Family Life Keeps Agassi Grounded - 網球

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2005-09-10T08:56

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By SANDRA HARWITT, For The Associated Press
Fri Sep 9, 3:56 AM ET

NEW YORK - Andre Agassi has his priorities straight: kids first, then tennis.

Though he labored long into the night to beat James Blake in an epic
five-setter, Agassi was up early Thursday to play with his two toddlers
before heading back to the practice courts for a semifinals tuneup.

Before going to sleep at 4:15 a.m., three hours after finishing off Blake,
Agassi told his wife, Steffi Graf, not to keep their son Jaden and daughter
Jaz from waking him in the morning.

"When you're young, you can sleep in till 12," Agassi said after a 30-minute
practice session in the afternoon. "When you're older, your body clock goes
off, you're up early anyhow.

"I told Stef I wanted the kids jumping on me as soon as they can. She fought
them off until about 8:15. Jaden comes in and wants to get under the blankets
and make a house out of it. My little daughter asks me if I want coffee,
because she's big on helping me make my coffee."

What Agassi appreciates most about having children is that they keep him
grounded in reality. Although Jaden, almost 4, was seen pointing to a picture
of Agassi in a hallway at the Open earlier in the tournament, exclaiming that
it was "daddy," his children are blissfully unaware of their parents' star

"You realize when you have special moments they don't quite absorb it,"
Agassi said. "They're not interested in your dramas. They need you for a few
things, and you just count on each other."

Graf, a 22-time Grand Slam champion, made an easy transition from her former
life as a superstar to the more traditional roles of wife and mother.

Agassi acknowledges, though, that Graf's familiarity with what it takes to
play at the highest level enables him to keep going.

"How she helps me is with understanding the subtleties required to accomplish
this task," said Agassi, who has won "only" eight Grand Slam titles,
including two U.S. Opens. "She's been through it. She knows how to create an
environment that gives me that platform to succeed. It's things that don't
need to be said. She's very supportive of the times I have to come out and
work, time put in at the gym. And the time you have to rest. Those are the
more frustrating times.

"You are so tempted to burn the candle at both ends," he added. "You need an
environment that is constantly aware of the demands put on you."

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2005-09-14T01:34
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2005-09-18T08:31
有Steffi真好 :)
Graf版有中文翻譯報導 ^^
不過描述的很傳神 很可愛 ^^
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2005-09-21T02:26
家和萬事興 ^^
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2005-09-22T01:53
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2005-09-25T10:56
我覺得應該是寫反了 Jaz鑽到被窩,Jaden煮咖啡才像:P

Agassi sends a reminder to the younger set

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2005-09-10T08:36
Christopher Clarey International Herald Tribune FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2005 NEW YORK The better moment for Andre Agassi may be yet to come at this U.S. Op ...

No time for retirement!

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2005-09-10T08:33
Agassi too busy creating memories to hang it up Posted: September 9, 2005 Even in his 20th year on tour, Andre Agassi is showing why heand#39;s one of th ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
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重慶晨報:為老將喝彩 阿加西有如黃家駒

David avatar
By David
at 2005-09-10T08:17
按:黃家駒是香港樂團Beyond的主唱/吉他手...:P 2005年09月09日04:09 重慶晨報   黃家駒說,每次我拿起吉他,就像感覺背著寶劍。這是一種來自內心的震撼,提醒我 做音樂絕不能隨便。   昨天的阿加西也說,每當我拿起球拍,走上這塊場地 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2005-09-10T08:14 2005年09月09日11:57 《足球·勁體育》   特約記者肖越報導 本週三,美國國家網球中心的亞瑟·阿什球場人聲鼎沸,大家都 是沖著阿加西和布萊克這場美國德比大戰而來。這恐怕是繼2002年桑普拉斯和阿加西的美 網巔峰對決以來,亞瑟·阿什球場迎來的上座 ...