Crossing Our Fingers... - 網球

William avatar
By William
at 2006-09-29T12:56

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It's been 10 days now that Justine has been with her knee injury, and she will
continue with her required rest program to heal the wound. The Belgian tennis
icon went in on Monday for a follow up examination to her doctor, and there
were no signs of a worsened knee injury. Starting next week Justine will
probably be able to train on her bicycle again, and in the best the case
scenerio with racquet in hand 10 days later.

Justine will not play any tournaments before Madrid. She does hope that the
wound will heal properly to finally participate in the WTA Championships, but
this is not yet certain. For the last two years, she's made the final eight,
but injuries held her back to appear and play at the tour's big finale.
Justine is currently leading the race to Madrid, and was the first player to
officially qualify for Madrid this year.

We will keep you posted on the latest from Justine as the news arrives.


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2006-10-03T23:32
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2006-10-04T08:47
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2006-10-05T14:40


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2006-09-27T16:44
沒錯!是經濟日報 阿格西打開事業第二村 將與AOL凱斯合夥開發高檔度假社區 編譯林聰毅/紐約時報二十六日電 本月初在美國網球公開賽正式退休的美國傳奇性網球明星阿格西(Andre Agassi)最近 積極開展事業第二春,將與美國線上公司(AOL)共同創辦人凱斯(Steve Case)合夥開發 高檔度 ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2006-09-25T20:32
2006.09.25  今日晚報 阿格西展開事業第二春 中廣新聞/夏明珠 阿格西退休之後,只打過一次網球,對手是他的前球后老婆葛拉芙,從球場上退 休不久,阿格西已經尋覓到事業的第二春,他成了美國線上共同創辦人史帝夫凱斯休 閒事業的合夥人,兩人要共同經營高檔的渡假俱樂部。 阿格西這個月初打完 ...

我換新手機 不是廣告文

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2006-09-25T15:41
我換的是sony ericsson的 我很喜歡MP3功能 當然照像也不錯 最棒的是有網球比賽可以玩 當今的WTA女網 就是sonyericson贊助的 所以他的產品當然會有網球 從初賽 挑戰賽 冠軍賽 盃賽 世界錦標賽 一路打上來感覺很好玩 難度高 但是贏得一個賽事的冠軍 可以調升自己能力 像是角度 速 ...

2002 溫網四強 Venus vs Justine

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2006-09-23T13:47
※ [本文轉錄自 Williams 看板] 作者: vswfan (US Open!!!) 看板: Williams 標題: [影片] 2002 溫網四強 Venus vs Justine 時間: Sat Sep 23 13:47:22 2006 Part 1: http://www.megaupl ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2006-09-22T04:01
※ [本文轉錄自 Mauresmo 看板] 作者: mauresmo117 (-MAURESMO-) 看板: Mauresmo 標題: [公告] 最近想與友人合購法文版的網球雜誌 時間: Thu Sep 21 10:31:23 2006 各位大大水水你們好 我是patrick 最近跟一個朋友想要合購法文版 ...