Gilbert被告 - 美網 Tennis

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2006-08-29T21:00

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Gilbert being sued over LTA deal

Coach Brad Gilbert says he does not want Andy Murray to be distracted from
his US Open bid by a disagreement between Gilbert and his agents.

Creative Sports and Entertainments are suing for alleged breach of contract,
saying he negotiated to join the Lawn Tennis Association without permission.

"Andy has a tough enough task as it is - I will deal with my situation,"
said the 45-year-old American.

LTA supremo Roger Draper said he was "not unduly concerned" by the matter.

This year's US Open is the first Grand Slam tournament in which the British
number one has been seeded, at number 17.

His first-round opponent at Flushing Meadows is American qualifier Robert

Political,opinionated,energetic and determined.

You've triumphed over tragedy and proved that nothing can stop you.

Stay beautiful,darling!

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Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2006-08-29T18:16
不好意思~看見各位喜歡ANDY的版友討論, 似乎都是看網路轉播 難道.... 今年美網不會播嘛?? 之前看CCTV播世足賽就覺得看的很不習慣 主播也不太公正... 前幾天有看到辛辛那提網球賽的菁華 看到ANDY的英姿真的很開心 想在電視上看到ANDY啊... - ...

阿加西美網首日演完美逆轉 經典傳奇書寫告別序曲

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2006-08-29T13:37 新浪體育訊  紐約8月28日消息,在下了一個早上的大雨後,紐約城的天空在這天傍晚卻 始終晴朗,36歲的安德魯-阿加西就在這樣的時候站到了法拉盛的中心球場上,開始了他 勇敢而輝煌的謝幕之戰 ...

US Open看Chan vs Flipkens

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2006-08-29T12:48
※ [本文轉錄自 TW-M-Tennis 看板] 作者: midtown (風帆中) 站內: TW-M-Tennis 標題: US Open看Chan vs Flipkens 時間: Tue Aug 29 12:45:49 2006 今天下午翹班到US Open觀看詹詠然的比賽,還好早上因雨延賽,所以還 ...

2006美網第一輪 Agassi d. Pavel

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2006-08-29T12:30
6-7 7-6 7-6 6-2 歷時3小時半的苦戰 有點令人捏把冷汗 希望趕緊儲備體力 對付下一場 Agassi rocks on!!!!! - ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2006-08-29T11:10
只能在USOPEN的官方網站看線上比數 PAVEL感覺超難纏的 前兩盤都打到搶七 第二盤的搶七還打到10:8 現在第三盤開打一開始就被破發球局 PAVEL暫時先取得2比0的領先 請問有人看到LIVE嗎??邐逊 對方真的打得很好嗎?? AGASSI加油阿~~~~~~~ - ...