Blog Wars, part deux - 波士頓塞爾提克 Boston Celtics

By Poppy
at 2008-06-04T20:34
at 2008-06-04T20:34
Table of Contents Posted by Gary Dzen, Staff
在PTT上打嘴砲不過癮,也來看看Boston.com和LA Time的專欄作家怎麼打。
Topic No. 2: Who should America be rooting for in the NBA Finals?
Gary Dzen, Boston Globe: 波士頓說法:
It's inevitable.
During every sport's major championship, bandwagon fans come out of
the woodwork to swear their allegiance to one side or the other. During the
Super Bowl, it was everybody against the Patriots (the Super Bowl is the
NFL's championship game, in case someone is reading this from Los Angeles).
During the last World Series, people attached themselves to those loveable,
huggable Red Sox.
開打時,每個人都恨死了愛國者隊 (因為輸給紐約巨人隊),而世界大賽期間,大家又愛
And so it goes.
Putting our prognosticating glasses on, it's easy to see that the
Celtics are going to win over a nation of wannabe basketball fans during the
NBA Finals.
Start with KG, whose intensity has earned him a cult following around
the world. It's impossible not to like Kevin Garnett if he's playing for your
team. KG will draw people in, no doubt.
他? 不用懷疑,KG將會吸引很多球迷。
Besides Garnett, the Celtics have plenty of other guys who fans will
want to root for. Ray Allen is a smooth-talking, smooth-shooting class act.
Paul Pierce has never abandoned his home team and has never asked for a
Rajon Rondo tries like heck on every play. Leon Powe and Glen Davis
bring lunch pails into the paint. Eddie House alternates between nailing
three-pointers and standing on the bench to cheer for his teammates on every
There's also this little issue of what would be good for the NBA. The
league needs the Celtics to be good. Boston has revitalized professional
basketball on the East Coast this season, and lord knows the Knicks and
Sixers aren't going to be of any help for a while. When the Celtics are good,
the NBA is marketable to an entire region of the country.
另外還有個小爭論:NBA想要什麼? 答案是--NBA想要超賽變強大。
And then there's this: Kobe can market the Lakers by himself. The league's
most popular player doesn't need rings for people to watch him. But if he
loses, it's just another reason for the country to cheer. People love seeing
an MVP, but there's nothing people love more than seeing an MVP fail.
看MVP輸球。 (有夠狠~~)
Brian Kamenetzky, LA Times: 洛杉磯說法:
Despite making my living on the Internet, I'm not a big believer in
conspiracy theories.
Yes, these playoffs have seen some controversies favoring the Lakers
and Celtics. No punishment for KG after his shove-in with Eddie Rush in the
Atlanta series. (A good call by the NBA. Just because they freaked out during
the Phoenix-San Antonio series doesn't mean they have to compound the error
by sticking to precedent.) No call on Brent Barry at the end of Game 4. (A
bad call, but the refs botched the previous play and besides, at that point
in a game players have to maul each other like hungry pumas to force a
whistle. Had the famous McHale clothesline of Kurt Rambis happened in the
last six seconds of the fourth, it probably wouldn't have been called.)
Whatever. The two best teams in the NBA made it to the Finals, as it should
Obviously, Bostonians are pulling for the green, while LA is all
purple and gold. But the rest of America has a choice to make. Who should
they want to see hoist the Larry O'Brien?
們比較想看誰舉起那座總冠軍盃? (編按: NBA總冠軍盃在1984年更名為Larry O'Brien冠
軍盃,為了紀念Larry O'Brien在籃球運動上的貢獻)
The answer, and I'm not just saying this to keep my apartment from
getting egged, is the Lakers. Here are a few reasons why:
˙A title for KG is a nice story, but would have nothing on the
dramatic arc of Kobe and the Lakers winning it all this year. A year ago, the
Lakers were in shambles. Their star player wanted out, the owner's son was
questioning the coach while the owner was getting pulled over for DUI while a
23-year-old woman rode shotgun. Andrew Bynum is shredded by said star in an
Orange County parking lot, blows up on the NBA before blowing up his knee. A
promising season is in doubt until Mitch Kupchak steals Pau Gasol from
Memphis. Now they're four games from an NBA title. You could make a movie out
of this stuff, and this being LA, someone probably will.
1. KG拿到第一座冠軍頭銜是個好故事,但還不足以阻擋Kobe和湖人今年的運勢。
˙Death, taxes, and no rain on parade day in LA. Those are the only
guarantees in life.
2. 生命中只有三件事不會改變﹕死亡、稅金、還有LA的遊行日不下雨。(什麼東東…?)
˙What's good for Jack Nicholson is good for America.
3. 傑克尼克遜喜歡的,就是美國人喜歡的。
˙Derek Fisher. You should be ashamed of yourself for ever rooting
against a team for which he plays. Don't like him? Try Ronny Turiaf, a player
so enthusiastic and exuberant that fans decided they'd rather watch him cheer
from the bench via Yellowbook Cam than any of the dudes on the court during
the Western Conference Finals. Finally, there's Lamar Odom, who has seen more
tragedy and death in his family than anyone should, wears his heart on his
sleeve, and is as solid a guy as you'll find in the Association.
4. Derek Fisher。你如果不支持Fisher的球隊,那真應該感到羞愧。
˙The ninth place team in the Western Conference won 48 games. The
Lakers have defeated 50, 54, and 56 win teams just to make it this far. They
finished atop the most brutal conference in recent memory. The Celtics could
have lost every game they played after the All-Star break and still made the
playoffs, then beat one good team to make the Finals. Justice demands the
Lakers win in the end.
