From Another Planet - 網球

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2006-11-13T17:51

Table of Contents


Off tour for seven weeks, Justine was not the first name on the media pundits
list of players to finish at #1 or even win the WTA Championships, despite a
history of playing out of this world tennis at big marquee tournaments. Flying
very much under the radar Justine entered Madrid, and gave a standing ovation
performance to sweep the honors of year end #1, season #1, plus Sony Ericsson
WTA Masters Champion.

The Big Questions

"I came here with a lot of questions in my head and I didn't know if I could be
healthy and play five matches at this level in six days. I just didn't know
what to expect, but it couldn't have ended better. I won the tournament and
ended the year as number one. What more could I ask for? I'm just so happy
right now. The key this week was being very aggressive no matter what
happened. I did a lot of serve and volley. I went to the net and it really
paid off. It's the first time I play well in the championships, and it's not
my best surface but I proved I could play here and I played well on it".

Living For The Moment

"I don't want to think about next year. I want to enjoy the moment. Life goes
by too fast, and if I start thinking about what's going to happen next year I
think I'll miss very important emotions right now. It's been an unbelievable
week. We didn't even know if I could play here 15 days ago, but we decided to
give it a go and it's gone like a dream."

Rating 2006

"I think I played 13 tournaments, got to 10 finals, had six victories and got
in the finals of all the grand slams and won the French Open. I wasn't at my
best level at Wimbledon and the U.S. Open, but I'm not going to think too much
about that. I can say now that this has been the best season of my career,
that's for sure."

Flight Plans For The Future

"Wimbledon is a goal next year, but it's not going to be an obsession, that
would be a mistake. Every time I walk on the court I want to give my best and
it's going to be great."

Allez Justine, and Thank you!

Tags: 網球

All Comments


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2006-11-13T15:26
雖然發現得有點晚 但是當我看到Justin是年終球后時 真是非常cheering 我們都知道現在的女子網壇競爭得非常非常激烈 有像momo sharapova kim這些一等一的球員 還有一大群令人生畏的俄羅斯軍團 Justin能夠在這些球員中以她的無比勇氣與意志站穩她的球后地位 想到此 就覺得心頭甜甜的 這 ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2006-11-13T04:31 時間算到Nov 13, 2006 這一週 排名 週數 1 Steffi Graf 377 2 Martina Navratilova 331 3 Chris Evert ...

by 板友 mosquito305

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2006-11-13T03:26
※ 引述《bog (only Henin !)》之銘言: : : 剛剛照一照上傳的 ^^ : 真的畫得很讚阿 ~~~ : 謝謝 m 板友的作品 : 讓每晚 juju 都可以陪我睡覺了 :p : 希望我把畫作貼上來妳不會介意啊 ^^ ...

by 板友 mosquito305

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2006-11-13T03:07 剛剛照一照上傳的 ^^ 真的畫得很讚阿 ~~~ 謝謝 m 板友的作品 讓每晚 juju 都可以陪我睡覺了 :p 希望我把畫作貼上來妳不會介意啊 ^^ - ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2006-11-13T03:00
C 姐那邊其實還有很多照片的說 本來想先等她傳的~~ 不過因為明天開始期中考周 我還是趕快先傳一下 再去唸書好了XD 相簿位址;book=7 精選三張相片跟影片:) 首先讓大家先睹為快的漂亮畫 ...