Blue Jays pound Wang, Yankees to take series finale - 棒球

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2007-08-09T17:05

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Blue Jays pound Wang, Yankees to take series finale
(Original publication: August 9, 2007)

TORONTO - The Yankees were playing with house money against the Toronto
Blue Jays last night, having won the first two games of the series.

By the third inning, they had lost every penny of it.

Chien-Ming Wang had the worst start of his career as the Yankees were
thumped 15-4 before a crowd of 40,811 at the Rogers Centre.

The Yankees hit three long home runs off Toronto ace Roy Halladay and it
hardly mattered as Wang allowed eight runs on nine hits and was unable
to get through the third inning.

The Blue Jays finished with 16 hits off Wang and three relievers and
matched a franchise record with nine doubles. The 15 runs matched the
most the Yankees have allowed this season.

"We've won so often we know we're good at this point in time," manager
Joe Torre said. "You go from now to the end of the season, you know you're
not going to win every ballgame. It wouldn't have made us feel any better
losing 2-1, that's for sure."

The one-day disaster could have been worse. With Detroit losing 7-1 against
Tampa Bay, the Yankees remain only a half-game out in the American League
wild-card race. They have today off before starting a three-game series in
Cleveland tomorrow night.

The Yankees, who had won five straight, were without Alex Rodriguez. He
has a bruised left calf, the result of a retaliation pitch from Toronto's
Josh Towers on Tuesday night. The Yankees hope he will be ready to face the

With how Wang (13-6), pitched, it was a good night for Rodriguez to have off.

Wang was 10-1 over his last 13 starts and said on Tuesday that he was looking
forward to facing Halladay, a fellow sinker-ball specialist. But the
right-hander was bad from the start as the first four Toronto batters had
hits and the Blue Jays took a 3-0 lead.

"The ball was up and in the middle," said Wang, who believes his arm angle
was off. "All game."

The Yankees gave Wang a chance to keep them in the game when Jason Giambi
singled and Robinson Cano homered deep to right field in the second, the
first of two he would hit off Halladay. Giambi was 1 for 4 as the designated
hitter in his first start since coming off the disabled list.

But Wang took the Yankees out of it, giving up five runs in the third inning
before being relieved by Jeff Karstens with two outs. Wang walked slowly off
the field after Torre came to the mound. There were a group of fans behind
the dugout waving small Taiwanese flags but he did not look up at them.

It was the first time in 71 career starts that Wang failed to pitch at least
four innings. The eight runs were also the most he has ever allowed.

Wang said it was his worst start since 2004 when he gave up 10 runs in one
inning while pitching for Double-A Trenton.

"I have to forget about it and work in the bullpen," he said. "Bad game."

Vernon Wells had three hits and four RBI. Frank Thomas had two of the nine
doubles, a single and three RBI. Gregg Zaun, Aaron Hill and John McDonald
drove in two runs each.

"You don't see that from Wang much," Johnny Damon said. "We won the series,
so we have to be proud of that. We can just forget this game."

Halladay (13-5) went seven innings, allowing four runs on six hits. He
walked one and struck out eight.

With his team up 14-2 in the seventh, Halladay was just trying to throw
strikes and Hideki Matsui and Cano homered. Matsui's shot, to dead center
field, gave him 23 homers and 80 RBI on the season.

He is second on the team behind Rodriguez (36 homers, 109 RBI) in both

Reach Peter Abraham at [email protected] and read his Yankees blog at

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2007-08-14T13:18
work in the bullpen是指?
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2007-08-17T11:38
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2007-08-19T00:28
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2007-08-21T05:49
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2007-08-21T18:26

a true Yankees fan

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2007-08-09T15:53
有在看MLB或是王建民的人今天應該都很悶吧! 跟我一樣,一早7點起來看球,結果小王投不到3局就被打爆了! 責失8分,天啊!有點慘。 小王下場還踢了休息區的椅子,看的我心都揪了一下。 當然,洋基最後大敗給藍鳥,這一場應該是小王3年來最糟的一場了, 不過哪一個巨投沒有被打爆過呢?挫折才會成長, Cle ...

自責控球不佳 王建民難得發脾氣踹椅子

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2007-08-09T15:46
挑戰14勝的王建民今天二度被鳥啄傷,投不到3局就失掉8分,被教練換下場。 好脾氣的他也難得生氣,下場時還踢了休息室的椅子,責怪自己沒有幫洋基對 贏球。 王建民今天對上多倫多藍鳥隊,在對方主場Rogers Centre人工草皮裡登板, 第一局就碰上大亂流,被擊出4支安打,失掉3分,投手教練叫暫停後,才稍微 止 ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2007-08-09T15:29
全世界的媒體好像都有一項共通的特性-----見不得別人好 就好比金炳賢在世界大賽的敗投以及松坂的爆炸 隔天台灣媒體就會很HIGH 甚至有的還酸人 所以大膽推測 明天日韓媒體會針對這次的慘敗 做一次特別報導.... - ...

左打+人工草皮 建仔大罩門

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2007-08-09T15:20
【聯合晚報╱記者李一中、藍宗標/綜合報導】 2007.08.09 03:11 pm 王建民再度對上藍鳥哈勒戴,小王慘敗,哈勒戴則演出8K獲勝,並追上建仔的13勝。 路透 藍鳥「左打部隊」今天整慘王建民,其中開路先 ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2007-08-09T15:19
每次王輸球後板上就看到一堆找戰犯、找理由的文 一大早7點起來看球看到輸球心情已經很不爽了 還看到不少人在那邊怪東怪西 怪教練 怪好球帶 怪 Jeter 等等諸如此類 還有 該不會有人一直認為 Jeter 守備好過 A-Rod ?? 金手套 ? 有人一整個賽季上場守備 28 場 就拿到金手套 ...