Chicken-catcher Lu rules the roost. - 網球 Tennis

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2010-06-29T05:41

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Chicken farming's loss, then, is tennis's gain. After Yen-Hsun Lu had caused
the biggest upset of the 2010 Wimbledon championships, knocking out Andy
Roddick, last year's finalist, 9-7 in the fifth set, he spoke not of dreams
coming true or of dreams yet to be realised. No, he spoke of chickens. He can
catch them, you know.

It seems that Mr Lu is a man of many talents. From the relatively lowly
ranking position of the world's No.82, he outplayed Roddick for more than 4 ½
hours. Despite never having got beyond the third round in a major
championship before, he played like a seasoned Grand Slam veteran.

It was a match he never believed he could win, but it was one he always knew
he would fight for. And fight he did.

"I still thinking when I was going to the final set, I just tell myself, I
have to fight," he said. "Because I know in the fifth set, there is no
tie-break, and he has a better serve. So I just tell myself, 'if I can stay
longer, longer, longer, then probably something happens'. And finally then I
waited [for a] last chance to close the match.

"But I tell you, fifth set, I don't believe I can win because he's better
server than me. But I just tell myself, even if I don't believe, I have to

But when it was over, he was briefly downcast. Proud, but still sad. He had
started playing tennis 18 years ago when he and his father decided to learn
together. Although not a coach, Lu's father still guided his son's career and
supported him through thick and thin, advising him and helping him until he
turned professional in 2000. But that same year, Mr Lu senior died and so
never saw what his son could go on to achieve. And beating Roddick was the
greatest achievement to date.

"I'm really upset because my father's already passed away," Lu said. "I make
this result. I'm really proud of myself to share this victory with him [his
father] in the sky. I hope he sees this match.

"So, in that moment, I just sit and tell myself, I done it. I done it for my
father. I done it for myself also. I done it for all the people support me.
I'm just upset that I done it, and he wasn't with me. That's why I'm just
very sad about this. But today I think he's here and he is also very happy
for me."

His family would be hugely proud if he were to beat Novak Djokovic in the
next round, too. Lu has no idea what will happen on Wednesday but he does
know that he will give it everything he has got. Well, it worked against
Roddick, after all.

"I know the next opponent is Djokovic," he said, quietly. "Also is very great
player. I don't know how far I can play. I cannot tell you. But I can tell
you if I have a chance to step on the court, I will fight in the end."

But back to the chickens. Lu's father had worked in the live chicken
business, supplying the birds to butchers and food outlets. As a young man,
Lu had helped out his father but decided it was not a job for him, even if he
did learn a few of the tricks of the trade.

"I can catch a chicken," he said with a huge smile. "I can show you. Yeah,
serious. I can catch a chicken. I don't really like because smell really bad.
But I know it is very tough work. They are always working between 1am to 6am,
like very early. That time the chicken cannot run away because they cannot

Fortunately for Wimbledon, Lu soon decided that tennis was a much better way
to make a living and now, although he is 26, he is getting better with every
year. Last season he spent a couple of months working with Mark Woodforde,
one half of the Woodies doubles partnership, and that helped his volleying.
This year, he hired an Argentine fitness coach to prepare for his trip to


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-07-01T16:17
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2010-07-04T02:54
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-07-06T13:31
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-07-09T00:07
倒數幾段又回到Chicken XD
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2010-07-11T10:44
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-07-13T21:20
這記者專業, 忠實地把10分鐘Interview寫成一篇好的報導
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-07-16T07:57
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2010-07-18T18:34
標題超酷 推
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2010-07-21T05:10
這篇有梗又詳實報導訪問內容 GJ!
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-07-23T15:47


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2010-06-29T05:08
雖然並不是roddick的死忠球迷 但是很折服於他賽後訪談的風度 球品超好 可以全力以赴的打每一場比賽 但是毫不猶豫的讚美擊敗自己的對手 看見他泛紅的鼻頭跟眼眶 不禁覺得賽後訪問對他也是折磨(所以我也是沒看完就切掉了) 一再的挑起輸球的情緒並不好受 還是快些還他一個空間好好沉澱 非常欣賞他的重砲 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2010-06-29T04:48
※ 引述《chantelle (蚌精)》之銘言: : 雖然對於盧彥勳的勝利感到非常興奮 : 但是Roddick的努力又讓人感到心疼 : (更不爽的是一日球迷的白癡推文,雖然我知道跟這些人計較很傻氣) 不要跟那些人計較。 那些人怎麼會懂得03、04、05年的溫布頓都輸給同一個人, 在去年最接近溫布頓冠軍的時 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-06-29T04:28 連結包含最後一球跟賽後訪問。 重點是連結裡頭打錯盧彥勳的姓好幾次,Lu變成Yu。 請問一下各位版友這個要怎麼樣去要求更正啊? - ...


David avatar
By David
at 2010-06-29T04:28
賽後訪問已經上去了 沒看到的LU LU 迷可以趕快來聽聽他的INTERVIEW - ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2010-06-29T04:25
雖然對於盧彥勳的勝利感到非常興奮 但是Roddick的努力又讓人感到心疼 (更不爽的是一日球迷的白癡推文,雖然我知道跟這些人計較很傻氣) 多少年過去了~草地上翻滾的白色身影總是吸引我的目光 但一次又一次的失利.....以前我以為至少Federer退休的隔年Roddick就可以笑捧金盃 可是......大笨蛋 ...