Georgetown vs 81火箭隊瘋狂大亂鬥 - NCAA

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2011-08-19T14:22

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作者: permoon (有志難伸優質寫手ㄉㄉ) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] Georgetown vs 81火箭隊瘋狂大亂鬥
時間: Fri Aug 19 14:07:38 2011

Georgetown basketball exhibition in China ends in brawl

What began as a goodwill trip to China for the Georgetown men’s basketball
team turned violent Thursday night when its exhibition game against a Chinese
professional club deteriorated into a benches-clearing melee in which players
exchanged blows, chairs were thrown and spectators tossed full water bottles
at Hoyas players and coaches as they headed to the locker room.





Georgetown Coach John Thompson III pulled his players off the Olympic
Sports Center Stadium court with 9 minutes 32 seconds left in the game
and the scored tied at 64 after a chaotic scene in which members of the
Georgetown and Bayi Military Rockets teams began swinging wildly and
tackling one another.



There were an estimated half-dozen individual altercations on the court,
and eventually some Chinese onlookers joined the fracas, including one
wielding a stanchion. As the brawl spilled beyond the baseline, an
unidentified Bayi player pushed Georgetown’s Aaron Bowen through a
partition to the ground before repeatedly punching the sophomore guard
while sitting on his chest.



Aaron Bowen遭一個不知名的扒衣球員推出分隔板並倒地,該不知名球員接著就

騎在Aaron Bowen身上並瘋狂海扁他(真的是狂歐,請見影片)。

Georgetown senior center Henry Sims had a chair tossed at him by an
unidentified person, and freshman forward Moses Ayegba, who was
wearing a brace on his right leg, limped onto the court with a chair
in his right hand. According to Georgetown officials, Ayegba had been
struck, prompting him to grab a chair in self-defense.

另一位高年級的喬治城中鋒Henry Sims則遭到不知名球員以傳奇兵器-好折凳襲擊,

另一位右腿裝了支架的一年級的前鋒Moses Ayegba,手上拿著好折凳一跛一跛的走




The brawl occurred one night after Vice President Biden, who is in
Beijing on a four-day visit to discuss U.S.-Chinese economic relations,
attended a Georgetown game against another Chinese club at the Olympic
Sports Center. That game, which was won by Georgetown, passed without

The turbulent ending to Thursday night’s contest marred what had been
billed as the second game of a two-day “China-U.S. Basketball Friendship
Match” in Beijing. Georgetown intended for the team’s 10-day trip to
China to be an athletic, cultural and educational exchange designed to
promote the school internationally.

It was unclear whether the brawl would affect similar ventures in the future.
The Georgetown delegation, which included university President John DeGioia,
other school officials and prominent alumni and boosters, was scheduled to fly
to Shanghai on Friday. Thompson said the team would continue with the remainder
of its itinerary.

A State Department official and a Chinese Embassy spokesman in Washington both
called the melee “unfortunate.”

“We look to these types of exchanges to promote good sportsmanship and
strengthen our people-to-people contact with China,” said the U.S.
official, who was not authorized to speak for attribution.

“We believe the organizers of the matches and the two teams will
address the issue properly, the sportsmanship and people-to-people
friendship the matches are meant to represent will prevail,” said
the Chinese spokesman, Wang Baodong, in an e-mail.

Xinhua News Agency, China’s official news service, did not have an
immediate account of the game, and although other prominent Chinese
Web sites such as and posted stories, government
censors shortly thereafter took them down.

Tags: NCAA

All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-08-22T20:35
疝液之旅搞到變成大亂鬥,到底怎麼引爆的? XD
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-08-23T21:55
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2011-08-26T18:16
靠黑哨還贏不了大學隊 所以見笑轉生氣打架看會不會贏
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-08-28T16:52
太不識相了 這些人進不了NBA後 還想不想到中國撈錢呢
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-08-29T16:38
這才叫做打籃球嘛(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2011-08-31T20:34
我覺得能想像出球員頭上出現血條,血量銳減的情景 XD
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-09-04T11:44
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2011-09-06T00:24
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-09-08T21:02
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2011-09-10T00:26
包括原PO貼的華盛頓郵報 另外在推特上
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2011-09-13T19:48
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-09-15T15:00
這群大學生都不太敢動手 反觀是這群26....Y
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2011-09-17T06:08
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2011-09-18T20:45
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-09-21T14:40
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2011-09-24T12:07
為什麼不敢 是在中國還是美國阿?
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-09-28T07:22
素質就這樣 唉 可憐

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