Chien-Ming Wang, who last pitched in M - 棒球

By Lauren
at 2016-04-05T07:23
at 2016-04-05T07:23
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※ 引述《baccara (surrealist)》之銘言:
: 外電網址:
: Chien-Ming Wang, who last pitched in MLB in 2013, makes Royals' roster
最後一次在 MLB 投球是 2013 年的事了,王建民進入皇家的輪值中
: By Mike Axisa | Baseball Writer
: April 3, 2016 12:17 pm ET
: Chien-Ming Wang's remarkable spring comeback has landed him back in the big
: leagues. The Royals announced their Opening Day roster Sunday morning, and
: Wang did indeed claim the last bullpen spot:
: Wang, 36, has not pitched in MLB since 2013. He spent the 2014-15 seasons
: bouncing around Triple-A and an independent league.
王建民,36歲,上次在大聯盟投球是 2013 年。2014-2015球季在 3A 跟獨立聯盟中浮沈
: The former Yankees ace won 38 games from 2006-07, but a foot injury in 2008
: and a major shoulder injury in 2009 sabotaged his career. Wang suffered a
: torn shoulder capsule and had a 6.60 ERA in 163 2/3 innings from 2009-13.
這位前洋基 ace 在 2006-2007 獲得 38 勝,但是 2008 腳傷及 2009 肩傷毀了他的生涯
王受限於他的肩關節囊傷勢,2009-2013 一共投了 163 2/3局,era 是 6.6
: Torn capsules are usually the kiss of death for pitchers. It has ended the
: careers of Rich Harden, Mark Prior, and John Maine, among others. Wang lost a
: lot of velocity off his trademark sinker following the surgery, hence his
: ineffectiveness.
關節囊撕裂傷通常對投手來說是死亡之吻。 Rich Harden, Mark Prior, 跟 John Maine
: However, the velocity returned this spring. Several spring training parks in
: Arizona are equipped with PitchFX, and the system clocked Wang's sinker at
: 92.6 mph on average this spring. The sinker had not averaged 92+ mph since
: 2009, before he hurt his shoulder.
然而,球速在春訓中回來了。幾個亞立桑那州春訓場地都配有 PitchFX
王的伸卡均速達到了時速 92.6 英哩。
2009 年後王的伸卡均速沒有時速 92 英哩以上過了
王的伸卡、變速、滑球球速統計表,2013 是整體最慢
各球種雖沒巔峰快,但已經比 2013 好上不少,接近最佳狀況八成以上
: Wang's sinker topped out at 96.3 mph this spring. In 2013, his last stint in
: the big leagues, PitchFX had the sinker averaging 90.4 mph and topped out at
: 93.5 mph. He's added about 3 mph to his sinker despite being three years
: order
王的伸卡在春訓最快來到了時速 96.3 英哩。2013 年,伸卡均速 90.4,最快 93.5
: This spring Wang allowed five runs (four earned) in 15 innings. Most
: importantly, he had 27 ground ball outs and only seven in the air. That
: indicates the sinker is working. For now, Wang figures to pitch in long
: relief with Kansas City.
今年春訓,王丟了15局內丟了 5 分 (4分自責分)。最重要的是滾飛比 27/7
: One strong spring training does not mean Wang is back to where he was with
: the Yankees. He's going to have to continue to prove himself given his recent
: history. The improved velocity is definitely encouraging though. This is one
: comeback story worth rooting for.
: 本篇外電底下部份留言:
: Rich Porter
: Great pitcher until the injury glad to see him get an other shot
: Neeno Brown
: He was a good pitcher for the Yankees a while back before injuries came up...
: Good to see him back in the MLB
傷前是一位好投手,很開心看到他回歸 MLB
: Logan Darr
: He had some velocity this Spring! Happy to have him
: Susan Tu
: Oh my god that was awesome
OMG 這真是太棒了
※ 引述《baccara (surrealist)》之銘言:
: 外電網址:
: Chien-Ming Wang, who last pitched in MLB in 2013, makes Royals' roster
最後一次在 MLB 投球是 2013 年的事了,王建民進入皇家的輪值中
: By Mike Axisa | Baseball Writer
: April 3, 2016 12:17 pm ET
: Chien-Ming Wang's remarkable spring comeback has landed him back in the big
: leagues. The Royals announced their Opening Day roster Sunday morning, and
: Wang did indeed claim the last bullpen spot:
: Wang, 36, has not pitched in MLB since 2013. He spent the 2014-15 seasons
: bouncing around Triple-A and an independent league.
王建民,36歲,上次在大聯盟投球是 2013 年。2014-2015球季在 3A 跟獨立聯盟中浮沈
: The former Yankees ace won 38 games from 2006-07, but a foot injury in 2008
: and a major shoulder injury in 2009 sabotaged his career. Wang suffered a
: torn shoulder capsule and had a 6.60 ERA in 163 2/3 innings from 2009-13.
這位前洋基 ace 在 2006-2007 獲得 38 勝,但是 2008 腳傷及 2009 肩傷毀了他的生涯
王受限於他的肩關節囊傷勢,2009-2013 一共投了 163 2/3局,era 是 6.6

: careers of Rich Harden, Mark Prior, and John Maine, among others. Wang lost a
: lot of velocity off his trademark sinker following the surgery, hence his
: ineffectiveness.
關節囊撕裂傷通常對投手來說是死亡之吻。 Rich Harden, Mark Prior, 跟 John Maine
: However, the velocity returned this spring. Several spring training parks in
: Arizona are equipped with PitchFX, and the system clocked Wang's sinker at
: 92.6 mph on average this spring. The sinker had not averaged 92+ mph since
: 2009, before he hurt his shoulder.
然而,球速在春訓中回來了。幾個亞立桑那州春訓場地都配有 PitchFX
王的伸卡均速達到了時速 92.6 英哩。
2009 年後王的伸卡均速沒有時速 92 英哩以上過了

王的伸卡、變速、滑球球速統計表,2013 是整體最慢
各球種雖沒巔峰快,但已經比 2013 好上不少,接近最佳狀況八成以上
: Wang's sinker topped out at 96.3 mph this spring. In 2013, his last stint in
: the big leagues, PitchFX had the sinker averaging 90.4 mph and topped out at
: 93.5 mph. He's added about 3 mph to his sinker despite being three years
: order
王的伸卡在春訓最快來到了時速 96.3 英哩。2013 年,伸卡均速 90.4,最快 93.5
: This spring Wang allowed five runs (four earned) in 15 innings. Most
: importantly, he had 27 ground ball outs and only seven in the air. That
: indicates the sinker is working. For now, Wang figures to pitch in long
: relief with Kansas City.
今年春訓,王丟了15局內丟了 5 分 (4分自責分)。最重要的是滾飛比 27/7
: One strong spring training does not mean Wang is back to where he was with
: the Yankees. He's going to have to continue to prove himself given his recent
: history. The improved velocity is definitely encouraging though. This is one
: comeback story worth rooting for.
: 本篇外電底下部份留言:
: Rich Porter
: Great pitcher until the injury glad to see him get an other shot
: Neeno Brown
: He was a good pitcher for the Yankees a while back before injuries came up...
: Good to see him back in the MLB
傷前是一位好投手,很開心看到他回歸 MLB
: Logan Darr
: He had some velocity this Spring! Happy to have him
: Susan Tu
: Oh my god that was awesome
OMG 這真是太棒了
All Comments

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