Blue Jays: Chien-Ming Wang’s resurrection dovetails - 棒球

By Agnes
at 2013-06-23T13:34
at 2013-06-23T13:34
Table of Contents
※ 引述《Vett (Vett)》之銘言:
: Blue Jays: Chien-Ming Wang’s resurrection dovetails nicely with
: team’s surge: DiManno
: Given his solid performance over three starts for Toronto since
: signing with the club June 11, Wang deserves interim top billing
: among the Jays’ starters.
: Steve Russell / Toronto Star
: Toronto starter Chien-Ming Wang deals to an Orioles batter during
: his stellar seven-inning stint against the Baltimore Orioles on
: Saturday. The Jays extended their win streak to 10 games with a
: 4-2 victory.
: By: Rosie DiManno Columnist, Published on Sat Jun 22 2013
: Don’t know the identity of the wise guy who had T-shirts made up
: that several Blue Jays have been wearing in the clubhouse lately.
: It reads, a tad sophomorically: Dickey, Johnson, Wang, each
: starting pitcher’s name a euphemism for male genitalia —
: the all-phallus rotation squad.
: Perhaps it should be Wang-Dickey-Johnson. Given his solid
: performance over three starts for Toronto since signing with
: the club June 11, Chien-Ming Wang deserves interim top billing.
上面玩笑的寫著Dicky, Johnson, Wang 暗指老二之類的玩笑就是了
但他自從June以來的精彩演出 他名子要放第一個個才是
: The 33-year-old made it into the seventh inning again in Saturday’s
: 4-2 victory over the Baltimore Orioles as the Jays extended their
: win streak to 10 games, tying the second-best run in team history
: and steadily nudging above .500. Wang had a 2-1 lead in his pocket,
: looking poised and confident when manager John Gibbons called for
: Aaron Loup from the ’pen to face dangerous lefty Chris Davis.
成就對史上目前第二好的10連勝, 持續穩定的超過50啪
當 Aaron 被從牛棚叫上來 面對 危險的 左打Chris Davis
這時老王已經2-1入袋惹 看起來很有氣勢
:Loup promptly hit the batter and in the eighth inning Darren Oliver gave
: up a tying dinger so Wang had another no-decision for his efforts.
然後總之就是一個觸身,然後第八局掉分, 老王無關勝負
: But the pride of Taiwan — trailed by a posse of journalists who’ve
: made the long hike overseas just to document Wang’s resurrection
: from the minors — has now gone 16.2 innings without allowing an earned
: run, thanks to a correctly corrected scoring decision that turned
: Baltimore’s first run into an error for Emilio Bonifacio, before Jose
: Bautista’s 16th homer put the Jays ahead for keeps.
但這個台灣之光 - 根據這票跑跨海殺過來要紀錄老王敗部復活的記者們-
掉的第一分 變成Emilio Bonifacio 的失誤了
: Simultaneous with Toronto metamorphosing through June into the team
: they were expected to be when this fitful season began, Wang has also
: redrawn the parameters of his career. He’s actually turned into a
: good problem for the Jays to have because they will need to make some
: interesting decisions when Brandon Morrow and J.A. Happ come off the
: disabled list.
整個六月 Toronto 好像全隊吃藥一樣勇猛
: This is not the starting quintet Toronto had envisioned, with Wang
: and Esmil Rogers snatching spots, each making valuable contributions
: during this W-surge. Wang, in particular, seemed little more than a
: footnote addition, a cross-your-fingers-and-hope-for-the-best stopgap
: acquisition who’d been toiling in Triple-A as a Yankee discard, far
: removed from his hard sinker glory days and back-to-back 19-win
: seasons in New York, 2006 and 2007.
: Gibbons was asked after the game by a Taiwanese reporter to confirm
: that Wang had well and truly entrenched himself in the rotation.
: “Morrow and Happ are a ways away so it’s way too early to even look
: at that. Let’s enjoy what he’s doing. He’s got no reason to look over
: his shoulder.”
老實說 Toronto 當初也沒想這麼多 對於Wang 跟Esmil 各自扮演了很好的角色
尤其是老王, 看起來不僅僅是個額外的註解, 一個你十指交握起倒祈禱這個新來的可以
扛的住 而這傢伙之前還是在洋基因失去當年輝煌的sinker而被冰在三A
: A Wang-dang-doodle standing ovation escorted him off the mound.
: “Pretty happy, it’s been a long time.”
"好開心, 等好久了說"
: Blue Jays: Chien-Ming Wang’s resurrection dovetails nicely with
: team’s surge: DiManno

