Ball-girl looks belie Henin's domina … - 網球

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2007-07-03T06:44

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※ 引述《JustinWang (J'adore Henin.)》之銘言:
: Ball-girl looks belie Henin's dominance of the women's game
: Watching Justine Henin's latest procession against the 15th seed Patty
: Schnyder, two words came to mind: Roger Federer.


: Sean Ingle July 2, 2007 2:53 PM
: Centre Court, ladies finals day, 2001. Venus Williams, 6ft 1in tall and 12
: stone of muscle, against Justine Henin, eight inches smaller and three stone
: lighter. The mismatch many predict doesn't quite materialise - Williams wins
: 6-1, 3-6, 6-0 after a second-set wobble - but it matters little, for
: afterwards everyone agrees that this is the future of the women's game: power
: tennis played by six-footers with big, bludgeoning ground strokes.
: Six years on, however, it is not Venus, Serena, Jennifer or Lindsay who is
: No1 in the world, but the vegan-armed Henin, who at 25 could still pass for a
: ball-girl - until she puts racket on ball. Her cracked whip of a forehand is
: impressive; her rasping, can't-pause-for-breath one-handed backhand
: astounding.

六年過去 能在強力網球下生存
並且稱讚海寧的正拍 單手反拍

: Indeed, watching her 56-minute, 6-1, 6-2 procession against 15th seed Patty
: Schnyder - one of many on tour who has amassed a million-dollar bank balance
: by being a perennial fourth-round loser - two words came to mind: Roger
: Federer.

海寧橫掃Schnyder的表現 氣勢如同邁向五連霸的瑞士球王

: It's not as trite a comparison as it sounds. Both have a similar
: two-shots-ahead anticipation that makes them appear quicker than opponents;
: both have an all-court game which is rare in modern tennis; and both
: accumulate trophies with the speed of a rag 'n' bone man collecting junk.
: On that score Federer is ahead, but Henin is closer to him than you'd think.
: She has six grand slams compared to Federer's 10; 34 singles titles compared
: to Federer's 48. Her tournament record this year is better: 36 matches and
: just three defeats compared to Federer's 30-5 record. She remains in his
: slipstream. If she was five inches taller she might even be ahead of him.
: Really, Henin is that good. Certainly she deserves more praise for dominating
: her rivals despite being physically smaller and weaker than them.

大滿貫冠軍數 生涯奪冠次數 今年戰績
海寧 6 34 36-3
費德勒 10 48 30-5

假如海寧再高個五吋 說不定可以記錄上超前費大
沒錯 她就是這麼強
: How does she do it? Partly it's down to timing and technique, which allows
: her to generate the power to startle even the quickest opponent. Then there's
: her tennis brain and speed around court plus a relentless desire to iron out
: her weaknesses. These days Henin's first serve fizzes through the air at
: 110-115mph while her volley, according to one ex-pro I spoke to today, ranks
: alongside Amelie Mauresmo's as the best in the women's game. It wasn't always
: that way - something many on the tour would do well to learn from.
同時她的網球腦 場上速度與堅韌意志消除了他的弱點
: So far in this year's tournament, Henin has dropped only 14 games in four
: matches. But next up is likely to be Serena Williams, two-time Wimbledon
: champion and - despite her official ranking of seven - the second-best player
: in the world. When they met a month ago at Roland Garros, Henin matched her
: blow-for-blow, shot-for-shot, before triumphing in straight sets. But this is
: grass, a surface made for Serena's power tennis. Another huge test could
: await.
一個月前的法網遭遇 海寧直落二淘汰小威
但這次是草地 較適合小威強力網球發揮的場地

等拿到溫網冠軍會不會就詞窮了 XD

※ 編輯: wentasu 來自: (07/03 07:33)
gedo:熱心推~~ 07/03 08:17
lolancelot:推~辛苦翻譯 07/03 10:08
IceDennis:Henin其實真的有接近Federer了 那個大滿貫次數如果 07/03 10:49
IceDennis:如果是記為決賽次數包含 Henin和Federer就會差不多 07/03 10:50
pliuo321:感謝熱心的翻譯=D 07/03 10:58
mosquito305:真的很謝謝翻譯,期待一場好比賽,Henin加油! 07/03 11:45
shaubye:推優質體貼的翻譯 07/03 14:26
adorable:謝謝囉 ^^ 07/03 16:19
JustinWang:版大說「我愛海寧」 07/03 17:27
pliuo321:哈哈哈版大你幹麻自己講阿 07/03 18:04
JustinWang:這是笑點...hahaha 07/03 21:41
a9a99:謝謝翻譯喔~我上一篇是說 在貼原文新聞之前 前面提一點這 07/03 22:43
a9a99:篇新聞的大意 幾句話就可以 不是全部翻出來啦~ 07/03 22:43
linlingraf07:恩 !a大是好意提醒 !感謝 J板大貼文 ,w大的翻譯 ~~^^ 07/03 23:31
JustinWang:唉壓 好提議 以後就交給你囉 XD 07/04 00:03
adorable:XDDDD 07/04 00:05

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2007-07-06T18:26
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2007-07-10T10:23
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2007-07-11T05:02
Henin其實真的有接近Federer了 那個大滿貫次數如果
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2007-07-16T01:48
如果是記為決賽次數包含 Henin和Federer就會差不多
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2007-07-16T19:25
Una avatar
By Una
at 2007-07-21T17:25
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2007-07-23T06:16
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2007-07-24T19:00
謝謝囉 ^^
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2007-07-25T22:21
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2007-07-27T18:51
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2007-08-01T07:40
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2007-08-06T05:57
謝謝翻譯喔~我上一篇是說 在貼原文新聞之前 前面提一點這
篇新聞的大意 幾句話就可以 不是全部翻出來啦~
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-08-10T13:35
恩 !a大是好意提醒 !感謝 J板大貼文 ,w大的翻譯 ~~^^
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2007-08-11T16:33
唉壓 好提議 以後就交給你囉 XD
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2007-08-16T07:45

Ball-girl looks belie Henin's dominance of the women's g

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2007-07-03T02:18 Ball-girl looks belie Heninand#39;s dominance of the womenand#39;s game Watching Justine Heninand#39;s latest procession against the 15 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2007-07-03T01:51
大家別在主板太激動了 讓我們好好討論,即將到來的八強賽 (戰文讓我頭很痛~) 至少在這裡討論可以控制 目前另外一場的對手是成謎 上一篇文章很有趣,大家有空可以看完 Henin對於她的對手是誰,只帥氣的給了一句and#34;No commentand#34; 但我有點關心 如果是Hantuchova,那大家 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2007-07-03T01:19
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