Elena Dementieva2010法網四強 - 俄網 Tennis

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2010-06-04T13:05

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Elena Dementieva's press conference after retiring in her semifinal against
Francesca Schiavone. June 3, 2010

Q. Could you explain us what was the problem?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I just have a tear in my left calf, so it's very painful to
even walk. You know, I got it after my second match, so I just, you know,
aggravate it during these matches.
Today was just a sharp pain. It was a bit too much. Couldn't really move on
the court.

Q. When did you feel for the first time in this game the pain?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I have it since my second round, so...

Q. Had you won the first set, would you have been encouraged to continue the

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: It was very painful to walk. I don't think so. I was just,
you know, going on the court trying to play, trying to fight, because it is a
very special moment for everyone, and also for myself.
So even with this pain, I was trying to play, but I don't think I could go
longer than that.

Q. Was there ever consideration in any previous match to to retire, or did
you ever consider not playing an earlier match? Did you ever consider
withdrawing at any point in the tournament?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, I was very close to stop the match in my third round
with Aleksandra, but I was able to win this one.
Then I had a day off, so it was a little it was getting a little bit better
on the day off because I didn't practice at all.
But, I mean, by playing, especially moving on clay court, it's just getting,
you know, worse. You just aggravate it during your movement because it's very
hard to control yourself on the court.
Yeah, and, that's how it happen.
嗯,我在第三輪對上Aleksandra Wozniak的時候差點就要出局了,但我還是贏了那場。

Q. What hurts more, your legs or having to quit in a Grand Slam semifinal?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: It is a disappointing moment no matter how it's handled, by
the injury or just losing it. I feel very disappointing, because, um, I feel
like even with this pain, you know, I had some chances and I was feeling in a
good shape.
So, yeah, it is disappointing.

Q. Did you consider calling out a trainer before retiring?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, I have seen trainer for so many hours before the
match all these days, so I don't think that there would be something else
that can really help me, you know, at that point.
I did my best. I did everything I could, but unfortunately it didn't work
this time.

Q. You've had quite a lot of disappointment at semifinal and final level in
Grand Slams. Wheres does this rank in those?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, I mean, I could stop playing in the third round, and
I got to the semifinal. It is disappointing to get injuries and not to use
this opportunity, not to use this chance to go further down.
But, I mean, what can I do? Injuries are part of the game, and this is how it
is. I cannot change anything right now.

Q. In the past you've been customer of Dr. Parra, who is an Italian doctor
with laser and so on. Have you been treated in these days or last week or not?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Yes, I did, yeah.

Q. But he left, so you were abandoned in a way?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: You know, there are a lot of things that I was trying to do
for my calf. Like I said, I did everything I could, but it just was a bit too

Q. I just spoke with your mother. She said also something to the ankle, is
something somewhere else. How many places, calf, ankle...

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: You know, I don't want to get into the details. Yeah, let's
just leave it with my calf. Yeah.

Q. What was your feeling when you made that decision that I gonna retire from
a semifinal of a Grand Slam? What was in your mind, I mean, at that moment?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I was very disappointing. I really wanted to go and play,
and even with the pain I was waking up every morning and couldn't make a
first step. You know, it was that painful.
But I really wanted to play because it's a very special tournament for me. So
I was pushing very hard myself to go through the pain. But, I mean, I cannot
do more than that. I just try my best. Couldn't do any better.

Q. Do you think this might mean you'll miss Wimbledon?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, I'm not going to Eastbourne because of this injury. I
have to withdraw, because I really need some time. But I'm not sure if I will
be able to play Wimbledon.

Q. Just a word about the quality of Francesca's play. She certainly didn't
seem uncomfortable in her first Grand Slam semifinal.

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, I think she's in great shape, and she's been playing
very well during the whole tournament beating some good players. I think she
really knows how to play on clay courts, using all the shots to make you run.
I mean, I'm happy for her. It is a very big moment for Francesca. She's been
playing the tournament for so many years, and this is her first Grand Slam
final. It's a great moment for her.

Q. You said that you had spent a lot of time with the physio or trainer
before the match. Did they indicate to you that there would be no point
calling them onto the court during the match? You say you already went into
the match knowing that there was no point actually calling someone on to try
and help you, is that what you're saying?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: No, I don't think that if that would be just a strain, then
you can maybe try to make another tape or just do something else. But with a
tear, I mean, you just have to try to play with this pain. I had medication;
I had a painkiller; I had an antiinflammation and all the tape that I could
But, I mean, nothing has been working at that point. So I don't think I could
have something extra to make it, you know, magic move.

Q. Was the pain from the first point in comparison to the last? Because it
appeared in the tiebreaker you tried changing tactics to shorten the points
with a couple of dropshots which were not customary for you.

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, the pain was there all the time, so...
Yeah, I was trying to play just make the points shorter, trying to take
advantage of the second serve, trying to go to the net.
But I mean, against Francesca you really have to move, have to run, because
she really makes you run a lot.
Like my biggest, you know, weapon of the game is my footwork, you know, my
movement. I mean, with this kind of injury, it wasn't you know, was
impossible to do. Yeah, just couldn't continue to play.

Q. Had you won the tiebreaker, you were leading 2 0, you would try to stay,
or you would retired anyway?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I have been asked already. I don't think that I would be
able to continue because of the pain.

Q. Had you ever had this type of injury before? Secondly, since the third
round, were doctors and other trainers advising you to pull out of the
tournament and were you saying you wanted to stay in?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, I mean, nobody really will give you such advice. You
know, it's really up to you.
You know, it was a day in the competition when I wasn't sure if I will be
able to go on the courts and play. It was a very tough decision for me.
I didn't want to, you know, just to quit here. I really wanted to play. I
just try not to think about this pain, trying to take the, you know, the
But, you know, playing a couple of matches like that really aggravated the

Q. Had you ever had this injury before this tournament?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: No, this is just the first time.

Q. How will you rate Francesca's chances to win the tournament at this point?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: It's very hard to say. I think it's gonna be a tough
challenge, because it is a very emotional moment for Francesca. She's playing
her first final of a Grand Slam, and even today you can see, you know, she
was very emotional about that, for sure.
It's a big moment. I mean, she has a game to win. She's a good player on clay
court. But it's gonna be tough challenge, because I'm sure that Jelena and
Samantha are desperate to win, as well.
They've never won a Grand Slam title before, so it's gonna be first time
experience, very emotional experience. I think the player who will handle the
nerves and be mental tougher can do this.

Q. Tough luck. You have such a great relationship with your mother who
travels with you so much. Have you had a chance to talk with her, and can you
share what she said to you?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I mean, she was disappointing, you know. She knows about my
pain, and she was she's just trying to be very supportive at that point. She
knows how much this tournament means to me.
But life is life. I mean, sometimes the injury happen, and you have to just
take it as an experience and try to take my time to recover. I don't even
know if I will be playing in Wimbledon.

Tags: 網球

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Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2010-06-08T18:33
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2010-06-13T00:01
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2010-06-17T05:28
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Freda avatar
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at 2010-06-21T10:56

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Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-06-04T10:03
※ [本文轉錄自 Agassi 看板 #1C1tlEYH ] 作者: air (不時皆來食) 看板: Agassi 標題: [朝聖] 阿格西明年訪台 盧彥勳迎戰 時間: Thu Jun 3 17:54:18 2010 2010-06-03╱中央社╱國內體育╱中央社記者蕭保祥台北3日電 阿格西明年訪台 ...


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