Chien-Ming Wang roughed up in return to big lea … - 棒球

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-07-31T09:15

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※ 引述《as6412 (肥頭)》之銘言:
: 標題: [外電] Chien-Ming Wang roughed up in return to big leagues, Nat
: 時間: Sat Jul 30 22:44:57 2011
: Chien-Ming Wang roughed up in return to big leagues, Nats lose 8-5 to Mets

王建民重回大聯盟之路跌跌撞撞, 國民5:8輸給大都會

: ---
: WASHINGTON — Chien-Ming Wang’s first start back in the big leagues was
: short. The Washington Nationals’ losing streak is getting longer.

王建民首次重回大聯盟的局數不長. 國民隊持續連敗

: Wang was rocked for four runs in the first inning and the Nationals’ late
: rally came up short as they lost their sixth straight, 8-5 to the New York
: Mets on Friday night.

一局上王建民被打得頭昏腦脹掉了四分, 國民後期反攻乏力,

在週五晚上, 以 5:8 輸給了大都會, 連敗紀錄持續到了第六場.

: Activated from the 60-day disabled list before the game, Wang gave up six
: runs and eight hits in four innings. It was his first start July 4, 2009,
: when he was with the New York Yankees.
: After his first innings struggles, Wang settled down, though he allowed two
: unearned runs in the fourth. He threw 60 pitches with one walk and two
: strikeouts.
: “I was actually impressed,” Nationals manager Davey Johnson said. “His
: delivery looked really easy. He had some good velocity on the ball. I was
: pleased. I really didn’t think I was going to see that much.”

從 60天傷兵名單中脫離後, 王建民繳出失六分和被打出八安打的成績
這是他從 2009-7-4 後的首次出賽, 那時他還在紐約洋基.

在經過首局的亂流後, 王建民穩定下來, 但他還是在第四局丟掉了兩分的非責失分.
整場比賽他丟了 60 球, 其中有一個保送和兩個三振.

"我印象深刻" 國民教頭 Johnson 說.

"他的表現看起來相當輕鬆. 有些不錯的速球. 我很高興.

: Wang (0-1) was signed by the Nationals in February 2010. He made six rehab
: starts before his Nationals debut.
: “I feel really happy and then especially during the game,” Wang said
: through an interpreter. “I feel like I can do it again, come back to the
: mound, especially it’s been a while, a long time. I was down in Florida
: rehabbing for almost two years. Right now, I’m back.”

王建民與國民隊在2010-02簽約. 在他首次為國民出賽前進行了六場的復健賽.

"我感覺非常開心, 特別是在比賽中" 王透過翻譯表示.

"我感覺我又回來了, 重回投手丘, 特別是經過了這麼一段, 非常長的時間,
我在佛羅里達復健了近乎兩年. 而現在, 我回來了"

: Jose Reyes drove in two runs for the Mets who won their fifth straight, third
: in a row since trading former star outfielder Carlos Beltran. Ronny Paulino
: finished with three hits, and David Wright and Jason Bay each had two.
: Dillon Gee (10-3) allowed three runs and four hits over 6 2-3 innings and hit
: an RBI single in the fourth.
: Trailing 6-0 midway through the fourth inning, the Nationals rallied late and
: had the winning run at the plate in the eighth, but failed to capitalize
: against a hot Mets ball club.

比賽過程, 跳過.

: “It’s getting old hat,” said Johnson, his team having lost eight of nine
: overall. “Our starting pitching, we’ve got to have some improvement there.
: I look for Chien-Ming to give us some improvement there.”

"老梗了", Johnson 表示, 他的隊伍最近九場輸了八場.

