Fed Cup 06- On with the Match! - 網球

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2006-07-16T22:58

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Fed Cup 06- On with the Match!

Belgium plays the Fed Cup semi-final against the USA this weekend. Justine
arrived into Belgium from Monaco on Friday to be there for support in Ostend,
but the team (Carl, Kim, Kirsten, Caroline, Justine and Leslie) have decided
that in the best interest of ensuring a good sporting environment she should
not be present at the tie. There were certain reactions from the public about
Justine's decision to not play in the semi-final matches due to exhaustion
from 6 weeks of tour tennis that made this compromise unfortunately unfold.

Justine will be in contact with Kim, Carl and Kirsten by phone; her heart
will be with them at each point. We'll have match updates, and info right
here all weekend.

Kirsten rises and strikes the first big blow
Kirsten currently ranked in at world #122 was victorious in the opening match
against the USA. It took three sets, but she defeated Jill Craybas much to
her own delight. After nervous play for two sets, the goal was achieved 5-7
6-2 6-4 for Flipkens. Congratulations Kirsten!

Kim spikes American hopes
*Kim defeated spirited Jamea Jackson in a messy three set match at 4-6 6-2
6-1. It's reverse singles on Sunday with Kim taking on King first, then
Kirsten for Jackson in the second match of the day.

Allez Come on!

*A last minute change, Vania King will play Kim in the first match on day 2.

話說juju雖然回到比利時 並想到現場加油代表支持
到時美網打完了 只要沒受傷 juju應該也不敢不打了吧 哈

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2006-07-17T10:31
要入場加油還拒絕阿 呼呼
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2006-07-22T02:24
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2006-07-25T13:02
真的被拒絕嗎 ?好怪 !我也希望 juju能打決賽 ^^
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2006-07-25T17:49
進決賽了 對決義大利 希望那時候健康的HENIN參賽
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2006-07-28T08:26
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2006-08-02T05:11
William avatar
By William
at 2006-08-04T02:08
囧 我只能說無法理解..........

伊斯特本女單決賽! (一個月前的比賽)

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2006-07-16T12:25
(轉貼) 伊斯特本女單決賽! (一個月前的比賽) From米娜官網! http://anastasiya-myskina.ru/multimedia/video/eastbfin06.avi 看看米娜和海寧一場驚心動魄的決賽!!! 雖然小米娜輸了~ 不過看了這場比賽 我對米娜進年終賽的願望 更有信 ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2006-07-15T00:41
※ 引述《uaru (uaru)》之銘言: : 本來是不想繼續PO的...(因為沒拿到冠軍andgt;and#34;andlt;) : 不過剛版主在主版問了,想想應該還是有人要吧 : (不過我幾天前在本版問怎麼沒人理我呀?) : 想想還是貼出來了 : 有需要的人請自取 KMP Player http://o ...

"IN MY HEART YOU WON": Justine's "kids" speak!

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2006-07-14T22:54
這篇是這次溫網Henin邀請的那3個癌症兒童去英國觀看球賽後寫的感想 雖然是英文的,但是強烈建議大家一定要看看喔 這都是小孩寫的,所以裡面英文並不難,不用害怕^^ 看完這篇可以對Henin有多一點認識,多瞭解真正的Henin是很有愛心的 比那些奇怪的、來源不實的八卦報導好太多了 And to me itand ...

Re: 等一下star sport ace 有Justine的介紹哦~

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2006-07-14T21:49
※ 引述《cornershop (Justine~ go gO GO ^ ^)》之銘言: : 可能很短~ : 看一下囉 ^^ 介紹Henin的 http://myweb.hinet.net/home9/c37413/AceJustine.rm 25mb 5大精采好球 http://myweb.hi ...

阿加西告別之旅不捨首都 允諾將第17次參加華盛頓賽

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2006-07-14T20:24
阿加西告別之旅不捨首都 允諾將第17次參加華盛頓賽 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://sports.sina.com.cn 200 ...