Delcarmen signs minor lg deal with Mariners - 美國職棒

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-02-11T09:03

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Former Red Sox pitcher Manny Delcarmen signed a minor league deal with
the Mariners that included an invitation to spring training, the Mariners
announced. Delcarmen, 29, is coming off a season in which he struggled
with the Sox and then, following an Aug. 31 trade to the Rockies, in
Colorado. He had a 4.99 ERA with a career-low 6.5 strikeouts per nine
innings and a career-high 5.5 walks per nine innings in 57 appearances.

However, Delcarmen is just a couple years removed from having been one
of the more effective middle relievers in the American League. In 2007-08,
he had a 2.81 ERA for the Sox with 8.6 punchouts per nine innings.

The Hyde Park native spent more than 10 years in the Red Sox system after
being drafted by his hometown club in the second round of the 2000 draft.
While he emerged as an important setup man for the Sox in recent years,
his struggles in 2009 and 2010 led to the trade that shipped him to
Colorado last Aug. 31 in exchange for minor league pitcher Chris Balcom-
Miller. Delcarmen has a career 11-8 record and 3.97 ERA.


All Comments

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-02-13T01:44
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2011-02-15T00:39
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2011-02-18T16:18


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-02-11T08:54
沒啥消息的冬天真不好熬啊, 好不容易, 離春訓第一波報到(投捕手)剩下一星期的現在, 來寫寫最近發生的事吧. 1. 之前在加州搞到被逮捕的DL, 昨天被LA的法院提審, 不過應該可以順利參加春訓. (啊對了, 在此稍微幫DL漂白一下, 話說他上個月被捕的主因是因為威脅and#34;某女性and#34 ...

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Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-02-03T07:04
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