Fed Cup 06 - In Spirit and Full Voice - 網球

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2006-07-12T23:31

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Fed Cup 06
In Spirit and Full Voice

The desire is in Justine having enjoyed the euphoria of Fed Cup back in
April at Liege, but after 18 matches, 39 sets at 3 tournaments in 6 weeks
with the pressures of 2 grand slams; she's exhausted. Justine doesn't feel
the freshness that will be required in her attacking game to be on court. She
will not play in the Fed Cup semi-final, but will be attending, to support
the team in full voice during the weekend at Ostend.

Justine's reflected, and it's been a difficult decision to make. She dearly
wanted to help teamates Kim, Kirsten and Caroline defend their national
colors, but the fatigue of a marathon's worth of tour tennis these past weeks
is the obstacle.

Justine will be in Ostend during the entire Fed Cup weekend supporting the
team. If the Belgian team can win this semi-final against the USA, a berth in
the finals will be played in September at Belgium. Good luck Kim, Kirsten,
Leslie, and Caroline we'll be behind you.

Allez Belgium!

確定不打聯邦盃四強 但會出席幫忙加油
希望這樣能獲得體諒 別再苛責juju不愛國了

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2006-07-14T14:10
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2006-07-18T10:26
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2006-07-19T08:00
嗯 !L板友 ,妳有點酸喔 ~
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2006-07-23T21:47
juju夠愛國了 ,希望比國球迷們能體諒她 ^^
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2006-07-24T15:46
很有心了 相信 比國的大家也都能夠體諒


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2006-07-12T01:31
※ [本文轉錄自 Seles 看板] 作者: yevgeny (耐打兒真耐打) 看板: Seles 標題: [影片] 1992年溫布頓決賽片段 時間: Wed Jul 12 01:28:25 2006 http://www.hemenpaylas.com/download/1168004/92wim.r ...

Re: [轉錄][影片] Rolex廣告

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2006-07-11T21:59
※ [本文轉錄自 Federer 看板] 作者: DelayLive (D-live) 看板: Federer 標題: Re: [轉錄][影片] Rolex廣告 時間: Tue Jul 11 13:52:33 2006 ※ 引述《jys (為何又是一樣...)》之銘言: : 請問 : 有沒有單單只有音樂而 ...

聯合會杯世界組半決賽週末開戰 四強陣中名將對對碰

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2006-07-11T20:44
聯合會杯世界組半決賽週末開戰 四強陣中名將對對碰 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://sports.sina.com.cn 200 ...

Andre, Thank you!!

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2006-07-10T23:33
雖然在心裡,對於你遲早的退役已視為理所當然, 然而,聽到這個消息,我還是只能掩口輕呼,這一天終於來臨。 Andre, 謝謝你。 謝謝你陪伴我走過我的青春歲月。 謝謝你讓我看見所謂堅強的意志力以及決心。 謝謝你為了追求夢想的努力帶給我們無比的驚奇。 謝謝你讓我可以抬頭挺胸的說:我永遠支持你! 在那個既青澀 ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2006-07-10T23:09
嗚嗯…… 不知道是哪裡出了什麼問題 我的檔案下載下來之後怪怪的 大概開起來沒幾秒鐘就當掉 接下來也會只剩下聲音 我是用RealPlayer看的 然後也試過用MideaPlayer和PowereDVD開過 請問有下載的各位是用什麼播放軟體看的啊? 還是檔案本身有問題呢? 之前庫娃的那場我也開不 ...