Dirk確定會撿明年的option - NBA

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2016-03-26T09:56

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Dallas Mavericks forward Dirk Nowitzki told reporters Friday that his plan has
not changed: the 37-year-old wants to pick up his $8.7 million option for next
season, play out the year and then see how his body feels. In the end, he still
wants to retire a Maverick.

"Obviously I still have a year on the contract, and I'd love to fulfill it,"
Nowitzki said, via ESPN's Tim MacMahon. "I do have the possibility, if I"m
correct, to opt out if I can. That's not really on the plan. I always said I
wanted to play those three years to the end and kind of reevaluate what my body
feels like at the end of those three years. But, saying, all that, I'll just
wait, [see] how the season goes. But in my mind, after we won the championship,
it was always clear I would retire a Mav."

The topic came up because Nowitzki appeared on 105.3 The Fan's The Ben and Skin
Show and was asked if he'd consider going elsewhere if the Mavs decided it was
time to rebuild.

"You know, that's something I'll focus on from summer to summer," Nowitzki
said. "I think I'm in the midst of chasing the playoffs here and trying to play
well and compete every night. You know, that's something we'll revisit this
summer. Obviously, I still have a year under contract. I could choose to opt
out, I think that's in my contract, but honestly I haven't really spent a lot
of thought on that at all. You know, like I said, I want to really make the
playoffs bad. I think our fan base deserves that and it's always a fun part of
the year and it's warm out and the competition is high. We'd love to be a part
of that. And everything else, we can come together and talk about after."

Nowitzki addressed those comments specifically on Friday.

"If I'm not mistaken, the question was, 'If we're going through a rebuilding
phase...,' is what they asked me yesterday," Nowitzki said. "And obviously I
want to compete. I want to compete at the highest level. I always want to make
the playoffs and even more. So it's that's what the Mavs are gonna do is
rebuild, then we'll just have to wait and see."

Four years ago, Nowitzki said that, as "the grandfather of Dallas sports," he
was too old to rebuild. He is as consistent with his comments as he is on the

Nowitzki's been so loyal to the Mavericks that it's doubtful anyone would be
mad at him if he chased another ring. The question is whether Dallas owner
Mark Cuban would put him in that position. A couple of years ago, Cuban said
that he'd tank if it made sense, but too many teams were doing it for it to be
a viable option. Last summer, in the brief period where it looked like DeAndre
Jordan was going to Dallas, Cuban said that he had discussions about having a
"David Robinson year" if the Mavs couldn't sign a significant free agent. Then
he took it back.

In all likelihood, Cuban will approach this offseason the same way he has
approached the last few: trying to add pieces around Nowitzki to make another
run. Things sure would be simpler if Jordan had signed, though, wouldn't they?

德國坦克跟記者說明年的選擇權他會撿 (明年再考慮要不要退休)

blacklittle 2B 3B
在他的生涯中 有機會成為不錯的邊角內野手
但須克服脆弱的身體 避免成為DL常客

Tags: NBA

All Comments

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2016-03-30T02:46
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2016-04-01T15:04
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2016-04-03T04:33
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2016-04-05T08:35
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2016-04-07T10:33
佛心約 反觀
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2016-04-12T05:48
叮噹肯 更佛心
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2016-04-12T18:30
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2016-04-16T01:10
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2016-04-18T14:53
用撿好怪XD 翻執行會不會比較好
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2016-04-21T04:16
是執行沒錯 不過有時候故意直翻是種樂趣 大家也看
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2016-04-22T16:35
就好像 can't agree more翻成不能同意更多一樣
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2016-04-25T17:51
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2016-04-30T02:21
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2016-05-04T15:41
pick up 又不是只有撿的意思
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2016-05-09T04:06
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2016-05-13T21:04
William avatar
By William
at 2016-05-15T17:18
Dirk 真要打 可以打到45歲吧...
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2016-05-17T16:47
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2016-05-20T15:17
有情有義 是我司機


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2016-03-26T09:56
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Dirk Nowitzki 今日面對勇士之戰輪休

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2016-03-26T09:44
消息來源: http://goo.gl/3CBZAQ Mavericksand#39; Dirk Nowitzki: Will rest Friday Nowitzki will be rested Friday night against the Warriors, Eddie Sefko of the ...

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Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-03-26T09:35
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Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2016-03-26T09:30
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George avatar
By George
at 2016-03-26T09:05
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