Del Potro本賽季報銷 - 網球 Tennis

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2014-09-12T20:56

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Hola a todos!!
Quería contarles que si bien la recuperación de la muñeca va por carriles
normales, necesito un poco más de tiempo para alcanzar el nivel competitivo
necesario para competir semana tras semana. Intenté estar listo para
reaparecer en Asia, donde tuve grandes resultados el año pasado, pero no ser
á posible. Voy a extrañar a mis fans en Malasia, Tokio y Shanghai, que
siempre me tratan de forma espectacular. Seguiré trabajando muy duro en mi
recuperación para jugar la temporada europea al final del año. Como
siempre, gracias por sus mensajes!!!
I would like to take this opportunity to tell you, my fans, that although the
recovery of the wrist is progressing very well, I need a little more time to
reach the competitive level necessary to compete week after week. I worked
hard to be ready to make my comeback in Asia, where I had great results last
year, but unfortunately it was not possible. I'm going to miss my fans in
Malaysia, Tokyo and Shanghai who always gave me tremendous support. I will
keep working hard on my recovery to play the European season at the end of
the year. As always, thanks for your messages !!!

Tags: 網球

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美網後WTA排名 (2014.9.8)

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2014-09-12T19:58
Cur Prv Name (Country) Rank Pts Tours 3 (4) +1 Petra Kvitova (CZE) 5926 19 5 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2014-09-12T18:03
請問台北市有哪些公有球場夜間12點仍開燈? ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung GT-N7000. - ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2014-09-12T15:28
個人喜歡穿棉T恤打球,比較吸汗, 但這幾年排汗衫當道, 很多牌子都出排汗衫, 棉T恤很少,去逛了體育用品店, YY, Head, Lotto出了很多排汗衫,但是綿T恤超少款式, 但是排汗衫價差很大, 價位不高的其實排汗效果都很差, 汗反而排不出去,黏在身體皮膚上。 所以我喜歡棉T的觸感跟吸汗效果。 但是 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2014-09-12T14:35
※ 引述《chinasuck (變了~~)》之銘言: : 大家好 : 今年剛好有機會到中國看大師賽 但在訂票上遇到問題 : 因為看到官方指定訂票系統 : 但官方網站比較麻煩 也找不到可不可以現場取票的資訊 : 所以又找到這一個http: ...

2014 WTA Hong Kong

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2014-09-11T22:04
Alison Van Uytvanck(BEL) def. [2] Daniela Hantuchova(SVK) 36 62 64 韓娃真幫我省錢 還好沒有先訂旅館 完全應該打屁股的比賽 第二盤一開始就先取得破發點 結果同一局浪費了六個破發點 反倒第二盤失守 第三盤2:5落後 連趕兩局 4:5時 ...