CTSA衝浪協會目前情況? - 衝浪運動討論

By Noah
at 2017-08-08T19:58
at 2017-08-08T19:58
Table of Contents
轉自Neil Macdonald(國內長短版好手-潘海心選手父親,也是國內少數有ISA裁判資格之一)
1. Q:誰是CTSA?我付了500元新台幣會費,沒有T-shirt沒有帽子也沒有身為會員該有的投票權,他們到底哪了我的500塊去幹嘛?
2. Q:為什麼他們不回覆我詢問CTSA會員人數以及理監事如何組成以及票選過程?A:因為我只是個住在台灣南端的外國人,對他們來說我連個屁都不是,遑論發表意見,更不用說是試著想了解台灣人怎麼做事的。CTSA不回應是因為他們根本就沒辦法合理解釋,他們總不可能承認他們的組成其實是沒有遵照人民團體法的
3. Q:CTSA裡誰投票表決決定哪些選手能夠代表台灣參賽?A:沒有人有投票權,除非你是CTSA裡的核心人物,這些人同時也決定誰有資格當比賽裁判以及誰有資格拿政府補助出國比賽。
4. Q:為何CTSA比賽中只邀請他們喜歡的或是他們能掌控的裁判?
A:我所謂他們能掌控的裁判是指他們用了三位未經訓練,未通過測驗的“裁判”去評判最後一場準決賽以及決賽,同時,還有數位裁判身兼選手正在場中比賽. 我沒有要對裁判長不敬的意思,但裁判長該扮演的角色應該是很明確的才對。
5. Q:有多少的CTSA裁判有能力去評判超出自己衝浪能力這麼多的選手 ?A:幾乎沒有。只上了幾個禮拜的裁判課程,不會瞬間把你變成裁判或甚至變成教練。當你對基本的浪底迴旋、浪頂甩浪垂直上下浪壁......等動作都沒有基本概念的時後,很抱歉你根本就沒有資格當裁判。這不是裁判的錯,這是這個衝浪組織的問題,CTSA的作法太不專業,招募新兵,連槍該怎麼握都不會就趕他們上戰場。你看看法國比賽發生的事就好了,沒辦法划出去!真正的比賽管你浪是一呎還是十呎高,你都要有辦法駕馭。評選委員這一點你們好好筆記一下。
6. .Q:我只在六年前一場海南島的比賽看到CTSA的核心人物在賽場上快閃出現和ISA打完交道後,隨即消失。你在國際賽事上頻頻缺席,是要怎麼取得其他亞洲國家或甚至是全世界的重視跟尊重?.A:他們完全沒有概念要花多久的時間以及多少的努力才能讓外面的世界接納他們,接納一個躲在台灣東北角的一小群人。不要說全世界,就連在台灣也是,你們應該好好地走訪台灣看看東北角以外其他地方的浪人在幹嘛。
7. Q:我不想指名道姓,但在台灣,擁有國際賽事經驗的裁判只有兩位:怡人跟Larry。我們有這樣的資產,但為什麼不好好用在比賽上呢? A: 他們不可能受CTSA的控制,他們是真正公正不痾的ISA裁判,同時我敢說台灣還有其他合格的ISA裁判,同時也是真正的surfer卻從未受邀評判比賽,包括我在內,這又是另一個問題,為什麼不邀請這些人當比賽裁判?
8. Q:為什麼CTSA的頭頭們,六年前除了辦零星幾場講習、一場比賽之後外消失了兩年,中間沒有任何建樹,又突然冒出來宣稱他們代表台灣的surfer A:講真的,這些失敗的生意人嗅到一點政府的銅臭味跟國際的曝光度,連哄帶騙其他人幫他們和政府打通關,完全一派胡言。我對於這當中兩位真心想為台灣衝浪圈做事的好心人感到遺憾,但我希望你們能從中發現一道曙光。
9. Q:有什麼特別的原因驅使CTSA只在臺灣東北角辦比賽嗎?A:因為他們在台灣其他各處浪點並沒有合作的夥伴,除了自己的小圈圈之外沒有盟友。要不要辦個投票表決看看其他人是否認為他們夠資格代表台灣。
10. 10.Q:CTSA認爲我代表TORSA,立場偏頗且只是想要找他們麻煩而已 A:我大概在同一個時間點同時成為TORSA及CTSA的會員,我只想為台灣的surfer創造一個好的環境,我以裁判及裁判長的身份協助CTSA幾年之後,他們就過河拆橋了,我跟其他希望台灣衝浪圈更好的人一樣,只是希望能為台灣surfer創造一個更好的環境。而CTSA卻用不公開的方式並自以為專業的訂定無意義的規則。
People have asked me why I’m so polite to CTSA when making comments or writing my thoughts on face book. There is a simple reason, I was taught to be respectful of authority, follow rules, ask questions, get an answer and then move on. With CTSA, ask question, no answer so WTF, lets get real.
