Bittersweet Finale - 網球

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2006-01-28T15:01

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Bittersweet Finale

The Australian Open 2006 ended in a bittersweet note when Justine was unable
to continue play due to illness. On the edge of tears, she could fight no
more, and retired the match in the second set 0-2 to Amelie Mauresmo.

The match started with Amelie on serve, and then Justine dropping 4 of her
service games. The Frenchwoman directed all of her shots to the Belgian's
forehand. The unforced errors were flying left, and right from Justine.
Things were unravelling for the Australian Open 2004 champion, as coach
Carlos signalled for Justine to stop the match. Amelie confidently marched to
take the set 1-6.

A very somber mood cloaked Rod Laver Arena, as they nervously awaited the
return of Justine, from a mini bathroom break before the start of the second
set. Justine started on serve, and asked the chair umpire for a medical
timeout. The Belgian was unwell, with stomach, and headache problems. Justine
was back on court, and after trying to play two games, she was unable to give
anymore to the match. The final score 1-6 0-2 retired.

"I'm feeling very disappointed for sure to end the tournament this way,"
explained Justine with tightened voice, and tears. "I am feeling very sick
and I couldn't stay longer and continue so I'm sorry about that. It is
impossible to play thus. I make a point of congratulating Am?lie for its
first title in Large Slam, until it waits since so many years. Thank you for
your support, thank you with my coach, my entourage and the next year ,"
concluded a sad, disappointed Justine.

After three wonderful weeks full of happiness, fantastic, and breathtaking
tennis, Justine had no choice, but to leave the final match. It's the way of
sports; beauty and suffering are never far from each other. More detail, and
news later on about Justine right here at

唉 好難過 都打決賽了 怎麼會有這種事情出現?
Henin真不小心 ...不過momo太強運囉 簽運超好且碰三個對手都出問題

Tags: 網球

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[宜家] the Family Man --- Andre in Miami

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2006-01-28T13:40
※ [本文轉錄自 Agassi 看板] 作者: ouch (Soma) 看板: Agassi 標題: [宜家] the Family Man --- Andre in Miami 時間: Thu Jan 26 23:27:48 2006 帶著全家人在邁阿密看NBA(熱火對國王) ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2006-01-28T12:55
讓人難以接受的結果 從Henin第一局一發全沒進就知道她狀態有點糟 接下來接連的unforced error讓她很快的以1:6輸掉第一盤 第2盤開打沒多就Henin就申請trainer跟醫生進場 接著打了2球便因為身體不適退賽 很可惜 今年看到第一場Henin的比賽居然以這樣的結果落幕了 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2006-01-28T12:33
雖然我還沒有填過版友名單 但這個時刻我實在忍不住上來發文章 其實我一直都有在看henin版 畢竟henin是我最欣賞也最喜歡的球員 所以很高興有她的個人版 比較失望的是henin版一直都不是很有人氣 ------------------------------------------------- ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2006-01-28T12:24
Womenand#39;s Singles - Finals Retired Henin-Hardenne (BEL) (8) 1 0 Mauresmo (FRA) (3) 6 2 -- 雖然結果很難受 但還是要有始有終 -- ╭═══════╦════════ ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2006-01-28T12:20
大家都瞭解到妳盡力了,以妳那堅強的求勝意志, 是不會輕易棄賽的,從賽前好像有吃藥,到最後一發整個散掉了, 想必一定忍痛了很久吧! 看到henin流下不甘心的淚水,真令人難過, (我的P幣Q.Q) 希望Henin好好保重身體,健康的He ...