 打小威 我都有看到 就算沒有看到現場直播 我還是會去搶電視看重播 但是礙於班表 最重要的決賽我就這樣錯過了 噢.... 想說就算了 等放假回來看好棒網站上面有沒有 耶~~~又依個大滿貫耶!! 我也快退伍了 明 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2007-09-13T14:35
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QALlT4xU-9c 把精彩球都剪進去了 想問一個問題 為什麼超棒網站的美網影片只到第三輪atat 我想蒐集大小威的(●;-_-)● - ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2007-09-13T10:14
Roger andamp; Justine http://bbs.tennis.com.cn/uploadFiles/2007-09/13_6217670_1.jpg Roger http://bbs.tennis.com.cn/uploadFiles/2007-09/13_6217673_1.jpg ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2007-09-13T00:38
這是一位版友(超低調不好意思自介)分享的圖片 這幾年...我們家juju真是越來越美麗了andgt;///andlt; http://www.fuzzysignal.com/tennis/before.htm 今年真開心...年度女球員真的很有機會...年終再來一發閃光吧!! - ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2007-09-13T00:13
安安啊! 我是第一天來到貴寶地 也爬了一些文章 發現也舉行過版聚~~屌 請問大家都是哪縣市的呢? 也好希望很快能有相約看球的機會~~ - ...