G.Woods收到響尾蛇老闆威脅信後被開除 - 美國職棒

By Edwina
at 2021-07-23T11:26
at 2021-07-23T11:26
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根據 The Athletic 記者 Zach Buchanan 報導,
前亞利桑那州檢察長, 最近在 G&K 律師事務所任職的 Grant Woods
在 twitter 批評響尾蛇戰績爛爆,老闆應該將球隊賣給其他人:
So the AZ @Dbacks today set the record for most consecutive
road losses in the history of baseball. In Spring Training,
we said this team is non competitive and an insult to fans.
KK needs to sell the team to someone who cares.
Or don’t expect us to care. @mlb
響尾蛇老闆用私人 email 寄了一封威脅信,要他先小心自己的工作:
之後 Grant Woods 就被開除了,
根據 The Athletic 記者 Zach Buchanan 報導,
前亞利桑那州檢察長, 最近在 G&K 律師事務所任職的 Grant Woods
在 twitter 批評響尾蛇戰績爛爆,老闆應該將球隊賣給其他人:
So the AZ @Dbacks today set the record for most consecutive
road losses in the history of baseball. In Spring Training,
we said this team is non competitive and an insult to fans.
KK needs to sell the team to someone who cares.
Or don’t expect us to care. @mlb
響尾蛇老闆用私人 email 寄了一封威脅信,要他先小心自己的工作:
之後 Grant Woods 就被開除了,
All Comments

By Megan
at 2021-07-26T01:24
at 2021-07-26T01:24

By Hedy
at 2021-07-28T04:18
at 2021-07-28T04:18

By David
at 2021-07-30T22:10
at 2021-07-30T22:10

By Mary
at 2021-08-02T03:39
at 2021-08-02T03:39

By Gary
at 2021-08-03T06:44
at 2021-08-03T06:44

By Kristin
at 2021-08-06T17:44
at 2021-08-06T17:44

By Ivy
at 2021-08-11T14:40
at 2021-08-11T14:40

By Iris
at 2021-08-16T09:51
at 2021-08-16T09:51

By Ina
at 2021-08-17T02:21
at 2021-08-17T02:21

By Bennie
at 2021-08-21T04:41
at 2021-08-21T04:41
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