Durant暗示明年夏天可能離開勇士 - NBA

By Bethany
at 2018-10-03T14:05
at 2018-10-03T14:05
Table of Contents
KD是接受ESPN訪問 然後NBC有新聞稿
Kevin Durant on how he’ll handle free agency next summer, “Just be honest”
Kevin Durant can opt out and become a free agent next summer and around the
league teams that think they have a chance — and a few that don’t — are
coming up with their “what if” plans and pitches.
Last time Durant left a team the drama was “This Is Us” high with meetings
in the Hamptons, KD bolting Russell Westbrook and Middle America to form a
juggernaut on the coast, and a lot of backlash that reverberates to this day.
Fair or not.
What did Durant learn from all that? Nick Friedell of ESPN asked him.
“Just be honest,” Durant told ESPN. “I was honest with my decision, but
just like outwardly if people ask me about it, don’t be ashamed to talk
about why I decided to move teams and switch teams because it’s not the end
of the world. I didn’t do anything against the law, you know what I’m
saying? That’s what I thought happened the first time…
“I dealt with it before,” Durant said. “I just try to be as honest as I
can. I’m not going to tell people what I’m thinking. … Some days I think
about my free agency, some days I don’t. Some days I think about what my
future looks like, some days I don’t. I’m just human. That’s just natural
for me. But I can’t sit down and talk to people about it because I want to
keep playing, I want to focus on the season.
“So I know the questions are going to come. I know a lot of people are going
to speculate and print rumors and sources, but nobody’s heard from me about
anything, so it’s just all speculation at this point.”
Kevin Durant doesn’t know what Kevin Durant is going to do next summer. Yet.
How the Warriors end their season will play into that decision — if Golden
State three-peats would Durant leave? Does he feel it’s time to have his own
The sense from sources around the league is that of the core four in Golden
State, Durant will be the first to leave. When, nobody is sure, but he’s the
guy who will want to prove he can do this on his own. Maybe he goes to a team
with some other potential quality players to go around him that he feels he
can elevate (the Knicks?). Maybe he stays put. Maybe a lot of things. Durant
is going to dodge the question until next July.
Then we’ll see how honest he will be.
厄... 人家外媒NBC猜的是尼克,文章裡一堆不確定的消息/推論都用問句或'maybe'
標題說KD'暗示'轉隊 我從KD的原文看不出哪裡暗示了
只是標準打官腔 我才不會告訴逆們咧 我要專注這賽季
只能說不管是不是勇迷勇黑 中時的文章都沒變XDDD
※ 引述《kenny1300175 (蘇湖)》之銘言:
: 2018年10月03日 10:21 中時電子報 黃邱倫
: 根據美國媒體報導,勇士球星Kevin Durant在受訪時表示,將以開放的態度與心態來面對
: 2019年夏天自由市場。
: Durant說,「如果屆時別人問我,我不會避諱談論更換球隊,因為這不是世界末日,而且
: 我又沒有做任何違法的事情,如同上次我決定離開雷霆的時候。」
: 現年30歲的Durant,上賽季出賽68場例行賽,繳出場均26.4分、6.8籃板、5.4助攻、1.8
: 阻攻的全能數據,連續兩季幫助勇士摘下總冠軍。
: Durant強調,「新賽季即將開始,我仍會全心全力的帶領勇士隊邁向總冠軍之路,而且開
: 創勇士王朝,這是我目前能做到的事情。」
: 但由於龐大的薪資壓力,導致勇士隊幾乎不可能在明年夏天完全保留現在的核心陣容,因
: 此外界傳聞Durant會在明年夏天離開勇士,然後遠赴洛城與LeBron James在湖人攜手作戰
: 。
: http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20181003001605-260403
KD是接受ESPN訪問 然後NBC有新聞稿
Kevin Durant on how he’ll handle free agency next summer, “Just be honest”
Kevin Durant can opt out and become a free agent next summer and around the
league teams that think they have a chance — and a few that don’t — are
coming up with their “what if” plans and pitches.
Last time Durant left a team the drama was “This Is Us” high with meetings
