Curry一生一城續留勇士?總經理:有信心 - NBA

By Anthony
at 2021-03-11T13:36
at 2021-03-11T13:36
Table of Contents
Myers sheds light on Steph not signing extension before season
Steph Curry was eligible to sign a contract extension with the Warriors last
Steph Curry在上賽季休賽期有資格與勇士續約。
The max deal would have been for three years and about $156 million, and wou
ld have run through the 2024-25 campaign.
But the deadline -- which was the night before the season opener?--passed wi
thout the sides agreeing to terms.
Why didn't the two-time NBA MVP put pen to paper?
但是截止日期是賽季揭幕戰的前一天晚上,雙方都沒有達成協議。 為什麼這位兩屆NBA
Myers:He could sign a four-year deal after this season [or]a five-year deal
after that,"It wasn't anything that was difficult.
"No hard conversation. It was just, 'Hey, let's talk about it at the end of
the year.So it's really whatever he's hoping to do and wants to do.
As Myers mentioned, the three-time NBA champion be fore the Warriors' first
game next season could sign a four-year extension that would be worth about
$215 million in additional money, and run through 2025-26.
How confident is Myers that he can keep Curryin a Golden State uniform his
entire career?
"I think he's happy. Obviously, fans always are gonna be worried about Steph
Curry," the two-time NBA Executive of the Year said."But I feel like he's
in a very good place personally [and]professionally.
"I feel pretty good about him wanting to be around. I don't personally have
any -- besides the paranoid fears that everybody has that aren't really rati
onal -- besides once in awhile, 'Well what if this happened?But those aren't
based on fact.
我很高興他願意待在我身邊。 有人會擔心萬一(Curry離隊)發生了怎麼辦?但這些擔
Myers sheds light on Steph not signing extension before season
Steph Curry was eligible to sign a contract extension with the Warriors last
Steph Curry在上賽季休賽期有資格與勇士續約。
The max deal would have been for three years and about $156 million, and wou
ld have run through the 2024-25 campaign.
But the deadline -- which was the night before the season opener?--passed wi
thout the sides agreeing to terms.
Why didn't the two-time NBA MVP put pen to paper?
但是截止日期是賽季揭幕戰的前一天晚上,雙方都沒有達成協議。 為什麼這位兩屆NBA
Myers:He could sign a four-year deal after this season [or]a five-year deal
after that,"It wasn't anything that was difficult.
"No hard conversation. It was just, 'Hey, let's talk about it at the end of
the year.So it's really whatever he's hoping to do and wants to do.
As Myers mentioned, the three-time NBA champion be fore the Warriors' first
game next season could sign a four-year extension that would be worth about
$215 million in additional money, and run through 2025-26.
How confident is Myers that he can keep Curryin a Golden State uniform his
entire career?
"I think he's happy. Obviously, fans always are gonna be worried about Steph
Curry," the two-time NBA Executive of the Year said."But I feel like he's
in a very good place personally [and]professionally.
"I feel pretty good about him wanting to be around. I don't personally have
any -- besides the paranoid fears that everybody has that aren't really rati
onal -- besides once in awhile, 'Well what if this happened?But those aren't
based on fact.
我很高興他願意待在我身邊。 有人會擔心萬一(Curry離隊)發生了怎麼辦?但這些擔
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By Jessica
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By Steve
at 2021-03-28T13:07
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By Franklin
at 2021-06-02T19:54
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By Ida
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By Anthony
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By Margaret
at 2021-06-10T19:35
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By Jacky
at 2021-06-11T01:24
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By Hedwig
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