: signing with the club June 11, Wang deserves interim top billing
: among the Jays’ starters.
: Steve Russell / Toronto Star
: Toronto starter Chien-Ming Wang deals to an Orioles batter during
: his stellar seven-inning stint against the Baltimore Orioles on
: Saturday. The Jays extended their win streak to 10 games with a
: 4-2 victory.
: By: Rosie DiManno Columnist, Published on Sat Jun 22 2013
: Don’t know the identity of the wise guy who had T-shirts made up
: that several Blue Jays have been wearing in the clubhouse lately.
: It reads, a tad sophomorically: Dickey, Johnson, Wang, each
: starting pitcher’s name a euphemism for male genitalia —
: the all-phallus rotation squad.
: Perhaps it should be Wang-Dickey-Johnson. Given his solid
: performance over three starts for Toronto since signing with
: the club June 11, Chien-Ming Wang deserves interim top billing.
上面玩笑的寫著Dicky, Johnson, Wang 暗指老二之類的玩笑就是了
但他自從June以來的精彩演出 他名子要放第一個個才是
: The 33-year-old made it into the seventh inning again in Saturday’s
: 4-2 victory over the Baltimore Orioles as the Jays extended their
: win streak to 10 games, tying the second-best run in team history
: and steadily nudging above .500. Wang had a 2-1 lead in his pocket,
: looking poised and confident when manager John Gibbons called for
: Aaron Loup from the ’pen to face dangerous lefty Chris Davis.
成就對史上目前第二好的10連勝, 持續穩定的超過50啪
當 Aaron 被從牛棚叫上來 面對 危險的 左打Chris Davis
這時老王已經2-1入袋惹 看起來很有氣勢
:Loup promptly hit the batter and in the eighth inning Darren Oliver gave
: up a tying dinger so Wang had another no-decision for his efforts.
然後總之就是一個觸身,然後第八局掉分, 老王無關勝負
: But the pride of Taiwan — trailed by a posse of journalists who’ve
: made the long hike overseas just to document Wang’s resurrection
: from the minors — has now gone 16.2 innings without allowing an earned
: run, thanks to a correctly corrected scoring decision that turned
: Baltimore’s first run into an error for Emilio Bonifacio, before Jose
: Bautista’s 16th homer put the Jays ahead for keeps.
但這個台灣之光 - 根據這票跑跨海殺過來要紀錄老王敗部復活的記者們-
掉的第一分 變成Emilio Bonifacio 的失誤了
: Simultaneous with Toronto metamorphosing through June into the team
: they were expected to be when this fitful season began, Wang has also
: redrawn the parameters of his career. He’s actually turned into a
: good problem for the Jays to have because they will need to make some
: interesting decisions when Brandon Morrow and J.A. Happ come off the
: disabled list.
整個六月 Toronto 好像全隊吃藥一樣勇猛
: This is not the starting quintet Toronto had envisioned, with Wang
: and Esmil Rogers snatching spots, each making valuable contributions
: during this W-surge. Wang, in particular, seemed little more than a
: footnote addition, a cross-your-fingers-and-hope-for-the-best stopgap
: acquisition who’d been toiling in Triple-A as a Yankee discard, far
: removed from his hard sinker glory days and back-to-back 19-win
: seasons in New York, 2006 and 2007.
: Gibbons was asked after the game by a Taiwanese reporter to confirm
: that Wang had well and truly entrenched himself in the rotation.
: “Morrow and Happ are a ways away so it’s way too early to even look
: at that. Let’s enjoy what he’s doing. He’s got no reason to look over
: his shoulder.”
老實說 Toronto 當初也沒想這麼多 對於Wang 跟Esmil 各自扮演了很好的角色
尤其是老王, 看起來不僅僅是個額外的註解, 一個你十指交握起倒祈禱這個新來的可以
扛的住 而這傢伙之前還是在洋基因失去當年輝煌的sinker而被冰在三A
: A Wang-dang-doodle standing ovation escorted him off the mound.
: “Pretty happy, it’s been a long time.”
"好開心, 等好久了說"
All Comments

By Steve
at 2013-06-24T14:44
at 2013-06-24T14:44

By Connor
at 2013-06-25T02:12
at 2013-06-25T02:12

By David
at 2013-06-27T18:24
at 2013-06-27T18:24

By Robert
at 2013-07-01T19:40
at 2013-07-01T19:40

By Aaliyah
at 2013-07-04T11:02
at 2013-07-04T11:02

By Doris
at 2013-07-04T13:37
at 2013-07-04T13:37

By Susan
at 2013-07-09T04:08
at 2013-07-09T04:08

By Oliver
at 2013-07-11T13:05
at 2013-07-11T13:05

By Gilbert
at 2013-07-14T15:27
at 2013-07-14T15:27

By Valerie
at 2013-07-17T12:08
at 2013-07-17T12:08

By Hedwig
at 2013-07-18T17:11
at 2013-07-18T17:11

By Enid
at 2013-07-23T01:36
at 2013-07-23T01:36

By Connor
at 2013-07-25T08:48
at 2013-07-25T08:48

By Jacob
at 2013-07-27T12:52
at 2013-07-27T12:52

By Xanthe
at 2013-07-28T04:06
at 2013-07-28T04:06

By Jacky
at 2013-08-01T15:18
at 2013-08-01T15:18

By Ingrid
at 2013-08-02T07:48
at 2013-08-02T07:48

By Belly
at 2013-08-02T22:15
at 2013-08-02T22:15
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