Emma Raducanu與教練Beltz結束合作 - 網球 Tennis

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2022-04-27T09:52

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Emma Raducanu, the 2021 US Open champion, announced Tuesday she has split
with coach Torben Beltz after working together for the past five months.

“I want to thank Torben for his coaching, professionalism and dedication
over the last half a year,” Raducanu said in a statement. “He has a huge
heart and I have enjoyed our strong chemistry during the time together.”

Raducanu, who is currently in Spain for the Mutua Madrid Open, a WTA 1000
event, said she is seeking “a new training model with the LTA supporting in
the interim.”

In the past year, Raducanu, 19, has worked with Nigel Sears and Andrew
Richardson before linking up with Beltz.

The German Beltz previously coached Angelique Kerber. In 2015, they began
working together for a second time, and under his wing, Kerber won the 2016
Australian and US Opens.

On Monday, Raducanu rose to a career high of No.11 in the rankings, following
a run to the Porsche Grand Prix quarterfinals in Stuttgart. It was only the
second time she won consecutive matches since her breakthrough run in New
York last year.

In the interim, starting this week, Raducanu will be accompanied by the LTA’
s head of women’s coaching, Iain Bates.

她與教練Torben Beltz分道揚鑣。

"我要感謝Torben在過去半年裡的執教、專業精神和奉獻精神," Emma在一份聲明中說。

目前正在西班牙參加 WTA 1000 賽事 Mutua 馬德里公開賽的Emma表示,
她正在尋求"一種新的訓練模式,並在此期間得到 LTA 的支持。"

在過去的一年裡,19 歲的Emman在與Beltz合作之前,
曾與Nigel Sears和Andrew Richardson合作。

德國Beltz此前曾執教Angelique Kerber。 2015 年,他們開始第二次合作,
在他的帶領下,Kerber贏得了 2016 年澳大利亞和美國公開賽。
週一,因之前的斯圖加特公開賽進到八強,Emmn的排名升至職業生涯最高的第 11 位。

在此期間,從本週開始,拉杜卡努將由 LTA 女子教練負責人Iain Bates陪同。


Nigel Sears---溫網後結束合作

Andrew Richardson---美網後結束合作

Torben Beltz---執教五個月後結束合作

Iain Bates---目前短期合作?!

心目中的ACGN --- TOP1:
A: 凪のあすから (P.A. Works)
C: To LOVEる -とらぶる- ダークネス (矢吹健太朗)
G: バイオハザード (CAPCOM)
N: アクセル・ワールド (川原礫)
同場加映 同人MOD: 姜維傳 (Ratchet)

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2022-04-26T08:23
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2022-04-29T21:10
她的紅土打得還不錯 應該可以期待一下!!
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2022-04-26T08:23
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2022-04-29T21:10
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2022-04-26T08:23
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2022-04-29T21:10
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2022-04-26T08:23
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2022-04-29T21:10
沒差啦獎盃賺到了廣告接到手軟 張育成這樣OK了


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2022-04-26T23:15
http://i.imgur.com/xslyqsI.jpg https://mobile.twitter.com/MutuaMadridOpen 健康出賽就好 ----- Sent from JPTT on my OPPO CPH1879. - ...

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Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2022-04-26T21:36
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