epic Wimbledon final! - 網球

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-07-07T00:08

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[From Tennis Australia Weekly Report Jul.6]
Few expected the men's singles final at Wimbledon 2009 to live up to the gift
that was the 2008 final.

It did.

Roddick surprised Federer in the opening set, first sticking with him all the
way then snatching the set from under the second-seed's nose.

Drama followed in the fiercely contested second set, which went to a
tiebreak. Roddick raced to a 6-2 lead and was on the verge of a shock two
sets to nil lead. What happened next will haunt the American for decades to

Federer reeled off the next 6 points to take the tiebreak 8-6 as the hapless
Roddick watched on in horror.

It looked as if Federer would run away with the match from here. The Swiss
took the third set but Roddick struck back in the fourth to square the ledger
at two sets apiece.

The fifth and final set would create history in more ways than one.

The pair clashed for more than four hours and gave us the longest ever
deciding set in a Wimbledon final - 30 games and 95 minutes of unrelenting

Eventually~However~someone had to give,
and it turned out to be Roddick.

以前的我總認為Roddick在2003成為年終球王帶有 撿到、運氣成分居多



Tags: 網球

All Comments


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-07-06T23:08
昨天那一場經典之戰, 我是從國中到現在大學, 至始至終都是roddick迷, 相信很多人一開始一面倒的不看好roddick, 覺得今年的決賽一定不能像去年一樣打的這麼經典! 但是, roddick做到了, 他們做到了, 這場比賽可以堪稱是這一兩年最經典的比賽之一, roddick在賽末被費爸破發之前, 沒被 ...

Forever for you---Andy Roddick

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2009-07-06T21:41
如果拿閃電霹靂車來比喻的話 Fed就好像Sin時期的風見準人那麼的強大 其他的選手跟他好像是不同星球的人 而Andy就好像新條直輝 過去雖然有過榮耀 但因為遇到瓶頸以及年齡的關係 已經被貼上過氣選手的標籤 在SAGA劇情中甚至被車隊除名 但他並沒有意志消沉放棄賽車 反而到更火爆刺激的自 ...

Forever for you---Andy Roddick

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2009-07-06T21:15
還記得五年前的女王草地網賽 你是我第一個看網球比賽 也是第一個網球選手 同時也把我拉到這網球世界中的人 2004年的溫布頓 因為一場雨 讓你錯失了溫布頓的金盃 從這之後 不管是大小賽事 只要是你有參加的 我都會很密切的注意 05年美網及06年溫網 分別在第一輪及第三輪就早早打包回家 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2009-07-06T19:47
最近這幾年看比賽以來, 會看到流淚的只有三場... 第一場是 05的溫布頓女單決賽Davenport 對決 大威 看著Davenport即使已經達到體能極限卻還堅持奮戰下去的模樣, 那是她對網球的熱愛,那是她對生命的態度... ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-07-06T17:46
今年澳網結束時我難過的寫著: and#34;只是一盤而已 卻連拿個一盤 都這麼困難 很想用盡全身的力氣幫你加油 看能不能讓網子對面那個人在你心裡不要那麼巨大 但好難and#34; 身為一個Andy的球迷 從來都要學著忍耐和習慣那些不以為然的聲浪 只會大力發球 不用大腦 戰術單調 也從來都要接受遇到 ...