curry的招牌動作?! - NBA

By Ivy
at 2015-05-07T09:59
at 2015-05-07T09:59
Table of Contents
節錄自Stephen Curry的MVP感言
手勢是要提醒我自己: 我是為誰打球。
My wife and I were sitting and trying to think about what I was going to say
today and kind of what the message would be. We came up with four ideals that
describe the journey the best way I know how and that's faith, passion,
drive, and will.
Obviously, my faith, I wanted to use this opportunity to shed light on who I
am and what drives me to play the way that I do. I do a little sign on the
court every time I make a shot or good pass, and I pound my chest and point
to the sky, and that symbolizes that I have a heart for God. Something my mom
and I came up with in college, and I do it every time I step on the floor as
a reminder of who I'm playing for. So I can't say that enough.
People should know who I represent and why I am who I am, and that is because
of my Lord and Savior. "
※ 引述《sweetdance (此ID停止使用)》之銘言:
: 剛朋友問我~curry投進3分球後的招牌動作是什麼
: 找了一下highlight,投進後就帶到下一個進球了
: 好像有看到一個捶胸 手指天的
: 不知道是不是,想請教大家了,最好有影片可欣賞
: 謝謝
: ===========
: 不好意思,選錯了~明明要選的是討論,抱歉
手勢是要提醒我自己: 我是為誰打球。
My wife and I were sitting and trying to think about what I was going to say
today and kind of what the message would be. We came up with four ideals that
describe the journey the best way I know how and that's faith, passion,
drive, and will.
Obviously, my faith, I wanted to use this opportunity to shed light on who I
am and what drives me to play the way that I do. I do a little sign on the
court every time I make a shot or good pass, and I pound my chest and point
to the sky, and that symbolizes that I have a heart for God. Something my mom
and I came up with in college, and I do it every time I step on the floor as
a reminder of who I'm playing for. So I can't say that enough.
People should know who I represent and why I am who I am, and that is because
of my Lord and Savior. "
※ 引述《sweetdance (此ID停止使用)》之銘言:
: 剛朋友問我~curry投進3分球後的招牌動作是什麼
: 找了一下highlight,投進後就帶到下一個進球了
: 好像有看到一個捶胸 手指天的
: 不知道是不是,想請教大家了,最好有影片可欣賞
: 謝謝
: ===========
: 不好意思,選錯了~明明要選的是討論,抱歉
All Comments

By Emma
at 2015-05-12T06:38
at 2015-05-12T06:38

By Daniel
at 2015-05-14T16:31
at 2015-05-14T16:31

By Kama
at 2015-05-16T18:25
at 2015-05-16T18:25

By Skylar Davis
at 2015-05-16T23:26
at 2015-05-16T23:26

By Sierra Rose
at 2015-05-17T05:57
at 2015-05-17T05:57

By Lydia
at 2015-05-21T05:54
at 2015-05-21T05:54

By Elma
at 2015-05-23T00:49
at 2015-05-23T00:49

By Faithe
at 2015-05-23T16:12
at 2015-05-23T16:12

By Leila
at 2015-05-25T12:02
at 2015-05-25T12:02

By Agnes
at 2015-05-29T05:55
at 2015-05-29T05:55

By Bethany
at 2015-05-31T17:56
at 2015-05-31T17:56
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