Celtics Wanted Game 3 More than the Pistons - 波士頓塞爾提克 Boston Celtics

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2008-05-26T09:25

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Celtics Wanted Game 3 More than the Pistons

A little slow on the take this morning being the weekend and all. It wasn't
the prettiest of games last night between the Celtics and Pistons. More than
strategy or even talent, what separated the 2 teams was simple, DESIRE. The
Celtics wanted the win, more than the Pistons did. It showed up in the way the
Celtics played defense, hustled for loose balls, and shared the ball.

因為週末,今天早上比較晚出爐。昨晚 Celtics和活塞的比賽不是最美麗的。超過策略
或甚至天份,區別兩隊不同的東西很簡單,渴望。Celtics 想要這場勝利,超過活塞想

This play in the 3rd quarter pretty much summed up the whole game if you didn't
watch it. Starts out with great defense by Paul Pierce on Tayshaun Prince,
resulting in partially blocking the shot. The alley-oop pass to Garnett doesn't
work on transition, but Ray Allen jumps to the loose ball first and PP picks it
up. On the 3v2 that ensues, PP finds Kevin Garnett who passes to Kendrick
Perkins for the open shot. Here is the full sequence (apologize in advance for
the poor video quality),

如果你沒看比賽,第三節的這次進攻差不多就是總結了。一開始是Paul Pierce對
Tayshaun Prince偉大的防守,結果蓋到一點的火鍋。然後快速攻防轉換時第一時間給
Garnett沒有成功,但是 Ray Allen跳過去搶球,結果PP又把球撿回來。在接下來的三
打二,PP找到Kevin Garnett,他又傳給Kendrick Perkins, Perkins空檔跳投。以下


3v2, Make the Extra Pass:
I just want to point out the extra pass by Kevin Garnett on the 3v2. When you
have numbers, you have to force the defense to come and defend you, then make
the extra pass to the open teammate,

我只想指出 Kevin Garnett在三打二時額外的傳球。當你有人數優勢時,你得要迫使防


The other day, I talked about the biggest issue for the Celtics, can they get
more scoring than the big 3. If not, it will be difficult to get over 80
points. They answered that question last night with Rondo, Perkins and Posey
all picking up 12 points. Still though, the question somewhat lingers. How much
of that bench scoring was due to the poor defense of the Pistons? Was this a 1
hit wonder, or will the bench continue to score? If you're the Celtics, you're
season depends on it.

在之前,我談過 Celtics最大的問題,他們可以在三巨頭之外找到得分的人嗎。如果不
行,要得超過80分會很難。他們昨晚回答了這個問題,Rondo、Perkins和 Posey都得了

As for the Pistons, it's that familiar theme. How much do you want it? You have
the players, the talent to win it all. But it's what you do on game day that
counts. And so far in these playoffs, the Pistons have not shown that
consistent effort every single night. Maybe it's a chemistry thing, maybe it's
the coach. But the Pistons right now are their own worst enemy.


Tags: NBA

All Comments

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-05-27T23:55
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-05-29T14:25
現在正看SA vs LA , 覺得spur的戰術很棒
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2008-05-31T04:55
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2008-06-01T19:25
對阿 三巨頭帶來的是空間 不是大量得分

Re: 大歐退休以後

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2008-05-26T03:52
※ 引述《KerryWood (KerryWood)》之銘言: : 感覺可以去改打相撲 : 看到下面這則新聞有感 : 可惜不太可能 : http://news.sina.com.tw/article/20080525/383237.html : 日本相撲 首位歐洲力士封王 : 日本相撲夏季大賽,雖然今天才是最 ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2008-05-26T03:31
感覺可以去改打相撲 看到下面這則新聞有感 可惜不太可能 http://news.sina.com.tw/article/20080525/383237.html 日本相撲 首位歐洲力士封王 日本相撲夏季大賽,雖然今天才是最後一天,不過來自歐洲的力士琴歐洲,昨天就以十三 勝一敗的戰績提前封王,成為 ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2008-05-25T22:43
置底說九點半重播 我早上沒看到傻傻的等 結果被騙了 看總版才知道是下午就撥過了 嗚嗚 - ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2008-05-25T20:54
哈囉~有沒有人可以po今天雷槍的最後一球呀! 想再回味一下,但都沒看到有人po... 而且沒有入選top5... RAYGUN 魂~~~GO - ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2008-05-25T19:40
就是找塞隊迷們大家一起拍段影片寄給Celtics阿~~有人這樣想過嗎? 如果他們有收下來又有在比賽時撥出來就超酷的阿~ 還有 有人嘗試過寄信給yutube上面支持Celtics的外國球迷嗎? - ...