Duke-UNC rivalry update - NCAA

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-02-11T15:01

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‧ Duke ended its three-game losing streak against North Carolina, winning
for the second time in the teams' last eight meetings.

‧ Jon Scheyer and Kyle Singler combined to score 43 of the Blue Devils' 64

Schyer 還有 Singler合得了64分中的43分

‧ The win secured the 26th 20-win season of Coach K's career. Only four
coaches in history have more.

Coach K 確定得到了他第26個20勝以上的賽季,史上只有4位教練比他還多

‧ North Carolina has lost four straight and seven of its last eight overall.


Tags: NCAA

All Comments

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2010-02-13T20:36
Tar Heels真的要掰了,Key wins都是在12月出錢,Bubble Team
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2010-02-16T12:15
的看來也沒有它的空位,看來只剩下ACC Tour來個神奇四連勝吧
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2010-02-18T03:55
2-7 in ACC...別說 tourney, NIT 都岌岌可危
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-02-22T03:01
Ed Davis動手術去了 整季報銷 要唸大三了..
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2010-02-23T02:36
覺得UNC真的連NIT都沒機會了,只剩下ACC Tour賭一把了

林書豪入選Bob Cousy後衛獎候選人名單

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-02-08T21:24
林書豪入選Bob Cousy後衛獎候選人名單 哈佛大學華裔後衛林書豪(Jeremy Lin)最近受到國內外媒體重視及美國籃球界的肯定,已 被列入美國大學Bob Cousy後衛獎十一人候選名單。目前在林書豪在Bob Cousy後衛獎中僅 落後於準狀元John Wall排在球迷支持率的第二,球迷支持票數最高者 ...

歐巴馬看大學男籃 強調自己左右並重

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2010-02-02T10:44
No offense to dukeand#39;s fans. 以下為美國酸民的毒舌 不過倒是很切中這幾年duke的現況 DUKE IS Early Season Perfection in November 既好好酸了Duke一頓 ...

歐巴馬看大學男籃 強調自己左右並重

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-02-01T16:04
http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/100131/19/1zr8f.html (法新社華盛頓30日電) 美國總統歐巴馬在下著雪的今天走出白宮,觀看兩支頂尖大學 男籃隊伍的對抗戰。 歐巴馬稍早還會晤了前總統老布希和他的兒子、前佛羅里達州州長傑布‧布希(Jeb ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-02-01T11:38
又來了,今天又整整被Virginia電15分... 看UNC最近輸的比賽,模式幾乎都一樣~ 上半場雙方互咬,下半場被開比數,瞬間兩位數差距 終場前5~7分鐘UNC開始飆三分,看似有一線生機~ 但防守一樣頂不住+加自己莫名其妙的失誤... 今天Roy William在場下也大吼揮空拳兼發怒 眼看也許 ...

2010 Mock Draft

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2010-01-29T13:25
剛剛突然想到 心血來潮去看了一下 nbadraft.net 的 mock: (後面為網站的 comparison) 1. NJN -andgt; John Wall, UK, PG, Fr. (D-Rose / Rondo) 2. MIN -andgt; Wesley Johnson, and#39;c ...