1. Question. Who are CTSA, I pay 500 NT $ to be a member, no tee shirt, no hat, not rights to vote as a member so they took my 500 NT $ for what reason? Answer. To get members name so they can show Government they have the required number of members to be recognised. BULLSHIT.
2. Question. Why don't they answer my questions about CTSA association membership numbers and who are committee members and how the committee member’s are voted into their positions. Answer, I’m just a white foreigner who lives in the South end of Taiwan so like all people who live down this end of island I’m just a piece of sh-t that has no say or understanding of how Taiwan works so I’m ignored. Really, CTSA can’t answer as they have no answer that makes sense without admitting the association is
not following government rules.
3. Question. Who did vote CTSA to represent surfers in International competitions representing Taiwan. Answer. Nobody did except the select a few family members who also select who judges, who surfs and who gets the Government funding.
4. Question. Why do CTSA only invite ISA judges they like or control to judge their contests. Answer. Control, as using 3 untrained and untested so called judge to score all the semi and finals of the last contest, while still being in the contest is a total, WTF. No disrespect to the head judge as the head judge’s role is very clear in any contest.
5. Question. How many of the CTSA judge at the last contest have the ability to judge surfers who surf to another level than the judges them selves. Answer. Very few, just because they take a judge course a few weeks before doesn't make them a judge, or actually even a coach. How can they can score the moves of some of the more skilled surfers, if they have no idea what a real bottom turn is, or an off the lip, or a vertical hack, sorry you have no right to judge them. Not the judges fault it's the
organisers, CTSA who put new recruits in to that bad position. Shame on you MF’s at CTSA for sending new recruits into battle when they have no idea which end to hold the rifle. Just look at what happened in France. Can’t paddle out, bull shit, one foot or ten foot you need to be able to do it, that's real competition, take note of that point selection committee.
6. Question. I have only seen the CTSA inner group of people at one international surf contest, and then they left early and that was six years ago in Hainan when they first approached ISA. How can they ever gain respect in Asia or the world when they are absent from the outside world of surfing. Answer. They have a very basic misconception of how long and how much it takes to become accepted in the world outside that very small area in NE Taiwan where they hide. That even applies in Taiwan, there are
other places in Taiwan, get in the car and explore.
7. Question. I’m sorry to mention names but in Taiwan there are only two judges who take the time to really get experience in competitions outside of Taiwan, Aganus and Larry and I respect their ability. Why are these valuable assets not used as they should be. Answer. They aren’t under the control of CTSA as they are real ISA judge, impartial. I will say there are a few other ISA judge in Taiwan that are real surfers and qualified to judge a contest, but again they are never invited, that includes
me, another question, why ?
8. Question. Why did the ring leaders of CTSA start something six years ago, do nothing positive except a few training courses and a contest once a year then go away from Taiwan for two years and come back to claim they represent Taiwan surfers. Answer. For real, failed business people who smell money from Government and the business potential linked to International exposure, they also to deceive some other people to help them with Government to make a go of things. What a load of shit. I feel sorry
for two well meaning people that just want to help, but I hope they see the light in the future.
9. Question. Is there a reason why CTSA only hold contests at one beach in the North East side of Taiwan. Answer. They have no associations with other surf groups in Taiwan and no friends outside of their small little area. They have no right to say they represent Taiwan surfers, lets hold a vote to see if people think CTSA deserve that right.
10.Question. CTSA say I’m biased and represent TORSA so
I want to cause trouble. Answer. I became a member of
TORSA and CTSA about same time, I just want the best
for Taiwan surfers. I helped CTSA for a few years as judge and head judge then they dropped me, like other well meaning and caring people that also want the best for the young Taiwan surfers. Fu-k CTSA they just are a small group of deluded wannabe long board surf surfers looking for business opportunities.
I could go on, but I wonder what load of shit they will come up with for selecting a Junior team for Taiwan in Japan. Surfing is surfing, before the people in power make rules they should understand the basics themselves. And yes its easy to hide behind people, we all know who pull the strings, five old sad people with no idea what should be done.
You need help CTSA, and you need to open up your closed little group of uninformed individuals.
All based on facts and no names mentioned, no slander, no basis for a law suit, just give some fu-king answers, or will you revoke my membership of your fraudulent association.
Sent from JPTT on my Asus ASUS_Z017DA.
All Comments

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