ESPN球員排名 - 美國職棒

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2007-06-14T22:45

Table of Contents

ESPN Defensive Player Rankings!!!

(The Actual Stats are inside the link. CLICK IT)


FPCT - Fielding Percentage (19%) - By far the most important measure of
fielding, fielding percentage has proven itself for more than a century as
the gold standard by which excellence is judged. Until now.

+/- 35 - How many years from Age 35 (16%) - Stats cannot measure a player's
leadership, which comes from experience. But this is the next best thing.

Ht>60 - Height over 60 inches (10%) - It's well known that taller players
have more trouble playing defense because their gangly limbs can get in the
way, unlike short, compact sparkplugs. This is only weighted 12% because it
would be unfair to be too hard on elite defenders like Derek Jeter who
overcome their height.

Skin - Skin tone (1-10) (14%) - Everybody knows that white players have to
work harder because they don't have as much natural talent. Hard work should
always be honored.

Elc. V - Electoral Votes of Home State (7%) - When you think of defensive
prowess, what do you think of? California and Florida boys who work in the
sun, good ol' Texas lads who farm during the day and play baseball at night,
and scrappy New Yorkers, full of piss and vinegar. All those states have a
lot of electoral votes. Nuff said.

Clutch - Clutch Ability (15%) - Do I have to say more?

Team WSWWII - Team World Series since WWII (9%) - Stat nerds were very
disappointed that we included quality of team in our ESPN Player Ratingsc.
I'm guessing that they don't think the sample size is large enough, so, after
consulting with a team of molecular biologists, I decided to go back more
than half a century to 1945! Take that small-sample whiners!

Jump - Random Jumping (10%) - Sometimes, you just need to leave your feet to
make a throw in order to inspire your teammates to greatness.




All Comments

George avatar
By George
at 2007-06-18T22:59
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2007-06-23T11:55
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2007-06-24T11:31
Jeter clutch 999999!!!! Xstein Skin 50!!!
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2007-06-24T19:48
Jeter Jump 10, 其他人都是0 XD
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2007-06-28T14:21
為什麼我家隊長數字這麼奇怪= ="
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2007-06-30T14:18


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2007-06-14T19:24
六月,紅襪感覺就像被之前豪大雨 沖刷到褪色了......= = 之前的勝場差「只」剩8.5場可以花 而且All_Star break都還沒過耶 我真的很害怕 不是我烏鴉嘴 很怕去年的屠殺再度重演...... 當初人在單車環島的我 看到報紙的報導簡直不敢置信......orz 希望今年不要歷史 ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2007-06-14T17:28
1.吹哥的拇指傷勢未見好轉 教練團決定讓他休息3-5天,希望這段時間休息可以讓他狀況好轉 頂替他位置的會是愛將或Vidro(生涯沒守過3B) 如果沒有好轉才會考慮DL 2.因為吹哥沒有要上DL 所以教練團暫不打算多帶一個RP 感謝米糕今天的好表現,他們得到了多一天休息 3.J-Lo在這 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2007-06-14T16:37
ESPN Player Ratings ESPN根據Bill James神秘公式所算出的目前球員貢獻排名 打者評分標準 Batting bases accumulated = TB + BB + HBP 20% Runs produced = Runs + ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2007-06-14T13:45
AB R H HR RBI TB BB SO SB OBP SLG AVG LOB DP E Lugo 46 3 6 1 4 10 3 9 3 .180 .217 .130 19 2 3 Coco 42 ...

Game 62 SEA 2:3 CHC

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2007-06-14T13:03
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E Seattle 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 7 2 Chi Cubs 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 X 3 9 0 ...