ESPN 大學校隊吉祥物票選大會 - NCAA

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2016-06-17T14:47

Table of Contents

原文標題 College football roundtable: Best mascots

原文出處 美式足球大學校隊總覽:最佳吉祥物

ESPN在美東時間六月六號 發佈了一項由ESPN員工票選的最佳吉祥物



就把這篇內文節錄和翻譯,讓大學運動迷討論一下 (歡迎補充或指正嘿!)

這篇文章只有討論到五大聯盟 ACC B10 B12 P12 SEC


1. ACC : Syracuse

大西洋岸聯盟:雪城大學的吉祥物 橘子人

There are various animal mascots that are fun in the ACC, like Ibises,
turkeys and tigers. There is even a real ram and a real horse (plus flaming
spear!). But none of them can top Otto the Orange, the most unique mascot of
them all. First of all, he is a fruit. How many other fruit mascots can you
name in college football? Thought so. Second of all, he is cute and cuddly.
Sure, some schools want to have an intimidating mascot as part of their whole
shtick. But there is something about an orange wearing a baseball cap, with
arms and legs no less, that is just downright a-peelin'. Orange you glad to
have him, Syracuse? -- Andrea Adelson


火雞(維吉尼亞理工 Hokie Bird)、老虎(克萊蒙森大學),還有公羊和馬等等,

但沒有一個像橘子這麼特異的吉祥物。其一,他是一顆水果,沒有其他 football

球隊以水果作為吉祥物的學校。(OSU 的栗子 Buckeye是不是也算?)



心得: 其實ACC的吉祥物真的很多元,這個獎頒給杜克的Blue Devil 或是 Georgia Tech

的 Yellow Jackets 或是聖母大的Fighting Irish 也很適合

2. Big 10 : Michigan State Sparty (密西根州大 斯巴達人)

The current costumed mascot version of Sparty wasn't introduced to Michigan
State fans until 1989. But in just a few short decades, it has become a
prominent league staple and routinely ranks atop various lists of best Big
Ten mascots. Sparty is 7 feet tall, yet even his rippling muscles and warrior
garb can't mask his cartoon-like cuteness. Oddly enough, ESPN had a hand in
helping Sparty become nationally recognized in the mid-1990s, when the mascot
was featured carrying around Olympic gymnast Kerri Strug for a parody "This
Is SportsCenter" commercial. Given that Michigan State has one of the most
successful football and men's basketball team combinations in the country,
Sparty should remain a national fixture for years to come. -- Jesse Temple



亞特蘭大奧運,ESPN "This is Sport Center" 令人印象深刻的廣告,

抱著美國體操選手 Kerri Strug 和 密西根州大長久以來 Football 和 籃球的成功。


1996 "This is Sport Center" 廣告

3. Big12 大十二聯盟 西維吉尼亞大學 Mountaineer (登山者)

Anytime video of your mascot shooting a bear in the woods can be found
online, your mascot is going to be hard to beat. West Virginia’s Mountaineer
mascot was always an interesting representative as one of the few mascots in
college football without a face-covering mask, and one of the best costumes
in the nation. But the Mountaineers' early years in the Big 12 coincided with
an online video of Johnathan Kimble, West Virginia’s Mountaineer at the
time, shooting a black bear with his school-issued musket. Quite the first
impression for the most real -- and best -- mascot in the Big 12. -- Brandon



Jonathan Kimble

4. Pac 12 太平洋十二聯盟 史丹佛大學 樹

Technically, Stanford doesn’t have an official mascot, but we’ll let that
unimportant distinction slide because the Stanford Tree is still one of the
most recognizable mascots in college sports. Officially, the school
designates the Tree simply as a member of its controversial band, but it’s
so much more than that. It has existed in various forms since the 1970s, and
there are often several versions on hand at Stanford athletic events. In a
conference that, in all honesty, doesn’t have many great mascots, the Tree
stands out. Hobbies include: dancing in circles and fighting Oski (Cal’s
mascot). -- Kyle Bonagura





(有聽說每棵樹是由每年學生打扮競賽而選出? 這可能需要版友補充了)

5. SEC 東南聯盟 LSU Tigers 路易斯安那州大 老虎

The SEC has some cool mascots, for sure. But does it get any cooler than a
real, live tiger? Mike the Tiger, LSU's mascot, resides in a 15,000-square
foot habitat on campus (which includes lush planting, a large live oak tree,
a waterfall and a stream) and before home games, he is escorted in a trailer
near the visitors' locker room to intimidate opponents as they enter. You can
even watch Mike on his live "Tigercam." Mike VI -- who has served as the
current Mike the Tiger since 2007 -- weighs about 500 pounds and eats 25
pounds of food per day (175 per week). When it comes to mascots, a live tiger
is as fierce as they come. Unfortunately, Mike VI is battling cancer after
being diagnosed with a spindle cell sarcoma in May. He is receiving
treatment. -- Sam Khan Jr.


巨大橡樹、瀑布和小溪流) 在主場的比賽,老虎會被帶去客隊休息室的附近。當客隊球員進場時會不經意地被嚇到。

LSU還有直播的老虎台 Tigercam 。 目前這隻名為麥可六世(Mike VI) 的老虎是2007加入




I found this article is fun, hope you enjoy reading it!

Tags: NCAA

All Comments

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2016-06-21T04:44
LSU的Mike VI得了癌症上星期死了


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