BJJ/MMA CAMP定案... - 綜合格鬥 Mixed Martial Arts

By Irma
at 2008-01-24T01:54
at 2008-01-24T01:54
Table of Contents
經過相關討論後 並考量大多數外籍人士春節期間無處去的情形下
BJJ/MMA CAMP的詳情如下(直接翻譯館方的來信):
Dates: February 8th (Fri), 9th (Sat) and 10th (Sun).
日期:2月8號(周五) 9號(周六) 10號(周日)---好像正是農曆除夕初ㄧ初二XD
Times: Each day grappling classes at 11am-1pm then 3pm-5pm.
時間:上午11點~下午1點 下午3點~5點
Instructor: Tommy Shih (Brown Belt).
Areas covered: BJJ gi and no-gi. Judo for BJJ. Open guard. Guard passing.
Escapes. Submissions.
教學內容:BJJ著道服及無道服. 柔道技巧在BJJ的應用. 開啟以及越過下位防禦.
脫逃. 壓制等
Levels: All levels. We will divide the class when neccessary.
分級:所有級別. 必要時會視體重分組練習
Fee: A mere 1000 NT for the three days!!!
Location: The Forge, Kaoshiung
and Judo hall.
Accomodation:1.You are welcome to stay at the forge free of charge.
2.With regards to striking,this camp will be focusing on grappling
However you are welcome to use the Forge to practise striking in
the evening, after 5pm.
欲報名參加者email至[email protected]或於BBS回覆於我即可
All Comments

By Freda
at 2008-01-25T00:23
at 2008-01-25T00:23

By Freda
at 2008-01-27T22:40
at 2008-01-27T22:40

By Gary
at 2008-01-28T06:11
at 2008-01-28T06:11

By Anthony
at 2008-01-31T14:08
at 2008-01-31T14:08
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