Black & Huber 拆夥 - 網球 Tennis

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By Puput
at 2010-06-09T23:57

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難得雙打出來一篇新聞 翻一下跟大家分享

Doubles Trouble: Black and Huber on their sudden split
By Douglas Robson

Doubles partnerships, like many relationships in the real world, rarely last.
Tandems drift apart, burn out, and look for a better fit. “Breakups” stem
from monetary, personality and chemistry issues. Partnerships that endure the
never-ending game of musical chairs usually do so because of success. Winning
can smooth over everything.

雙打關係跟很多真實生活中的關係一樣 能夠倖存的少之又少
可能從各方面都有"分手"的情況 包括金錢上.個性上以及來電與否的部分
[有些雙打搭檔其實是(前)情侶 ex: Raymond/Stubbs]
不過搭檔關係可以透過成功來延續 贏球可以讓每件事情都舒緩下來

In other words, it is not unusual to see players form new alliances. But when
they are at the top of the tennis heap? This sparks curiosity. At least mine.
Which is why I was interested in the recent split of Cara Black and Liezel
Huber, who finished 2009 as the world’s top-ranked team and have won four
majors together. Huber, 33, and Black, 31, parted ways after a first-round
exit at the Sony Ericsson Open.

換句話說 看到新的搭檔參賽不是什麼稀奇的事
但當他們站在網球界的巔峰上呢? 這可就令人好奇了
他們獲得了2009年終第一 並且已經拿了四座大滿貫
但在Miami首輪出局後 三十三歲的Huber與三十一歲的Black正式拆夥

I received firsthand accounts of the disintegration in Paris, and it wasn’t
pretty. According to Black, Huber dumped her because she wasn’t carrying her
weight. “After Miami, she just felt like I wasn’t good enough to play with
anymore,” says Black, who lost in the French Open’s fourth round with
partner Elena Vesnina of Russia. Black—part of the illustrious Zimbabwean
clan that also includes Wayne and Byron—went on to say she was blindsided by
Huber’s decision. “She didn’t feel I was committed,” says Black, one of
the fittest players on tour. “That’s just her opinion,” added Black, who
wanted to take the high road but was clearly smarting. “If I don’t feel
like I have the support of my partner, it’s no use playing. It’s time to
move on and feel happy out there and have fun with whoever you’re out there

我在巴黎收到了第一手的訊息 並不那麼讓人高興的
據Black所說 Huber離開他的原因是因為他無法再跟上Huber
"在Miami之後 他認為我沒有好到可以跟他繼續搭下去了
他覺得我不夠堅定 但這是他的選擇 如果我無法感受到搭檔的支持
那繼續打下去就沒有意義了 該是繼續向前找到新的.能讓你快樂的搭檔的時候了"
他出身於辛巴威的網球家庭中 上面還有兩個打網球的哥哥Wayne與Byron

Huber’s initial response to my inquiry was “I’m almost speechless,” but
she was anything but. “I totally did initiate it,” she explained. “I wasn’
t happy how we were going as a team. Tiger Woods changed his swing after he
won the majors. I said to Cara, and these are the words: ‘We are like a 2002
Lexus. We are OK. But you know, 2003 is better, 2004 is better. We are
competing against 2010 models.’” Considering their lofty place in the
rankings, it was a tough call. “The easiest [decision] would have been just
to go on,” she said.

Huber的反應是 "我幾乎都無言了"
他接下去說 "這完全是我先開始的 我對於我們的走向並不高興
但2003的性能更好.2004的性能更好 而我們正在跟2010款的對抗"
考慮到他們的排名 這是個困難的決定 "最簡單的選擇就是各自向前"

Huber described how they hugged after the break in March and planned to
reunite at some point, but she was surprised that a couple of text messages
she sent to Black went unanswered. “This was an amicable split but it’s
turned out way different than I expected,” said the USA’s Huber, who was
born in South Africa.

Huber接著形容了他們確定拆夥之後如何擁抱彼此 接著進行接下來的規劃
"這本來是很友好的分開 但接下來卻變得跟我想像的不一樣"

Huber then ripped Black’s play, her practice habits and her self-absorption
with the No. 1 ranking. “Cara had a terrible match in China,” she said of
the pair’s quarterfinal loss in Beijing to Alisa Kleybanova and Francesca
Schiavone. “She just tightened up completely. Whenever we mentioned
something about the No. 1 ranking Cara would just tighten up. For me it was
never ‘Liezel Huber the No. 1 player.’ But I felt for her it was ‘Cara
Black the No. 1 player’….Who cares what the ranking is? That’s kind of the
struggle that went on in the team.”

