Fisk: 怎麼大家都不會怕啊 - 美國職棒

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2008-05-19T21:32

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Fisk says the game lacks fear

Fisk: 大家怎麼都不會怕

You know the bit. Goose Gossage, who'll be inducted into the Hall of Fame
this summer, recently criticized Joba Chamberlain, the New York Yankees'
wide-bottomed reliever, for his foolish celebratory routine out there on the
mound. And on Sunday, the 60-year-old Fisk - who looks more like a
40-year-old Fisk - seconded the motion.

上禮拜Goose幹礁了張爸他兒子. Fisk也要補一刀

"I think players do stupid things to get an edge, and now they're getting
caught," he said. "You have to do the game justice and do the right thing for
the game, and not just have the game do something for you. And that's what's
changed a little bit.

Fisk: 最近球員很愛幹一堆腦殘的事,然後開始被抓包了

"That happens a little bit more than it ever used to because pitchers don't
have to hit, and hitters don't have to be accountable when they come back up
to the plate because (the rules) have taken away that inside pitch that used
to scare you. So guys can get real comfortable out there and do a lot of
stupid things."

"現在投手都不用打擊了,所以投手都不會怕. 打者現在也不會怕, 因為現在的棒球
連打者都不怕內角球. 大家都不怕,所以大家都腦殘"

Of course, Fisk,who suited up for the Boston Red Sox and Chicago White Sox
over 24 big-league seasons, has long suffered "stupid things" poorly. And
back in 1990, when he was toiling for Chicago and Deion Sanders was posing as
a Yankee rookie, the man who answers to "Pudge" demonstrated just how low his
tolerance can be.

Fisk看到以前看到大家亂搞就很賭爛了. 我們舉個1990年Deion Sanders是小ㄐ的例子

You remember. On his previous at-bat, Sanders had failed to run out an
infield popout and when he next stepped into the box a couple of innings
later - this, after drawing his usual dollar sign in the dirt with the end of
his bat - Fisk, forever baseball's guardian, expressed his displeasure with
Neon Deion's tepid effort.

"Hey, man," the 22-year-old Sanders supposedly (and absurdly) replied, "the
days of slavery are over."

The non sequitur promptly riled Fisk, then 42 and the oldest player in the
majors. And he immediately stood over Sanders and, with the dugouts emptying,
roared, "If you don't play it right, I'm gonna kick your (bleep) right here
in Yankee Stadium."

Deion打完內野非球以後沒有跑。下次上來打擊的時候他就在土裡畫他的Dollar Sign.

Sanders: "你知道已經沒有奴隸了嗎 ㄎㄎ"

Fisk: "幹你繼續亂搞我現在就把你肛了"

That was 18 summersago, but on the Fisk front not much has changed. First of
all, the man who did throw hands with Thurman Munson (in Boston) and with Lou
Piniella (in the Bronx) in two different home-plate fights honestly looks as
if he could still strap on the gear and play. And secondly, he sounded on
Sunday as if he'd love the chance.

這已經18年前了, 但是這位大大事跟Thurman Munson跟Lou Pinella都幹過架的人

"Some of these offensive numbers are obscene," said Fisk, who batted .269 and
belted 376 home runs across his career that included more games caught than
any man in history. "The ballparks are smaller, the pitching staffs are
thinner, the strike zone is smaller, the balls are harder, the mounds are
lower, the bats are better. There are a lot of reasons, but the biggest
reason is that fear is not a factor anymore.

"現在的打擊成績太扯了. 球場小,投手鳥,好球袋小,球比較硬,棒子比較好,

"You used to find out really quick when you got Gaylord Perry and Bob Gibson
out there. Those guys were meaner than snakes. And if they could scare you,
you were out. So they weren't afraid to come up and in, and drill you in the
back. That was one of their pitches, fear. Now, there is no fear."

"以前遇到ㄍㄌPerry跟Bob Gibson的時候,大家真的都會怕. 現在呢? 大家都不怕了"


All Comments

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-05-23T02:40
Deion Sanders是那個角衛+外接員+回攻員+外野手嗎
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-05-25T17:46
他有當外野手喔...我怎麼不知道= =
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2008-05-28T09:05
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2008-05-29T13:22
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2008-06-01T20:57
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2008-06-03T06:53
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2008-06-04T18:11
Manny: 好嗎,再丟我找你ㄉㄍㄐ
ㄉㄍㄐ = 定孤枝
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-06-05T17:22
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2008-06-05T21:22
XD 堆高機

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By Olivia
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Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2008-05-19T20:33
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Suhail Hany avatar
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