Davey Johnson sees a stronger Chien-Ming Wang, but not e - 棒球

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-08-03T10:22

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Davey Johnson sees a stronger Chien-Ming Wang,
but not expecting a long second start

By James Wagner

After making his first major league start in more than two years since a
major shoulder injury and throwing 60 pitches, Chien-Ming Wang said his
body feels good and he is ready to improve. Manager Davey Johnson said he
doesn’t have a prescribed innings or pitch limit for Wang’s second start.

Johnson said he will have to gauge how well Wang handles Wednesday’s start
as the game progresses but he doesn’t expect it to be a long one. “Am I
looking for him to go six or seven innings? Not really,” he said.

Johnson said the coaching staff talked with Wang, pointing out some
mechanical problems they noticed after Friday’s start, and that he
hoped that the starter would show improvement in his next go-round.

“A few issues on when his breaking ball backs up a little that tells you
the mechanics or arm strength is not quite there, the release point is not
quite there,” Johnson said. “So he’s not 100 percent.”

Wang admitted that he needed to regain a firm feel for his sinker, his
signature pitch which helped him become a solid starter for the Yankees
for over two and half years.

“I still am working on a lot of things,” Wang said before Tuesday’s
game. “I’m trying to get my sinker back. And try to get my sinker
better move.”

Because he hadn’t seen Wang work, especially in between starts, Johnson
said he didn’t have a good feel for how the pitcher would fare against
the Mets. But the manager noted that he was impressed with Wang’s side
work and that proved to him that he could have left him i n the game longer
than the four innings he allowed.

“He was OK,” Johnson said. “Any time with a first start, coming back from
spring training basically, better on the short side.”

By James Wagner | 07:07 PM ET, 08/02/2011


Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-08-07T09:56
國民再度四連勝 明天的建仔得加油了 讓Johnson刮目相看
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-08-12T06:18
建仔 今天凌晨挺你到底
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-08-13T02:26
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2011-08-17T06:49

王建民4日先發 挑戰投滿5局

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2011-08-03T06:43
王建民4日先發 挑戰投滿5局 台灣投手王建民4日凌晨將先發出戰亞特蘭大勇士,王建民在復出首戰並未投滿基本局數, 第2場先發將挑戰投滿5局以上。 華盛頓國民官網已經公布,王建民預定4日凌晨出戰國家聯盟東區強隊勇士,對方先發投手 是畢區(Brandon Beachy),這也是王建民生涯第3次面對勇士,過 ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2011-08-03T00:00


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-08-03T00:00
棒球比賽的重要性,遠不及食物,但我們社會上卻發生:「棒球選手的收入大於農夫」的情形。以經濟學的角度解釋這種情形,則下列敘述何者正確? � ...

王建民復出第二戰 10大問題猜一猜

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2011-08-02T19:25
本週四(8/4)凌晨一點,就是王建民的大聯盟復出第二戰,國民隊在主場迎戰勇士隊! 是的,大家以往熟悉的「爆肝」看球日又來啦! 上一場復出之戰的預測活動 http://0rz.tw/EXgvD 感謝兩百多位球迷的熱情參與,結果一共有多達六位球迷在八道題目中猜中七題! 真是太神了,最了解建仔狀況的專業球評 ...

建仔 後天再上 牛棚投57球 教頭滿意放行

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-08-02T14:17
http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/110802/143/2w4ut.html 【楊逸民╱美國華府報導】王建民昨天按照節奏上牛棚練投,投57球,總教練強森 (Davey Johnson)特別在旁觀察。牛棚結束後,強森對建仔的表現很滿意,他說:「王建 民今天牛棚狀 ...