"Cara在中國打了場可怕的比賽" 他是說他們被中網八強輸給Kleybanova/Schiavone
"他完全處於緊繃狀態 只要有人跟他提到排名第一 他就會很緊張
對我而言 我永遠都沒有不停想著'我是Liezel Huber 我是世界第一'
誰在乎排名啊? 那是我們之間所面對的掙扎"

Huber said Black’s play deteriorated as the 2010 season went on. “We
started losing more matches to more teams,” she says. “Indian Wells
[another quarterfinal loss] was a shocker. Miami was even worse. We were up
two breaks in the second set and Cara was serving and she served three double
faults in that game. She got her confidence winded for the match. I always
brought my best game to the court. She didn’t have her game.”

"我們開始輸給更多組合 Indian Wells的輸球令人震驚 Miami的甚至更糟
我們在第二盤破了兩個發球局領先 但是Cara接下去居然發了三個雙誤
接著他的信心都飛走了 我已經盡力了 但他就是沒辦法打好"

Huber, in the French Open semifinals with Spain’s Anabel Medina Garrigues,
denied directly saying that Black’s skills were not up to par. She offered
this retort. “If you feel that way, maybe there is truth to it,” she said.
“Somehow when we were up in matches she choked on her serve, and that became
a thing.”

他說 "如果你這樣認為的話 或許這就是事實 當我們明明在比賽中領先
他發球就是會手軟 越來越嚴重"

Huber, who travels with a coach full-time, also criticized Black for using
her husband, fitness expert Brett Stephens, as a tennis coach. Instead of
addressing her on-court problems, Huber said Black just wished them away. “
There is deliberate practice and just practice,” groused Huber. “I don’t
think she had deliberate practice because she didn’t have a coach on hand to
say, ‘Let’s work on this, work on that.’ She wanted her husband to be her
coach and his expertise is not tennis.”

而他也批評Black利用他的老公.健身專家Brett Stephens充當教練
Black不願接受任何關於他在場上的問題 反而希望這些話離他遠一點
"我不認為他有很完善的訓練 因為他根本沒有教練告訴他該練這個該練那個
他只希望他的老公來當教練 但他的專長根本不在網球上"

Relations have grown icier since. A Facebook posting by Huber’s coach, Roger
Anderson, apparently led to a serious of misunderstandings and one
confrontation. The two now barely acknowledge each other, according to Huber.
“They don’t even greet me,” she said of locker room snubs in Stuttgart and
Rome. “There is no common courtesy. I have common courtesy. I speak to
everyone. Sometimes I speak too much but I prefer it that way.”

他們之間的關係開始冷淡 Huber的教練Roger Andreson在Facebook上貼了一段話
導致他們發生更嚴重的誤解 他們現在更疏離彼此
根據Huber而言 在Stuttgart與Rome的時候
"他們甚至不跟我打招呼 一點普通的禮貌都沒有
我懂基本的禮貌 我會跟所有人說話 有時候我話會說得太多 但我比較喜歡這樣"

I wondered if their lack of success against the Williams sisters had played
into the decision to split. In three Grand Slam meetings during the last year
—including finals at the U.S. Open and Australian Open—the two failed to
win a set. Both insisted it played no role. “They are not even a factor
because the Williams sisters are the best,” said Huber. “We were losing to
teams like—I‘m not going to say names because it’s embarrassing.”

他們在連續三次大滿貫的交手 包括美網跟澳網決賽都一盤未得
"他們根本不是原因之一 因為威廉絲姐妹是最強的
但我們會輸給一些組合....我不講出名字 不然會很尷尬"

It’s not the first time these two have had a row. They had a nasty breakup
in 2005 (after winning Wimbledon no less) but mended bridges and started
playing together again in 2007. Championships at the 2007 Australian Open,
2007 Wimbledon and 2008 U.S. Open followed. This time, the pair that still
shares a website say the bridge is likely permanently damaged. “It’s up to
her,” sniffed Black. “If she wants to play with me, we’ll see. It wasn’t
my decision to stop. It was hers. Like I said, I’m not going to force any

