Drums Along the Rockies - 鼓號樂隊 Drum Corps

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-07-11T08:24

Table of Contents

Saturday July 9, 2011

Denver CO Drums Along the Rockies STADIUM: INVESCO Field at Mile High DCI
Position Corps Score
All Age
1 High Country Brass 55.050
1 Revolution 72.900
2 Gold 71.900
1 The Cadets 82.750
2 Blue Devils 82.200
3 Phantom Regiment 79.550
4 Santa Clara Vanguard 79.200
5 Blue Knights 77.250
6 The Academy 73.750
7 Cascades 66.150

這球場曾經是dci 2004年決賽週的場地 很大很豪華

表演中止 然後叫大家去躲雨

好場地加持 各隊看起來都變超強

最近看到助理人員在印新的圖 應該是要修改最後結尾的部分

Cadets的表演完成度越來越高 很精彩

因為要趕路 所以 沒看BD 跟BK



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Corps Encore

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-07-11T02:48
圖文影片版本 http://followprtour.blogspot.com/2011/07/76.html ※ 引述《sunrice (蘇打餅乾)》之銘言: : Corps Encore : Wednesday, July 6, 2011 : Salt Lake City, UT : Place ...

2011 0707 Innovations in Brass

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-07-08T21:42
Innovations in Brass Thursday, July 7, 2011 Akron, OH Place Corps Score World Class 1 Carolina Crown 82.100 2 Bluecoats 80.550 3 Madison Sco ...

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-07-07T14:02
Corps Encore Wednesday, July 6, 2011 Salt Lake City, UT Place Corps Score World Class 1 The Cadets 82.900 2 ...

Western Corps Connection

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-07-06T22:10
※ 引述《sunrice (蘇打餅乾)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《sunrice (蘇打餅乾)》之銘言: : : Western Corps Connection : : Place Corps Score : : World Class : : 1 Blu ...

Western Corps Connection

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-07-05T11:53
※ 引述《sunrice (蘇打餅乾)》之銘言: : Western Corps Connection : Place Corps Score : World Class : 1 Blue Devils 80.450 : 2 ...