5. 在西區排名第九的隊伍都有48勝。湖人必須打敗50勝、54勝還有56勝的隊伍才能走到
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在PTT上打嘴砲不過癮,也來看看Boston.com和LA Time的專欄作家怎麼打。
Topic No. 2: Who should America be rooting for in the NBA Finals?
Gary Dzen, Boston Globe: 波士頓說法:
It's inevitable.
During every sport's major championship, bandwagon fans come out of
the woodwork to swear their allegiance to one side or the other. During the
Super Bowl, it was everybody against the Patriots (the Super Bowl is the
NFL's championship game, in case someone is reading this from Los Angeles).
During the last World Series, people attached themselves to those loveable,
huggable Red Sox.
開打時,每個人都恨死了愛國者隊 (因為輸給紐約巨人隊),而世界大賽期間,大家又愛
And so it goes.
Putting our prognosticating glasses on, it's easy to see that the
Celtics are going to win over a nation of wannabe basketball fans during the
NBA Finals.
Start with KG, whose intensity has earned him a cult following around
the world. It's impossible not to like Kevin Garnett if he's playing for your
team. KG will draw people in, no doubt.
他? 不用懷疑,KG將會吸引很多球迷。
Besides Garnett, the Celtics have plenty of other guys who fans will
want to root for. Ray Allen is a smooth-talking, smooth-shooting class act.
Paul Pierce has never abandoned his home team and has never asked for a
Rajon Rondo tries like heck on every play. Leon Powe and Glen Davis
bring lunch pails into the paint. Eddie House alternates between nailing
three-pointers and standing on the bench to cheer for his teammates on every
There's also this little issue of what would be good for the NBA. The
league needs the Celtics to be good. Boston has revitalized professional
basketball on the East Coast this season, and lord knows the Knicks and
Sixers aren't going to be of any help for a while. When the Celtics are good,
the NBA is marketable to an entire region of the country.
另外還有個小爭論:NBA想要什麼? 答案是--NBA想要超賽變強大。
And then there's this: Kobe can market the Lakers by himself. The league's
most popular player doesn't need rings for people to watch him. But if he
loses, it's just another reason for the country to cheer. People love seeing
an MVP, but there's nothing people love more than seeing an MVP fail.
看MVP輸球。 (有夠狠~~)
Brian Kamenetzky, LA Times: 洛杉磯說法:
Despite making my living on the Internet, I'm not a big believer in
conspiracy theories.
Yes, these playoffs have seen some controversies favoring the Lakers
and Celtics. No punishment for KG after his shove-in with Eddie Rush in the
Atlanta series. (A good call by the NBA. Just because they freaked out during
the Phoenix-San Antonio series doesn't mean they have to compound the error
by sticking to precedent.) No call on Brent Barry at the end of Game 4. (A
bad call, but the refs botched the previous play and besides, at that point
in a game players have to maul each other like hungry pumas to force a
whistle. Had the famous McHale clothesline of Kurt Rambis happened in the
last six seconds of the fourth, it probably wouldn't have been called.)
Whatever. The two best teams in the NBA made it to the Finals, as it should
Obviously, Bostonians are pulling for the green, while LA is all
purple and gold. But the rest of America has a choice to make. Who should
they want to see hoist the Larry O'Brien?
們比較想看誰舉起那座總冠軍盃? (編按: NBA總冠軍盃在1984年更名為Larry O'Brien冠
軍盃,為了紀念Larry O'Brien在籃球運動上的貢獻)
The answer, and I'm not just saying this to keep my apartment from
getting egged, is the Lakers. Here are a few reasons why:
˙A title for KG is a nice story, but would have nothing on the
dramatic arc of Kobe and the Lakers winning it all this year. A year ago, the
Lakers were in shambles. Their star player wanted out, the owner's son was
questioning the coach while the owner was getting pulled over for DUI while a
23-year-old woman rode shotgun. Andrew Bynum is shredded by said star in an
Orange County parking lot, blows up on the NBA before blowing up his knee. A
promising season is in doubt until Mitch Kupchak steals Pau Gasol from
Memphis. Now they're four games from an NBA title. You could make a movie out
of this stuff, and this being LA, someone probably will.
1. KG拿到第一座冠軍頭銜是個好故事,但還不足以阻擋Kobe和湖人今年的運勢。
˙Death, taxes, and no rain on parade day in LA. Those are the only
guarantees in life.
2. 生命中只有三件事不會改變﹕死亡、稅金、還有LA的遊行日不下雨。(什麼東東…?)
˙What's good for Jack Nicholson is good for America.
3. 傑克尼克遜喜歡的,就是美國人喜歡的。
˙Derek Fisher. You should be ashamed of yourself for ever rooting
against a team for which he plays. Don't like him? Try Ronny Turiaf, a player
so enthusiastic and exuberant that fans decided they'd rather watch him cheer
from the bench via Yellowbook Cam than any of the dudes on the court during
the Western Conference Finals. Finally, there's Lamar Odom, who has seen more
tragedy and death in his family than anyone should, wears his heart on his
sleeve, and is as solid a guy as you'll find in the Association.
4. Derek Fisher。你如果不支持Fisher的球隊,那真應該感到羞愧。
˙The ninth place team in the Western Conference won 48 games. The
Lakers have defeated 50, 54, and 56 win teams just to make it this far. They
finished atop the most brutal conference in recent memory. The Celtics could
have lost every game they played after the All-Star break and still made the
playoffs, then beat one good team to make the Finals. Justice demands the
Lakers win in the end.
5. 在西區排名第九的隊伍都有48勝。湖人必須打敗50勝、54勝還有56勝的隊伍才能走到
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