這不是他們第一次拆夥 他們在2005年溫網奪冠後就拆夥一次
但2007年又開始搭檔 接著拿下了2007澳網.溫網.2008美網
但現在這對組合還是分享同一個官網 表示這份關係可能會永久經營下去
Black說 "這取決於他 如果他想繼續跟我打 那就看看接下來會怎樣
要拆夥不是我的決定 是他的 我不會強迫任何情況發生"

“We left on good terms in Miami and I don’t know where it went wrong,”
grumbled Huber. “The character that I’ve been shown is not a character
that I like. Unfortunately, I don’t see where we can make a mend on this…I
don’t want to spend my time trying to figure it out when they know what I
stand for and what kind of person I am.”

"我們離開Miami的時候情況都還好 我不知道哪裡出了問題
我現在在大家面前的角色並不是我喜歡的 但不幸的是我不知道該怎麼樣修補這樣的情況
我不想花時間去找問題 特別是他們都知道我是怎麼樣的人" Huber說

Huber, still ranked No. 1 in doubles individually, said she had hoped to be
back playing with No. 4 Black by now and even asked her about playing for the
upcoming grass-court swing. She says she was “totally blown off,” which
doesn’t sound far-fetched, even if the request does. “We don’t have the
same goals,” she said. “I don’t want to hang on to No. 1.”

Huber現在獨自排名第一 他說他曾希望與Black重新搭檔
甚至問過他要不要一起參加草地賽季 但他說Black"完全否決了"
"我們的目標不一樣 我不想要緊抓著世界第一不放"

Despite their veteran status, both have some good miles left in their legs.
They have been ranked No. 1 a combined 294 weeks and stand in second and
third place all-time. What they will do about the WTA tour’s year-end
championships is anyone’s guess. As a team they are second in the points
race and could conceivably qualify for Doha with a few more tournaments
together. That doesn’t seem to be in the cards. Since March, they have
played with various partners. At Wimbledon, Black is planning to play with
Daniela Hantuchova. Huber will partner with Fed Cup teammate Bethanie
Mattek-Sands and then hinted she would play with retired Lindsay Davenport
this summer. Both say they are looking for a more permanent situation. “I’
ll see if I can find the right person and hopefully it’ll come together,”
Black says. “I’m keeping my options open,” Huber says. Even success, it
seems, can’t keep a team together.

儘管他們都已經是老將了 但他們還有很多目標要繼續努力
他們合起來有294週排在世界第一 是第二.第三名
他們目前在Race排名第二 只要他們一起打幾個比賽 仍然有入圍年終賽的希望
但似乎不太可能 在溫網Black計畫與Hantuchova參賽
而Huber會與聯邦杯的搭檔Mattek-Sands搭檔 然後夏季會跟Davenport一同參賽
"我還在找能不能找到一的規的搭檔 希望很快就能步上正軌" Black說
"我對任何選擇都不排斥" Huber說
看來即使是成功 也很難讓一組搭檔繼續在一起


- 吉米威廉斯 《胖蝴蝶》

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-06-13T03:15
簡單來說就是完全撕破臉了 和平分手是假象
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-06-16T06:33
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2010-06-19T09:51
就連勝利都無法維繫搭檔 有時想想蠻讓人感慨的..真的是沒有什麼關係能長長久久的
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2010-06-22T13:09
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2010-06-25T16:28
推V大翻譯真是通順 這篇是好文
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2010-06-28T19:46
Huber說印地安泉輸求是個shocker 但他們輸的是潔然組合
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-07-01T23:04
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-07-05T02:22
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-07-08T05:40
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-07-11T08:58
跟詹莊其實也頗有雷同 科科
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2010-07-14T12:17
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-07-17T15:35
對Huber觀感變更差 這樣攻擊自己的前搭檔很沒水準
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-07-20T18:53
我覺得Huber講得太多 可以直接了當說我們不適合就好

海寧小克表演賽售票已創觀眾紀錄 邀金夫人見證歷史

Una avatar
By Una
at 2010-06-09T17:20
海寧小克表演賽售票已創觀眾紀錄 邀金夫人見證歷史 2010年06月09日10:34 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 北京時間6月9日消息,儘管小克因傷未能參加今年的法網,但這絲毫 不妨礙她與海寧即將上演的雙姝表演賽。官方統 ...

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