Clijsters says she could skip Fed Cup semis against U.S. - 網球 Tennis

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2006-04-28T23:36

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Clijsters says she could skip Fed Cup semis against U.S.
April 28, 2006

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- Kim Clijsters said she could skip Belgium's Fed Cup
semifinal against the United States if the matches are played on clay. The
U.S. Open champion said on her Web site Friday she's concerned about the
timing of the July 15-16 matches, which takes place about a week after

Belgium, the host country, would be the favorite if it picks the slower clay
surface. But Clijsters says it would be difficult to play on clay so soon
after playing on the grass at Wimbledon.

After the Fed Cup, she would have to play on hard courts in the U.S.

"I'd like to be there against the United States, but the date is a lot more
difficult," Clijsters said on her site. "But if the Fed Cup is played on
hardcourt, it should be OK."

Her teammate, Justine Henin-Hardenne, also hasn't committed to playing. With
Henin-Hardenne and Clijsters playing together for the first time in three
years, Belgium beat defending champion Russia 3-2 last week to earn a matchup
against the U.S., which advanced by beating Germany.

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Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2006-04-28T20:45
02年那一場 在電視機前真的傻眼 ㄧ直拿不下 主播也說 太想贏打得太保守 不過對戰紀錄好像卡姐比較佔上風的感覺 應該也是為什麼辛吉絲會想要退出伊陣子吧 那壓力實在無法想像 特別是冠軍 九七年後 除了澳網就沒辦法拿下其他的 心理壓力ㄧ定很大 ※ 引述《rainww25 (rainww25)》之銘言: : ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2006-04-28T19:50
知名網球選手博客證實:辛吉斯確實和捷克猛男約會 2006年04月28日11:05 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 吉梅爾斯托伯,美國二流的網球選手,以自己在溫網魚躍飛身救 球的鏡頭成為職業生涯的亮點之一,另外他還是美國體育畫報最活躍的網球博客專 家之一,他此前 ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2006-04-28T18:39
※ 引述《akuei67 (akuei)》之銘言: : 請問九九年的法網 : 跟零二年的澳網 : 辛吉絲都是在何時有冠軍點卻又輸掉的ㄚ : thanks 基本上99年她並未有冠軍點 只是第二盤差兩分可贏,而且是自己的發球局 也算快贏了 02年澳網就真的超誇張 第二盤5:2救有兩個冠軍點 贏不下 到了第二盤ti ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2006-04-28T18:00
請問九九年的法網 跟零二年的澳網 辛吉絲都是在何時有冠軍點卻又輸掉的ㄚ thanks - ...

全中運/網球》會同窗 詹詠然快樂出擊

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2006-04-27T15:14
毫無意外 詹詠然 6:4 6:3 打敗了許文馨拿到金牌 接下來再飛往日本參加職業賽 辛苦了 繼續加油 - ...