Chien-Ming Wang is really making a comeback - 棒球

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-07-09T22:42

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Chien-Ming Wang is really making a comeback
By Adam Kilgore

Chien-Ming Wang’s tenure with the Nationals before this month had
consisted entirely sputtering comebacks and frustrating setbacks.
He threw bullpen sessions that led to more bullpen sessions that led
to a break to rest his shoulder. He surely set extended spring training
records of longevity.

Which makes this so difficult and, if you’re a sucker for a happy
ending, so gratifying to process: Wang really seems to coming back,
and he might pitch in the major leagues by the end of July.

Last night in Harrisburg, Wang made another sterling rehab start,
his most impressive performance on any mound in more than two years.
He allowed a Class AA lineup no runs in five innings, yielding only
two hits and no walks while striking out two and producing a cavalcade
of groundballs. He hit 92 miles per hour with his fastball and pitched
consistently between 88 and 90. That’s good enough – in 2007, when he
won 19 games, Wang’s fastball average 92.7 miles per hour.

In three rehab starts, one each at Hagerstown, Potomac and Harrisburg,
Wang has allowed two runs in 12 innings on seven hits and two walks,
striking out seven. Wang made first minor league rehab start June 27,
and by rule he can only remain on the disabled list for 30 more days
after that first rehab appearance.

General Manager Mike Rizzo has said he sees the endpoint of Wang’s
minor league rehab being the major leagues. Wang last pitched in the
majors on July 4, 2009. At last, it seems like he’s almost ready to
return. For real.

From Washington Post blog

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-07-12T17:11
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2011-07-16T12:23
整篇好像沒有什麼重點 跟之前提到的都差不多 總結王3場的
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2011-07-17T19:31
成績 以及NY時期球速平均約92.7mile 上一場約在88~90mile
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2011-07-20T16:03
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2011-07-25T04:53
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2011-07-29T11:38
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2011-08-02T12:55
投43球有32好球 ?
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2011-08-06T01:16
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-08-08T23:15
43-32 = 11 勝 今年會有11勝XD

試投曲球 王建民被轟二壘打

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2011-07-09T22:24
試投曲球 王建民被轟二壘打 【聯合報╱記者廖廷儀/賓州哈里斯堡報導】 2011.07.09 04:31 am 說好的曲球呢?王建民還真的說到做到,真的在實戰中拿出來用了。 第四局,面對海狼隊打者畢夏普,兩好一壞情形下,王建民投出的第四球, 揮臂姿勢稍有不同,球速也明顯減緩,不需要從電視上看,在現場用肉眼 ...

躲過雨神和飛蟲 建仔節奏沒變卦

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-07-09T22:21
躲過雨神和飛蟲 建仔節奏沒變卦 【聯合報╱記者廖廷儀/賓州哈里斯堡報導】 2011.07.09 04:15 am 正要從下榻旅館出發到球場,放晴了一早上的哈里斯堡卻突然下起傾盆大雨,王建民 不禁皺起眉頭。因為,他可不希望好不容易建立起的投球節奏因此被破壞。 「最好是現在下一下,比賽時放晴最好,」王建民說。 ...

重返大聯盟 建仔走出重要一步

George avatar
By George
at 2011-07-09T09:46
2011-07-09 中國時報 【劉屏/華盛頓8日電】  王建民賽後在一壘休息區會見媒體,氣象預報即將下雨,無數蚊蟲四處飛舞,令人不 敢大聲說話,深怕一開口就吃到蚊蟲。  王建民不時揮趕蚊蟲,依然流露淺淺笑容。剛結束的這場比賽,是他受傷蟄伏2年來首 場勝投。  從模擬賽到3場復健賽,不但投 ...

5局無失分 建仔復健賽勝投

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2011-07-09T09:44
2011-07-09 中國時報 【劉屏/華盛頓8日電】  旅美職棒投手王建民台北時間8日三度登板投復健賽,於賓州哈利斯堡的小聯盟2A的比 賽掛帥先發。他主投5局無失分,只被擊出零星的2支安打,最高球速92哩(約148公里)也 超越前兩場比賽,並成為這場比賽的勝利投手。  這是王建民加盟華盛頓國民 ...

王建民投優質好球 教練拿他當隊友典範

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2011-07-09T06:29
王建民投優質好球 教練拿他當隊友典範 升上2A,王建民的表現不但沒退步,反而更上層樓,對他的再出發無疑再增添許多信心, 而且球速上升更讓他開心,場邊教練也看得相當滿意,投手教練湯姆林(Randy Tomlin) 稱讚他,還要其他球員學習他怎麼投出好球。 投出5局無失分無四死球,最快92英哩(約148公里) ...