Clijsters beats returning Henin in special exhibition - 網球

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2010-12-10T12:46

Table of Contents

1.傷癒復出的表演賽還是不敵Kim (1-6 6-3 5-10)

賽末點&Hot shot:



Kim Clijsters beat the returning Justine Henin in a special
exhibition match in their native Belgium Thursday.

The pair were playing in the Diamond Games in Antwerp with Henin
testing herself after being out since mid-season with an elbow ligament
injury. Her last competitive match was her fourth round loss to Clijsters
at Wimbledon in June.

Clijsters, fresh from retaining her U.S. Open crown then rounding off
her season by claiming the WTA Championships in Doho, proved too sharp for

She won the first set 6-1 in just 25 minutes, but Henin recovered from
falling an early break down to win the second 6-3 to level.

That set in train a super tiebreaker, with the first player to 10 points
winning the match and it was Clijsters who pulled ahead.

She set up four match points at 9-5 and closed it out at the first attempt.

The pair will now stop up their preparations for the opening grand slam
of 2011 in Australia with Henin taking part in next month's Hopman Cup
in Perth.

Before their match, both players hinted that they may pair up to play
doubles for Belgium at the 2012 Olympics in London.

"2012 is still far away and we have not seen each other since July,"
Clijsters told the official tournament website.

"But we will certainly talk about it."

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-12-15T07:47
正要發這篇新聞的說XD" 兩位還會參與明年聯邦杯首輪(vUSA)
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-12-20T02:48
哈~sorry我搶先了一步XD, 聯邦杯...拜託不要又受傷
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2010-12-24T21:49
這場地彈跳好高喔... 幸好至少有贏一盤 :)
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2010-12-29T16:49
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-01-03T11:50
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2011-01-08T06:51
找錯字時間 3rd para. Doho → Doha = =
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2011-01-13T01:52
至少終於傷癒復出了 positive thinking!

羅迪克 明年重回台維斯盃

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2010-12-10T12:37
新聞原址: (法新社紐約9日電) 美國網球協會今天宣布,今年台維斯盃缺陣的前男網世界排名第1 羅迪克(AndyRoddick),明年將代表美國參加台維斯盃賽。 羅迪克將投入新教練庫 ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2010-12-10T09:58
原文恕刪.. 想順便偷偷問一下 請問發球的時候 腳要由後往前and#34;蹬and#34;嘛? 藉由地面摩擦力 用腳往後蹬 使得身體往前 以達到發力效果? 有請專業大大解惑 萬分感激 ※ 引述《slashmoon (網球丸子)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《slashmoon (網球丸 ...

請各位板友幫忙~ 感恩!!

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2010-12-10T01:29
Hello各位Federer球迷大家好 我是hardho 也是Federer板的板友 目前於政大廣電所就讀中 並且正在做有關運動迷、網路閱聽人與互動的研究 簡單的說,是正在研究球迷間如何在一個虛擬空間中互動 將「運動迷」甚至是「網球迷」這個概念特別提出來 除了是符合我自己的興趣之外 亦想讓較少在台灣學術界被 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-12-09T23:56
※ 引述《slashmoon (網球丸子)》之銘言: : 因為最近發球出了很大的問題 想要請教一下各位 : 各位在發球的握拍 食指的部分 : 會握的根其他四指一樣握得很實 : 還是只是扣住球拍呢 : 另外如果希望球可以強力一點 握的狀態下手伸直虎口朝正前方 : 拍面應該是平行虎口或者是往上或往下傾斜呢?? : ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2010-12-09T21:42
經過近二十個小時的旅途,終於在星期三早上十一點抵達目的地, 德國教練的訓練基地環境還算舒適,但Mombasa的天氣非常炎熱且 潮濕,吃過中餐後休息一下,盧彥勳下午馬上就投入訓練,以往要 做重量訓練,都要再花二十分鐘的車程至其他地方訓練,今年阿根 廷體能訓練師伯尼利用現有的資源,建造了一個野生訓練室,所 ...