Chelsea 6 - 0 Arsenal - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2014-03-25T02:02

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球員/SKY/Goal comments sky WhoScored Goal
切赫 7 7.7 2.5
Solid when called into action
Sharp save to deny Giroud early on and had little else to do thereafter as
Chelsea dominated the game.
伊凡諾維奇 7 7.7 2.5
Plenty of sorties forward down the right and some good service into the box
Strong defensively and always offered an option out the right touchline.
卡希爾 6 7.3 2.5
Physical and pretty dominant against the Arsenal front line
Composed at the back and only really had to worry about Giroud on one
occasion when the Arsenal striker got in behind.
特里 6 7.1 3.0
Usual presence at the back to keep out the Gunners.
Excellent reading of the game and commanding in the air throughout. A
dominant display.
阿茲皮利奎塔 6 7.9 2.5
Tidied up well when Arsenal thried to threaten
Never troubled defensively and always looked to receive the ball out wide.
Stretched the pitch, especially in the second-half.
路易茲 7 7.7 3.0
Fine display and popped up all over the pitch
Good positioning , strong tackling and tidy use of the ball. Could have
scored but twice denied by good Szczesny saves.
馬蒂奇 6 8.5 4.0
Sat well in midfield and stopped a lot of Arsenal attacks
Hardly allowed Arsenal any space in attacking areas. Excellent positional
awareness, powerful physicality and good use of the ball. Set up the sixth
goal for Salah was a fine pass.
許爾勒 8 9.1 4.0
Excellent in mdfield - great range of passing and always posed a goal threat
The German was a constant threat as he looked to get past Arsenal's high
line. Created Eto'o's opener before scoring the second himself with a fine
low finish.
奧斯卡 7 8.4 4.0
Lively and creative
Scored Chelsea's fourth goal from close range at the end of the first half
before placing in his second from 20 yards midway through the second period.
Bright display from the Brazilian as he put Arsenal under pressure between
the lines and looked to add zip to the hosts' play.
哈札德 7 8.2 3.5
A slightly quieter performance but still played his part
The Belgian was classy and skillful on the ball, as usual. Forced the penalty
with a goal-bound shot before converting the spot-kick himself.
埃托奧 7 7.5 3.0
Had to go off injured but got the vital first goal
Lovely goal to put Chelsea ahead in just the fifth minute as he cut inside on
to his left foot and curled inside the far corner. Forced off five minutes
later through injury.

托雷斯 8 7.5 3.5
Early repalacement for Eto'o and had a very good game
His speed and skill were a constant worry for Arsenal. Set up the fourth goal
for Oscar with a low ball across goal and almost scored himself shortly after
the restart following an excellent run.
薩拉赫 7 7.0 3.5
Nice first Chelsea goal, took it well
Replaced Oscar in the 67th minute and scored his first goal four Chelsea four
minutes later after breaking the Arsenal offside trap and sliding low past
米克爾 6 6.2 2.5
Late sub for Luiz and one or two hefty challenges
Solid presence in midfield after coming on for Luiz in the 72nd minute.

Tags: 足球

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