in the Hamptons, KD bolting Russell Westbrook and Middle America to form a
juggernaut on the coast, and a lot of backlash that reverberates to this day.
Fair or not.
What did Durant learn from all that? Nick Friedell of ESPN asked him.
“Just be honest,” Durant told ESPN. “I was honest with my decision, but
just like outwardly if people ask me about it, don’t be ashamed to talk
about why I decided to move teams and switch teams because it’s not the end
of the world. I didn’t do anything against the law, you know what I’m
saying? That’s what I thought happened the first time…
“I dealt with it before,” Durant said. “I just try to be as honest as I
can. I’m not going to tell people what I’m thinking. … Some days I think
about my free agency, some days I don’t. Some days I think about what my
future looks like, some days I don’t. I’m just human. That’s just natural
for me. But I can’t sit down and talk to people about it because I want to
keep playing, I want to focus on the season.
“So I know the questions are going to come. I know a lot of people are going
to speculate and print rumors and sources, but nobody’s heard from me about
anything, so it’s just all speculation at this point.”
Kevin Durant doesn’t know what Kevin Durant is going to do next summer. Yet.
How the Warriors end their season will play into that decision — if Golden
State three-peats would Durant leave? Does he feel it’s time to have his own
The sense from sources around the league is that of the core four in Golden
State, Durant will be the first to leave. When, nobody is sure, but he’s the
guy who will want to prove he can do this on his own. Maybe he goes to a team
with some other potential quality players to go around him that he feels he
can elevate (the Knicks?). Maybe he stays put. Maybe a lot of things. Durant
is going to dodge the question until next July.
Then we’ll see how honest he will be.
厄... 人家外媒NBC猜的是尼克,文章裡一堆不確定的消息/推論都用問句或'maybe'
標題說KD'暗示'轉隊 我從KD的原文看不出哪裡暗示了
只是標準打官腔 我才不會告訴逆們咧 我要專注這賽季
只能說不管是不是勇迷勇黑 中時的文章都沒變XDDD
※ 引述《kenny1300175 (蘇湖)》之銘言:
: 2018年10月03日 10:21 中時電子報 黃邱倫
: 根據美國媒體報導,勇士球星Kevin Durant在受訪時表示,將以開放的態度與心態來面對
: 2019年夏天自由市場。
: Durant說,「如果屆時別人問我,我不會避諱談論更換球隊,因為這不是世界末日,而且
: 我又沒有做任何違法的事情,如同上次我決定離開雷霆的時候。」
: 現年30歲的Durant,上賽季出賽68場例行賽,繳出場均26.4分、6.8籃板、5.4助攻、1.8
: 阻攻的全能數據,連續兩季幫助勇士摘下總冠軍。
: Durant強調,「新賽季即將開始,我仍會全心全力的帶領勇士隊邁向總冠軍之路,而且開
: 創勇士王朝,這是我目前能做到的事情。」
: 但由於龐大的薪資壓力,導致勇士隊幾乎不可能在明年夏天完全保留現在的核心陣容,因
: 此外界傳聞Durant會在明年夏天離開勇士,然後遠赴洛城與LeBron James在湖人攜手作戰
: 。
: http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20181003001605-260403
All Comments

By Belly
at 2018-10-07T17:11
at 2018-10-07T17:11

By Poppy
at 2018-10-09T10:24
at 2018-10-09T10:24

By Elvira
at 2018-10-10T03:27
at 2018-10-10T03:27

By Puput
at 2018-10-13T18:16
at 2018-10-13T18:16

By Irma
at 2018-10-18T00:10
at 2018-10-18T00:10

By Christine
at 2018-10-22T22:43
at 2018-10-22T22:43

By Enid
at 2018-10-23T23:47
at 2018-10-23T23:47

By William
at 2018-10-26T02:25
at 2018-10-26T02:25

By Lily
at 2018-10-28T00:51
at 2018-10-28T00:51

By Adele
at 2018-10-31T21:56
at 2018-10-31T21:56

By Rosalind
at 2018-11-04T10:24
at 2018-11-04T10:24

By Sierra Rose
at 2018-11-06T08:06
at 2018-11-06T08:06

By Kyle
at 2018-11-06T18:03
at 2018-11-06T18:03

By Elvira
at 2018-11-08T15:31
at 2018-11-08T15:31

By Elvira
at 2018-11-11T19:13
at 2018-11-11T19:13

By Ina
at 2018-11-14T21:50
at 2018-11-14T21:50
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