First-Time Winner Spotlight: Leonardo Mayer - 網球 Tennis

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2014-07-21T09:28

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Hamburg, Germany
by ATP Staff | 20.07.2014

How does it feel to win your first ATP World Tour title?
To win my first ATP World Tour title is incredible. I'm really happy and I
still can't believe it. And by beating Ferrer, who is one of the best players
on clay.

Did you think you'd win your first title at age 28?
I won at this age because I had many years of injuries and couldn't maintain
regularity in training. That's why I'm so happy for [today].


This was your second singles final (Vina del Mar). Did you go into the match
with a different approach?
Vina gave me some experience to be more calm to play today. It helps to have
played a final before and today I was more relaxed.

Talk about your success this week, not dropping a set en route to the final
and then beating three seeds (Garcia-Lopez in the second round, Kohlschreiber
in the semi-finals, Ferrer in the final) to win the title.
Having beaten Garcia-Lopez and Kohlschreiber gave me extra motivation and
today against Ferrer was special because I admire him a lot and it was a
tough match. But I played relaxed and therefore won.

Not only was this your first ATP World Tour title but you also beat your
first Top 10 opponent (Ferrer). That is quite an accomplishment, talk about
I told my coach that it was the first time I beat a Top 10 player. It's very
difficult because they play at a very high standard and it's very difficult
to beat them. Also I haven't played many 500's and it's nice to play well and

What did you do well during the week to win six matches?
It was a lot of matches, but I handled it very well. The matches were not so
long so I could last the whole week and that gave me the energy to win the
final today.

You are putting together the best season of your career and now you will be
ranked in the Top 30 of the Emirates ATP Rankings and the No. 2 Argentine.
What was your goal coming into this year?
It's the first time I'm in the Top 30; it's amazing. And being the No. 2 in
Argentina after Juan Martin del Potro is something special. In Argentina, to
have two players in the Top 30 is very positive and it will help to grow
tennis in Argentina.

You reached the fourth round at Wimbledon, your best Grand Slam result. You
have successful results on hard courts as well. Is clay your best surface and
how do you like playing on the others?
To reach the Wimbledon fourth round was something strange for me - for any
Argentine - but my game lets me play well on all surfaces. That also helped
me this week and helped me to be confident.


Is there anyone you want to thank for your success?
It's all work over many years with my coaches, family and my girlfriend.
Today and this year, it all came together. When I get back to Argentina I'll
celebrate with all the people who deserve it.

Who were the players you looked up to and admired growing up?
My idol is Roger Federer. I've watched him for a long time. Hopefully before
he retires he can give me a tennis lesson at a tournament (laughs). I hope to
face him sometime and enjoy him on court.


Tags: 網球

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Hamburg男網賽冠軍-Leonardo Mayer

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