Coaching update - 溫網 Tennis

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2011-07-17T20:09

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本文重點:Ana的信心喊話和祝福Alisa Kleybanova。

Coaching update

It’s been a very eventful few weeks – a lot has happened since I last wrote.


A few months ago I decided I needed to appoint my own coach, but the most
important thing was that I chose the right one. I was prepared to wait for
that, and I’m fortunate that I am working with Nigel Sears with half of the
season still to go.

我做好等待的準備,而我很幸運我將和Nigel Sears在下半球季合作。

I’m also very happy to have Scott back in the team, as my fitness trainer. We
’ve always got on so well and achieved some very good results together. He
knows me as well as any coach and I’m confident that he can help me achieve my


Although I am excited about the months ahead, I have to be patient – it’s
going to take time for the hard work to pay off. Always when you have a new
coach there is extra motivation in the beginning, and that can create some
good results. But the changes that you make together take time to flourish,
and it will be some time, probably next season, when I am in a position to
really reach my potential.


The next six or seven weeks are going to be intense: I play five tournaments,
including the US Open. There are a lot of ranking points available and a lot
of opportunities to face the top players. That’s something that I am looking
forward to doing, if all goes well.


There is something far, far more important than anything like training and
matches that I want to mention, and that’s Alisa Kleybanova and her recent
diagnosis of cancer. Like all the other girls on the Tour, I was so shocked
and very saddened to hear it.

我想談有件比訓練、比賽還要重要的事,那就是Alisa Kleybanova最近被診斷患有癌症,

Alisa is a lovely person and I really wish her the very best in her fight with
this illness. It really puts into perspective everything that we do on the
court and shows that there is nothing more important than your health, and the
health of your family and friends.


Posted on Jul 17th 2011

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2011-07-21T14:23
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-07-25T08:36
XD 看看就好


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
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Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-07-17T18:02
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Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-07-17T14:16
一些婚禮照片 全部都是球員PO在推特上的 所以畫質都不好 先加減看啦~:P 戴娃穿婚紗進場 戴娃跟老公 h ...

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Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-07-17T12:24
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By Daph Bay
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