Coach portrait: Carlos Rodriguez - 網球

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2007-06-09T20:02

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Coach portrait: Carlos Rodriguez
Friday, June 8, 2007

Carlos Rodriguez has been Justine Henin’s coach for the past 11 years. A
self-confessed perfectionist, Rodriguez has accompanied the world number one
on her journey from talented youngster to the greatest player on Planet
Tennis. He joined us to look back on one of the most successful partnerships
in modern sport….

Justine Henin and Carlos Rodriguez were made for each other. Fuelled by a
fierce desire to win, the pair have travelled the world these past 11 years
collecting the Grand Slam trophies that litter the path to their unattainable
goal: perfection. On Saturday, Rodriguez will be courtside as ever, a
permanent calming presence for Justine as she goes in search of a fourth
French Open title.

Rodriguez is a thoughtful character, taking time to explain clearly the
reasons behind his close relationship with Henin: "I need to find
explanations for everything. That’s in my nature and Justine appreciates
that quality. We can always do better. Every experience we go through teaches
us something and makes us better. I’m on a perpetual quest for perfection. I
’m happy with Justine, but she can still do better because she has
incredible potential to improve," explains the native Argentinian who took
French nationality and was ranked 20th in France at the height of his own
playing career.

Norman and Monami first
Rodriguez moved to Belgium at the start of his coaching career, teaching
players of all levels at a tennis school in Gand. He then moved to Waregem,
where he coached Dick Norman and then Dominique Monami, who moved into the
top 20 during their two year collaboration. Henin’s father saw the good work
Rodriguez was doing and asked him to take charge of his daughter. Thus, a
legendary partnership was born.

Method man
Carlos is well known for his insistence on focussing on the method and not
the result when coaching. "People tend to associate performance with results,
but for me that is too simple. What really counts is your attitude and you
will only get results if that is right. I try to make sure Justine can give
it her all in everything she does. She may be world number one but she still
tries to improve by going about things the right way."

Friend and counsellor
For Justine, Carlos is more than a coach. He is also a confidante and an
advisor. Not that Rodriguez steps over the mark that separates her private
and professional life. “I don’t get involved in her private life unless she
asks me to, out of principle. I tell her I’m 20 years-older than her and do
not have the same vision as a 25 year-old woman.”

Life will go on after Justine
Rodriquez views the long-term prospect of life after Justine with a
philosophical eye: "I need challenges to prove things to myself. That’s the
way I operate. If I only identified myself through my success with Justine, I
would have nothing left when she retires. But I am a fulfilled person, even
without Justine."

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