"Big change" to be announced from San Antonio - 明尼蘇達灰狼 Minnesota Timberwolves

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2008-04-07T21:53

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NCAA president Myles Brand and NBA commissioner David Stern are holding a
press conference in San Antonio on Monday and are expected to announce a
change in the NBA's draft eligibility policy.

Brand hinted Thursday the NCAA and NBA had worked out a deal to create a
20-year-old age limit, which would keep the best players in college for a
minimum of two years.

The NBA adopted a 19-year-old age limit in its collective bargaining
agreement with the players' association in 2006, which prevented high school
players from jumping directly to the NBA.

This would essentially eliminate those "one-and-done" guys like Greg Oden,
Kevin Durant and Brandan Wright from last year.

The change may be in the best interest of both the NBA and NCAA. The NBA will
get a more experienced and skilled player (for every Kevin Durant, there are
dozens of Brandan Wright's not playing) and the NCAA gets to keep its stars a
bit longer. Imagine if Texas still had Durant or Ohio State had Oden? Would
UNC been exposed by Kansas like that if Wright had still been around?

The rule change really doesn't effect anyone currently.




Derrick Rose 10/4/1988
Michael Beasley 1/9/1989

※ 編輯: jerod 來自: (04/07 21:59)
wisdom8002:有確定嗎,沒看到比較肯定的字眼(沒看仔細) 04/07 22:03
jerod:http://bbs.hoopchina.com/read.php?tid=321284 hoopchina 04/07 22:06
jerod:不知道囉...參考看看 04/07 22:07
DonNelson:這...搞不好又會有訴訟案了... 04/07 23:00
Rostow:我覺得不會是今年就實施,時間點太急了像Jerryd Bayless這 04/07 23:15
Rostow:種才19歲然後已經宣布棄學+雇用經紀人,那這樣怎麼辦... 04/07 23:16
newest:orz 04/07 23:35

Tags: NBA

All Comments

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2008-04-08T19:17
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-04-09T16:42
http://bbs.hoopchina.com/read.php?tid=321284 hoopchina
James avatar
By James
at 2008-04-10T14:06
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-04-11T11:30
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2008-04-12T08:54
我覺得不會是今年就實施,時間點太急了像Jerryd Bayless這
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-04-13T06:18
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2008-04-14T03:42


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-04-07T21:20
哈哈...我又來佔版面了 ^^ 想問問看有沒有平常日晚上會在台大或國北師打球的? 好久沒打球了,我又一個人也很難報隊 我走路到國北師跟台大都只要5~10分鐘吧 不知道有沒有版友晚上會到這兩所大學打球的? 可以的話,偶而一個禮拜找各一兩天可以去找你們打球 我下班大概7點多可以打到9點半左右吧 還是版友們想大家湊 ...

Indiana 105, Milwaukee 97

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2008-04-07T18:44
───────┬───────────── Team │ 1 2 3 4 T ───────┼───────────── Milwaukee │ 25 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2008-04-07T17:34
嗯... 每次只要金塊輸球 都會有一大票人這樣說 可是我覺得...大家總要想一下 老大只有6尺+180磅的身材...(請允許我叫他老大...) 能在進攻端打得如此銷魂已經是差不多後無來者了吧... 你還要他防守守得好...不太可能吧 上帝是公平的 給你一樣東西就會拿走你一樣東西... 給了戰 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2008-04-07T17:02
從昨天開始就在悶 輸國王之後 總版就一堆人在酸,今天更是誇張 碼的明明一場比賽都沒有看 他還是可以給尼酸到比酸梅放更久他還是照吃! 氣死人 昨天一氣之下就把國王第2節的play全部拿出來鞭 一做就做到早上了(鳥叫聲 邊做邊看王建民 雖然棒球跟籃球不一樣 但是一樣的地方是:非勝即敗 快5點才睡,8點就起床 ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2008-04-07T16:50
事情是這樣的,上面那個ID原PO。 由於他的紋章樹不夠無法發文,故我代發了... 以下是他的原文跟問卷位址: ------------------------------------------------------ 各位NBAEasyChat的版友大家好 這是一份有關於運動用品店消費者行為的研究問卷 ...