"我們的先發陣容需要改善. 我希望建民能給我們這種效果"

: Jason Isringhausen pitched the ninth for his fifth save.
: Wang’s first inning started with a four-pitch walk to the leadoff hitter
: Reyes. The Mets shortstop took second on a wild pitch, moved to third on
: Justin Turner’s single to center and scored on Daniel Murphy opposite field
: hit to left. It was the fourth straight game they pushed across a run in the
: first inning.
: Wright hammered a 1-2 slider off the right field wall for a single to load
: the bases. Angel Pagan hit a two-run single to left on the next pitch for the
: Mets’ fourth consecutive hit.
: Wang finally recorded an out on Bay’s grounder, but Lucas Duda’s sacrifice
: fly to left scored Wright to make it 4-0. Pagan was caught between second and
: third and tagged to end the inning.
: After retiring eight of nine batters, Wang allowed the Mets put up two runs
: in the fourth in his final inning. With runners on first and second and no
: out, Paulino singled to right. Jayson Werth misplayed the ball, but
: centerfielder Rick Ankiel backed him up and threw Bay out at the plate. The
: Mets still scored two runs on Gee’s grounder up the middle and Reyes’
: sacrifice to left.

比賽過程 跳過

: “Once (Wang) got in the second, third inning, he settled down a little bit,”
: Collins said. “But the first inning I’m sure he was very nervous, its been
: a long time and our guys put good swings on him.”
: Wang’s effort, both on the mound and getting back to the bigs did not go
: unnoticed by his teammates.
: “He fought through and stayed with it,” Ryan Zimmerman said. He stayed with
: it, worked his butt off and made it back. And I think we’re all proud.”

"王建民在進入第二局, 第三局後, 他穩定了下來" Collins 說.

"但首局我非常確定他很緊張, 這是一段相當掙扎的時間,

王建民的努力, 包括了在投手丘上的奮鬥和重回大聯盟之路,

"他找到重回之道並且維持住它" Zimmerman 說.

"他撐住了, 努力的練習, 並且回來了, 我覺得我們都有沾到這分光榮"

: In the fourth the Nationals loaded the bases with one out. Laynce Nix
: grounded to second base for a potential inning-ending double play, but Reyes’
: throw to first base for the final out was wild, allowing two runs to score.
: In the fourth, Ankiel hit a sacrifice fly.
: The Nationals plated two runs off three Mets relievers in the eighth to make
: it 8-5 and had the bases loaded with one out. D.J. Carrasco entered and
: struck out Danny Espinosa and Ryan Zimmerman to end the threat.

比賽過程 跳過

: “We gave ourselves chances,” Zimmerman said. “That’s tough to do against
: that team, they’ve been playing good.”
: NOTES: Wright has gotten a hit in all eight games since coming of the
: disabled list on July 22, and has multiple hits in seven of the eight games.
: ... Nationals OF Roger Bernadina was optioned to Triple-A Syracuse to make
: room for Wang. The Nationals’ primary CF since Davey Johnson was hired as
: manager, Bernandina was hitting .247 with five homers, 20 RBI and 16 stolen
: bases in 71 games this season, but was hitless over his last 20 at-bats.

一些後記 跳過

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2011-08-03T05:47
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-08-04T20:33
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2011-08-08T05:27
push 有翻有推
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2011-08-11T02:32
一樓的結論是怎樣 無言


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2011-07-31T09:02
這段影片是國民隊為王建民所製作的登場影片! 畫面品質不是很好 也有點抖動~ 不過 我猜 應該除了去現場的人有看過外 其他人沒機會看到 因此在此與各位分享一下囉! 王建民加油! - ...

20110730 台灣演義 王建民

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2011-07-31T08:07
請教一個問題 影片中有提到經紀人and#34;宋正立and#34; 北體林領隊說他是一個真正的經紀人 可是印象中對他的評論似乎不是很好? 請問大家對這個人有什麼評論? 另外他現在不是八方的選手? - ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2011-07-31T01:51
剛剛看完台灣演義介紹了小王的成長歷史(謝謝上篇分享) 真的很令人感動 一個靠努力而成功的勵志故事 不論接下來是否能再度站穩先發位置 他在台灣人心中 永遠都是英雄 雖然洋基將他釋出並不讓人意外 大聯盟本來就是殘酷的戰場 希望他能快點找回往日犀利的伸卡 然後在投手丘上好好的痛電洋基一場!! ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-07-31T00:00

20110730 台灣演義 王建民

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-07-30T23:56
20110730 民視 台灣演義 王建民 part.1 10歲成投手 棒球展風華 台灣之光王建民的掘起路 part.2 冷靜 專情 魔力伸卡球 台灣之光王建民 洋基勝投王 http://blog.roodo. ...