Del Potro四強賽後訪問 - 網球 Tennis

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2009-06-06T20:12

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R. FEDERER/J. Del Potro
3-6, 7-6, 2-6, 6-1, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. (From translation.) It's maybe a little bit early, but how are you going to
use that match for your future? You are only 20 years old, and you've had
a great resistance today.

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: For the time being, it's very tough. It's very difficult
for me to analyze the match for the time being, because I'm very sad.

But I guess in about a couple of days, once I'm more relaxed, I'll be able to
think about it.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. First question is just in general, how do you feel right now? And the
second question is, in Australia, seemed like you didn't have any answers to
Roger's shots, but this time you played really well against him. So did you
find any answers, or could you explain about that?

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: Well, now I feel so sad. It was a long match, very
close. It was my first semis, and I had the chance. I think I'm playing better
than Australia, we play on other surface, and I serve very good every moment
in the match. That was the reason about the five sets.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in Spanish, please.

Q. I imagine you can't be happy, of course. But at least you can feel satisfied
you fought so well against Federer.

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: Yes, but I really wanted to be in that final, and now
I'm going to have to watch it on TV. That match was very tied, very even. I
really had chances of winning.

If it had been in the best of three sets, I would have won and I would have
come out of that court satisfied.

Right now, I don't have enough words to explain what I feel. I just -- that
match escaped me.

Q. What did you say to each other at the end of the match? Also, what happened
in the third set?

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: Yes, I felt I could break his serve and win the match
maybe. But during the fourth and fifth set he served very well, too. It was
very even, and I made a couple of mistakes that I had to pay very dearly.

At the end, well, I just congratulated him and wished him good luck. I said,
Everybody wants him to lift the trophy at the end of the match. But once again,
it was not going to be me.

Q. What happened in the last two sets? Were you a bit tired? And second, did
the crowd bother you, especially in the tiebreaker, because five shots
you made ended up in the net?

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: No, I had to keep my reserves in order to play that
fifth set.

As to the crowd, I was happy to see that the crowd was enjoying the match.
Anyway, the Argentineans and the French crowd treated me well. It was a new
feeling for me.

I hope one day I would be the idol for the crowd the way Roger was today.

Q. Did you feel that this was the match of your life? I'm not talking only
about tennis, I'm talking about everything, about your opponent, et cetera.

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: Yes, I understand the situation, the moment. Well, for
me, it was the strongest moment I ever lived until now against Roger, knowing
he really wanted to win and I was so close to win him. It was very special to

Q. I guess you're a bit bitter, but you played your best tennis and you're
still very young. You have a lot of possibilities.

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: Yes, but the fact that I'm young doesn't mean anything
to me. I just feel bad.

I know it was a great match. We were both fighting at our best, and I believe
really the crowd enjoyed it, too. I was very happy to see the crowd so
happy, and I saw the Argentineans were behind me until the end.

Q. Did you feel tired at the end? Did you feel good?

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: At 3-All, I was ready to play as long as was needed.

Q. When you broke back in the fifth, did you believe you had it?

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: No, because he was returning a lot better. In two
seconds I was down Love-40, and I knew that it didn't mean anything against
players like Roger or Rafa. They give nothing away, and...

Q. In those crucial points where Roger was defending, what was so difficult to
control the game at those moments?

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: Well, this is what the best players can do. They can
control those points. They have this inside of them, and they come out with the
best at the crucial moments.

This is something that they inherited from birth, I guess.

Q. We can see you feel bad. Isn't that proof of your strong personality?

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: Yes, maybe. I went into the court wanting to enjoy
my semifinal, and I did it well. It's not that I was tense or that I couldn't
play my game.

So I'm happy, because I played at the same level as he did, and I played well.
I won that first set, and then it was 1-All. It was very close.

Q. You spoke with Franco Davin in the locker rooms. What did he say?

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: We almost didn't talk a tall. He said I played a good
tournament and I played a good match. That's all.

Q. You served very well during the whole match, but at 3-All in the fifth you
were not able to put in one single first serve. What happened?

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: I don't know. It was the whole match that fell upon
my shoulders. I was feeling tired and tense. That's why I didn't put those
first serves in.

Otherwise, I served well during the whole match. It's just at that particular
moment, I could have served a bit better.

Q. How are you going to prepare for Wimbledon?

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: I don't know. I don't know.

Q. The week before, are you going to play an exhibition?

JUAN MARTIN DELPOTRO: I'm going to go a couple of days early. I'm going to
play an exhibition, and I'm going to prepare for Wimbledon.

Tags: 網球

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